April & May 2019

April & May 2019 Color Issue

April & May 2019
Color Issue


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one night last August, at the peak of service, we<br />

did. I ran out the kitchen, drove the car to Acme,<br />

cleared the shelves of basmati rice and drove<br />

like a maniac back to the restaurant. I was tailgating<br />

some guy in a black truck, and I hate tailgaters,<br />

but I couldn’t help it. He stopped dead<br />

in the middle of Lafayette, blocking me, and<br />

yelled out of his window... “Get off my ass, you<br />

asshole!” I yelled back, “I’m sorry! It’s an emergency!”<br />

He pulled right over and let me pass.<br />

Well, for me, it WAS an emergency.<br />

My friend Deanna, who owns the Red Store<br />

with her husband Lucas, was one of the people<br />

who had to wait a long time for their rice that<br />

night. Well, Deanna, this is why.<br />

If I thought I could get away with it, I would<br />

do away with tips tomorrow and increase our<br />

prices by 25%. But customers wouldn’t like it,<br />

and servers DEFINITELY wouldn’t. But, yes,<br />

cooks are usually woefully underpaid and they<br />

would benefit most if we did away with the<br />

tipping system. In our defense, I think we pay<br />

cooks more than a lot of people do.<br />

Speaking of prices, if you think Cape <strong>May</strong><br />

restaurants are pricey, consider this: most of<br />

them are open half the year, but they have to<br />

pay rent for the whole year. Trust me, very few<br />

of us are getting rich off this caper. The profit<br />

margins are wafer thin.<br />

But not as wafer thin as gas stations. Oy.<br />

And still speaking of prices... restaurant<br />

prices ARE going to go up by about 25% once<br />

the new minimum wage of $15 kicks in. Don’t<br />

blame us when they do.<br />

Cooking in a kitchen is very difficult. I think<br />

bartending is, too. I have a pretty agile mind, but<br />

it’s not agile enough to remember the orders of<br />

three or four different customers barking at me.<br />

Those people at the Rusty Nail on a Saturday<br />

afternoon in August or Cabanas on a Saturday<br />

night? They’re gods to me.<br />

When I shake a cocktail, my whole body<br />

shakes. Until that was pointed out to me, I didn’t<br />

realize how uncoordinated I was. So, yeah, I<br />

could definitely never be a bartender... though<br />

the Manhattans I make at home? They’re perfect.<br />

I’m not the type to feel sorry for myself but,<br />

maaaan, we’ve had a huge amount of bad luck<br />

and weird things happen to us since we opened<br />

the Filling Station last August. I hope we’re done<br />

with it. Enough excitement already.<br />

We have liquor now at the Filling Station.<br />

That’s a whole new ball of wax. I’ve been to a lot<br />

of bars and drunk a lot of booze in my time, so<br />

I’m not an amateur in this game. But there’s a lot<br />

to learn from the State of New Jersey when you<br />

get your hands on a liquor license.<br />

And I guess I never figured out how quickly<br />

you run out of booze compared to food. That’s<br />

been a learning curve.<br />

But making my first-ever cocktail list? That<br />

was surreal and a lot of fun. Felt like a kid in a<br />

candy store. I don’t mean I’m drinking the profits...<br />

I just like being surrounded by liquor. It<br />

appeals to my creative side.<br />

The best thing you can drink with a curry?<br />

Mango beer, which we have by the can. Next<br />

best is an IPA from Cape <strong>May</strong> Brew Co., though<br />

I don’t like hops, personally. And if you don’t<br />

like beer? Riesling wine is perfect. We have one<br />

called Kung Fu Riesling. Cool label.<br />

Speaking of labels? I chose our wine list<br />

100% based on how cool the labels were. So if<br />

you like the classics from France and Italy, you<br />

are going to be very disappointed — there’s not<br />

a single one on our list. But lighten up and try<br />

those cool Aussies — they always design the<br />

best labels. Besides, you can get the classics at<br />

the Washington Inn or Ebbitt Room. We always<br />

try to be a little different.<br />

Don’t mix red wine with curry. The spiciness<br />

of the red fights with the curry, and loses<br />

every time.<br />

Two people told us our Mumbai Manhattan<br />

is the best of its kind they’ve ever had. We<br />

added cardamom to the mix because, well, we<br />

Cape <strong>May</strong>’s original farm-to-table<br />


Dinner @ 5pm<br />

Please call to book<br />

609-884-5882 • 104 JACKSON STREET<br />

106 Jackson Street, Cape <strong>May</strong> « 609-884-5519<br />

exit zero 44 april-may

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