soft flowing words pilled in stanzas and little lines built and structed soley to rhyme sometimes not but to tell stories some how some relatable, some not but i do hope you enjoy as short as it will be.

soft flowing words pilled in stanzas and little lines
built and structed soley to rhyme
sometimes not but to tell stories some how
some relatable, some not
but i do hope you enjoy
as short as it will be.


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Burning Incense

“soft flowing words pilled in stanzas and little lines

built and structed soley to rhyme

sometimes not but to tell stories some how

some relatable, some not

but I do hope you enjoy

as short as it will be.”

poems with interludes and a blank page for you to writ what you feel

a special thank you to Phathuzuko Mbete who made the cover and came up with the book tittle

a special thanks to all my friends who encouraged me to write and compile this short book

I am Silindokuhle Banana and hope you enjoy this little treat.



We're Just Strangers

Okay, Okay, Okay

Just An Experiment

Maybe I Should Pick Up The Phone And Call Him

In My Head

I Used To Be Annoying (Interlude)

For Once

I'm Faking


Subconsciously (Interlude)



Is It

Sometimes (Interlude)

In The Dark

We Used To Love

Crowded Room (Interlude)

The Coming Out

Define Me (Interlude)

The Perception Of Beauty

The Perception Of A Perfect Straight Boy


The Operations Of The Mind And Flesh

Thin Air (Outro)


We're Just Strangers Anyway

we're just strangers.

hi there my name is goodbye

you'll probably forget me anyway so what’s the use in

saying my real name is Devon

I like your red hat, it reminds of the warning signs

I see flash everyday when I'm about to say 'I like it when

you act shy'

even though we're just strangers I felt

obliged to say you're pretty


but you'll forget that too in time.

I like the colour grey, it makes everything neutral

like its not white nor black

but maybe in between who knows,

I'm just delusion

I thought you should know,

I'm cool as an autumn breeze

that's a cheesy line I stole from some movie I watched

just so you could smile.

I like your beard and if we had time

I'd say don't shave it but you'd forget and do it anyway

and I'd be left saying

we were just strangers any way,

we were strangers anyway I'd say

when I get home and forget to call you after you give me your number

in the morning.

have you seen the new movie

I stole a move from there

so move with me.

it goes one two da-da-da

but I'd forget that in the next decade or two if we'd ever be together cause you'd forget to say happy anniversary,



now we're fighting with two kids crying in their bedrooms

you yell I hate you

and I scream the same,

broken picture frames mimicking a heart break

cause I saw you kiss her

even though you told me you were gay

and I kissed him cause I knew it would spark pain yes

he was your brother

and no I wasn't drunk

yes I saw you leave with her to a hotel and have sex she told me

and I'm aware you don't love me anymore

and it's still sore when I say it out loud but the truth is we,


were just strangers anyway.

and I still like your red hat

it reminds of the warning signs and the flashing lights,

they did tell me

we were just strangers any way.


let me rephrase what I said before


or can I restart and say it no more.

I think you're pretty when you're at your lowest

still pretty when they smoke you like the fag you are,

throw insults till

they beg you to stop and listen

"I'm a desperate human being in need of attention

hear my slurs and insults cause that’s what makes me stronger

when I hurt you the most."

okay okay okay

I now get it when I say I'm fine

I'm really not okay

and when I smile I cry

it's cliché and has been said but I'm not okay

cause I

jump to defense mode and

laugh along

they say nah he's good no need to not attack it's okay we'll just hide it behind jokes

jokes on you cause I know


yes I smile and say nothing

when they laugh and say dude it's cool we're just playing



but its not cool not O

but to them they just say kay

so hey okay okay okay

I get it. I gotta love myself first and deal with them later

so they say, okay



Just An Experiment

just an experiment

I sometimes have to pinch myself and realize that we're not dating, you're just experimenting

I'm your experiment,


and brew these chemicals,

tease me with your mind

when I give you head more than a beautician,

I'm your experiment

give me a rating

cause when I want to rate us

I hear my heart beat racing

and I say "calm down dear

you have lots of love don't waste it


cause he's straight

but his points not forward

cause he's experimenting."

at some point I lay on his chest

and he plays with my non existent hair

Ari Lennox fills the air

as thoughts are thrown around aimlessly

sloppy sex had a few minutes ago,

sweat mixed with his cologne smells like


maybe I'm already drunk

cause I had a sip

of his lips

maybe I'm high cause our breathes had intertwined

or maybe I'm in a state some where in this chemistry

maybe he loves me

or maybe I'm just an experiment

day 33 of being a test subject

can't say I hate it.

maybe this will pan out some more

maybe he'll venture into deeper curves than my body

maybe he'll discover the thick layers underneath my brown skin


maybe he'll expose me and tell me that this isn't real,

don't love me no



don't even think of it

I will break your heart and leave you in pieces

I'm picking up signals

transmitted by your heart but I wont listen

cause to me

you're just an experiment.

Maybe I Should Pick Up The Phone And Call Him

okay okay

it's been a while since I've talked to him and honestly it seems as if I'm the one at fault,

I mean yes we fought one two ten times

he was wrong I know it

that's what I felt deep down inside,

yes sometimes I was in over my head

heart on my sleeve

even though at times we were bad,

bad for each other,

bad for our health

but that’s the thing about addiction


it feels so good until you're dead.

maybe I should pick up the phone and call him

I mean its been one too many weeks

without him snoring beside me

or me calling him lazy

saying "pick yourself up"

and him teasing me

and I end up with a smile

I mean we promised

each other a life time

of forevers

but the problem with forever is

we force to feel whenever

cause we don't want to let each other go

co-dependent so its whatever

and it's so sad that

when I feel my emotions slipping

you hotspot me yours and I'm in my feelings once more

but what happens when you run out of love and can't recharge anymore

cause we can't just jumpstart

this thing like a car

we can't drive around love city when were



cause we might crash and

that’s that

oh well look at me rambling

cause I can't accept the fact that

I have to pick up the phone and call him

what will I say

cause I can't start with sorry

but hi

that’s a good way to see where we end

but maybe

just maybe for one last time

we won't say goodbye

cause I still have a couple of forevers

I want to spend by his side

so for now let me

let me pick up the phone

and call him.

In My Head

maybe it was all in my head

in my head I sleep all day

turn around and bask in the darkness of my


lonely tides

I sigh

as these blankets come and go like waves

they are loud


they roar taunting me that I'm

all alone

saying I can't smell your scent

cause you're gone

yet each time I close my eyes

I sense you looking at me,

I feel my feet move to the drum

of my daily activities

but inside my head, I sleep all day.

maybe I should've told you everything

yes, I'm not yet out in the open at home

no, I can't hold your hand and introduce you to the folks

yes, I'm in love with you but honey we can't go home let's stay at yours

and you're getting tired each time

I say no

so maybe

maybe you'd have stuck around if I opened up more.


I'm not a box but I have a fragile warning,


each time I look into my heart it's sore,

I try to think of ways to communicate

but the closet drags me in deep an

I fall in so much that I become a piece of clothing,

clothing my flesh wears every day

and as

I look into the mirror and see brown eyes

that you used to look at everyday

I see a stranger staring back at me

so I close my eyes and go to sleep,

in my head I'm asleep but

in reality I'm walking up and down

in these streets with a hoodie

hiding my face from grief.

I feel like you're still out there waiting for me

but how can you be so selfish

you wanted me to be out

yet I told you countless times I wasn't ready,

you knew what they'd say at home

yet you coaxed me saying well I can't stay if you're not ready



I could write ten things I hate about you

and still in half of them I know you'd be right

cause I say you're this but change,

as the sand in the hour glass drops

I too sink to the floor and let them walk over me

after they're done I pick myself up walk straight up to the closet,

be one with garments knowing I'll wear

another face tomorrow but for now I lie,

I fall asleep and sigh

in my head I'm asleep

in reality I'm just closing my eyes.

I used to be annoying (Interlude)

I used to be annoying

I like to think I'm no longer

annoying but who knows...


For Once

for once I want to be the one who pushes you away,

I want to be the one who'll say 'I'm sorry but let's take a break

break your heart back

and say


but in this game we never play fair

so for once

for once in my life I want to hear you beg,

beg for me to stay.

for once I want to hear you say 'it's my fault'

take blame for all the shxt that took place

and say 'please take your place right next to me'

cause up until now I've done the heavy lifting

whipped my own back

and asked for dominion

sat alone and asked myself was I never enough

yeah you'd say its dumb

cause we've never switched roles


and you don’t know how it feels

so for once

for once I don't want to tell you through tears

and blurry visions

I don't want to be the one saying let's see reason

cause I want you to be the reason

why I feel like changing every season

so for once let's switch roles

you go out every Friday


freaky Friday

is when you'll know how it feels

to stay at home.

you feel superior

gloat in the ego I boosted for so long

told you you’re handsome

and you'd reply with I know

smiled each time I said don't go cause that made you feel manly more

but no more

when we fight again I won't beg

I'll simply let you go cause this time around

I want you to feel how I felt

when you didn't beg me


not even once

so for once I want you to feel like me

for once I want to be the one that pushes you away

I'm Faking

I faked all my feelings for you so that I couldn't be single

I lied to you because they kept doubting me

I mean yes what they've been saying is true

but I've been in denial so long

that lies grew like a second skin

so thick that I didn't even realize

I'm sorry for hurting your feelings cause I was selfish

I kissed you under the shade of that tree cause I wanted to

it was under the shade as so to shade my shameless mistake

to shade myself and be kept in hiding

to try and make it believable

I didn't hate it no I didn't

I should've been honest but I wasn't

I was supposed to be out

as I was in the closet

and I’m sorry for using you

and for lying to myself


I faked all my feelings for you and yet you feel hard

I wasn't there to catch you.

you helped me though in more ways than one

you made me realize I had more layers to shed than one

I realized a lot yet I'm still trying to figure things out

I don't know how to say this

but maybe you'll here things in due time.

I've realized something about me

and I've spent my whole life trying to hide it from sight

I might be out but I'm still in the closet in more ways that one.



I'd be like Jessie J

and say "I've got all I need when I got

you and I"

but then there's no you and I

only me and I sigh

cause I've been walking in the dark

all my life and it has been fine


but songs like these make me think

how would I have made it

if I had you by myside

she say's

"when tomorrow comes I'll be on my


and for a minute I stop in my tracks

my feet buzzing in my sneakers

as I realize Jessie's right

she's talking about me

cause every tomorrow I'm on my own

and it's not the cliché sad alone

where I feel like oh my gosh no one loves me

but it's that numb feeling

like oh my gosh I'm all alone

and got to figure things out

I've never had a human flashlight

but the one I bought works just fine

but I'm also frightened


frightened of the things that I don't know

and yes the road is long she continues

but I've walked for miles too

and looked at the sky

the stars taunting me

shining and leaving me here with no flashlight

it's songs like these that make me realize that

what if I need my own flashlight to

so that I can relate

to the songs I hear every time.

Subconsciously (Interlude)

subconsciously I knew it was never going to happen

that's why I found myself rearranging my folders

mm memes

maybe I'd turn into one too



I stopped writing poems about acceptance because

I stopped writing poems about acceptance long ago

because it was no use

I'd never change the way they look at me

my family tried to pray for me

and I prayed for them to accept this truth,

I wrote acceptance poems till my tears

were the ink and I scribbled salt that

dried down to be blown by the wind,

because they'll just ignore it cause

not everyone is accepting

my gran told me everyone sins,

but this is the one sin

that can't be forgotten


and she knows that they'll always say

Adam and Eve

not Adam and Steve cause God makes no mistake

but I am no mistake

I've grown up reading the bible

and attending Sunday School everyday

that didn't change who I am today

and the bible always say

"God has big plans for you cause he knew you before you were born"

so if he knew me then honestly I'm no mistake.

I stopped writing poems about acceptance


they'll dig in deep the scriptures of the

old testament saying it's an abomination,

forget the new testament where Jesus said

love one another no judgement

but then again Christians are the worlds biggest

hypocrites cause they say no they'd never judge you

but eyes speak louder than words


they quote the same scriptures we've heard

I've been to church

countless times till I got tired,

tired of being looked at,

tired of hearing the whispers they think

I haven't heard,

tired of the subtle jabs I get every turn,

tired of hearing them saying it's a choice

and that each night I pray

my prayers won't reach heaven because I'm this way

but why does it seem that God answers

my prayers everyday

because when I bow down

and get on my knees I feel the connection

when I start with "oh heavenly father,"

I feel him holding my knee each time when

it wants to get up because

sometimes the voices cut in too deep

I'm in deep

and when I say Amen


I mean Lord let it be done

and in the morning I wake up feeling

at peace

but does praying and being gay

go in hand in hand

or is it just me.

I stopped writing poems about acceptance

because I accepted myself

I stopped crying myself to sleep

because they weren't worth my tears

because I found more peace when I'm content with being me

I stopped seeking their validation

the day I was happy just being me.

so I stopped

I stopped writing poems about acceptance...



I hate it

I hate how you make me change my mind

I hate how you make me insecure

I hate how you love me at night

I hate how during day you don't know me anymore

I hate how my feelings run deeper than the Nile

whilst yours can't run even a mile

and how you make me doubt my love

cause each day when your with your squad

you seem to snicker with them and call me fag

you don't even wince when I feel the pain

it seems as if you don't even care

but then you come back to me later at night

say sorry

or how you don't mean the harm

saying you're not ready to come out

I sigh and calm down as you kiss me

you lay me down and love me passionately

till I forgot

I hate how I wake up with breakfast in bed

you leave my dorm room and say you love me


and I smile instead

I hate how at that moment I feel happy and content.

I hate how you make me doubt my feelings for you

how you get jealous when I talk to other guys

even when they're straight

cause you say they'd take me

you emotionally blackmail me

and I take it

you let the tears flow down you cheek

waiting for me to wipe them

and take you back

I'm an idiot cause I do just that

you tell me you're insecure

and I hug you back

we lay for the night

and you tell me your childhood jokes

and I just laugh but when you sleep my mind is

in motion

you lay there and my head is up in the sky

in orbit

I realize I hate

how you make me feel

I hate how when it comes to you I'm weak


I hate the fact that I can't hold your hand

yet its been more than two months or weeks

since you said you love me

your friends know me as the college gay

but don't know how you touch me

when they're not there

I hate how you join in and not defend me

yes I get it your not out

but at least talk some sense into them

yes you're not ready but

I don't want to be constantly hurt

by the one person I too would never hurt

so sometimes I hate you

I hate how you make me doubt



sometimes I don't like being a boy

but I don’t want to be a girl either

maybe I don't even want to exist


just for once to take a break

In The Dark

I used to be afraid of the dark growing up

thought that there'd me monsters lurking

but my Gran would tuck me in bed

till I'd stop shacking

and then I'd fall into a deep sleep.

I used to think that in the dark

I'd be devoured and never to be seen again

it was just mindless thoughts we all had

yes we were children but

we grew up instead

I couldn't help it

you couldn't either

we woke up teens

and our fears left in the past,

well some of them.

I used to be afraid of the dark

cause I'd watch horror movies and think

they come for me too

I used to be afraid of monsters


but now the monsters are inside of me

as I reveal myself in the dark

there's no one here to judge me

so I throw my thoughts aimlessly in the air

I remove my mask and bask in space

the darkness gives me

I stay up at 3 am

and thoughts come running at me

I'm shot with arrows of questions


who are you in the dark

I lie

when daylight comes

but at night

I lay

in bed enjoying the warmth of the darkness

till my thoughts come to keep me captive

I think

I used to be afraid of the dark growing up

but not anymore

We Used To Love


We used to spend every evening curled up

in your dorm room watching sappy movies

you used to tease me saying I was a helpless


you weren't lying

you were the first man that

ever had me in a relationship,

I was cuffed,

I wanted everything I saw in the TV

just like Ricky and Lucy

that kind of love but

seems like ours was a one sided type of love.

We used to go out each Friday meet our friends

at the club

I'd be looking all sexy in my new skin tight jeans

you'd whisper in my ear

"How am I supposed to sane tonight with you like this"

I'd smile at the erratic beat of my heart

saying he's mine,

all mine but then

I didn't realize what happened till I lay tangled in bed with nothing

not even a note

I didn't realize till I left countless messages on your phone,


till your bros passed me on the road without even a glance,

till I saw you whisper the same sentence you

said to me when we first met,

was I just another conquest?

I'm so hopeless

cause I'd lay in bed and remember

we used to love or so I thought.

We used to go out to the arcade

play those silly games you letting me win each time and

I'd repay you with a kiss

you'd deepen it

and I'd moan out your name

I pulled away till you looked me with those

eyes and in a flash we were out

we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves

as I kept giggling at how

you made me feel

you trailed kissed around my neck

leaving hickeys on my soft skin

I'd close my eyes in lust

not realizing this was the last

time I'd see you,

thoughts came flooding to my head


when I last saw you

that week

I searched everywhere even went to

our secret hideout

my heart beat so fast when I saw you

with him

I couldn't bare to see you

so my eyes blurred my vision

memories came flooding back like visions

about us

how we used to love or

how I used to love.

I'd remember you teasing me about being a hopeless romantic

and the truth is I was

but not anymore.

CROWDED ROOM (Interlude)

I want to say that I see you and me

in a crowded room I don't

I see a thousand eyes looking at me

even though I feel your cold hand


holding my slender one

I don't feel calm

I hear each whisper as if they

were eerie sounds taunting me

they burn holes at my outfit that

I changed into countless times

wanting to change into my sweats and call in


I love you babe I really do

but when were in a crowded room I don't only see you and me

I see a thousand judging eyes

hiding behind fake smiles

in a crowded room I sigh, wow

The Coming Out

I used to think that when I came out to my family

it'd be on my own terms

we'd be sitting down having dinner and

I'd say I'm gay and like that I'd be out

but who was I kidding

my plan was to keep quiet

maybe after 2 or 3 years come out


see my home is very different from the one's I read


but my coming out

I wanted to make it mine and she took it away.

ever trusted someone with a secret and

thought they'd keep it

I was so stupid to think

that she was fine with it no


she wouldn't say a sound till

I heard my grandmother knocking on my mothers door

a bible in hand

read countless chapters and prayed

for me in the end

I thought to myself Dear Lord

if this is what you truly want

let it be made

but when I woke up I was still the same.

I thought I'd come out on my own terms

I was happy in the closet

I could match outfits and put on

a show for the crowd


I mean at home I was as straight as they come

but when I was outside I was as happy

as a butterfly with different shades of


I wanted to come out I really did but I knew

what would happened

she came out for me and I didn’t see it


I remember coming down for the Easter holidays

I was happy

I had just came from school

with a brow on fleek and a smile on too

but then she saw me

confronted me at home

told me I could tell her anything and she'd be fine

I cried as she spotted her own tears telling me

everything will be fine

she still loves me and she wouldn't tell a soul

she said she'd pray for me and I prayed

this stayed between us

but then

we all know the saying

'trust a rock than a person'


and I placed mine in her

I can't say it took the weight off my shoulders and I thank her

but it made me sink even lower

my life went from silent

to prayers to cast out this demon

I didn't want to come out yet

I had plans on my coming out

but she ruined everything

Define Me

“you can not define me”

You hear the way I walk as

the ground shakes with each stride I take

you see the confidence oozing from

myself as if a river was flowing in me

you try and pin point the things I do

sit and stare at my flawless face and try

to decipher who am I

why was I built so structurally different from you and him

why do I like specifically him

and not her


why do I have spit joy when

I open my mouth to tell you about

they he way he makes me feel

you try to understand the way I make you feel

but you can not define me.

You hear my laughter from a mile

as if it were thunder roaring

I slide with the tides and brush

of their comments

you wonder how strong can I be

to withstand the currents

I smile softly and you wonder

how do I do it

day in and day out

act so unbothered

you say if it were you you'd blow a fuse

beat them to hell and back

and you tell me that’s the only truth

I sigh and I tell you my truth

you then gaze into my eye

trying to see through my orbs and look deep


wonder how can I still shine


when they try each day to dim my light


you can't define me

you try me

but can not define me

The Perception Of Beauty


I wish I was

I wish I was beautiful

I wish my face bare

I wish I had no pimples

I wish I was so white I was considered innocent

melanin so dark that they confuse me with

the shadows

I wish I was seen

but sometimes invisible.

I wish I was tall


I wish I was short

I wish had big boobs

I wish tits as small as good

in this in world

I wish I was tree growing

further from the destruction

I seem to inflict on myself

I wish I'd stop cutting

and breeding rivers of blood

I wish I was like him

or even like her

I wish I had perfect skin

smooth as butter so he can trail

kisses right here


and near my mouth

I wish my nose straight

unlike my sexuality

I wish I had freckles or

glowed everyday

I wish the perception of beauty wouldn't

change everyday

I wish I could be called beautiful

even in a regular day


I wish I was called beautiful

and beauty was my name

The Perception Of A Perfect Straight Boy

don’t wear pink because that's the colour for girls

don't hold hands in public

they'd just might think your gay

and we don't want that now don't we

you have a reputation to uphold

and a girlfriend you should make love to

and her heart to hold.

don't cry or show fear

they'll say your not a man but a coward

don't cuddle or sleep in the same bed with your


your dad might get the wrong ideas and

others might say you're gay

don't even speak about other guys in an appreciative way

don't say he's beautiful

don't say his name


don't look too long

just look away

if its a girl then approach right away.

wear blue or black it suits you

wear this and that

they won't say your like him

with the pink shirt or say silly things behind your back


who rock's skin tight jeans

I thought straights boys didn't wear that

remember to drink a lot of liquor as

if it's water

make a fool of yourself

trust me they fall harder

but what ever you do

don't give them any room to say

or even suspect that you're gay


you don't realize the things you say

hurt me


you won't use your real eyes to see what’s really under the surface

you always tell me real lies till I believe and you make them hurt me

you say I'm real when it's just us but say something else when they come.

I heard you say you don't miss me

I heard you say I'm annoying and you don't love me

I remember the cuts your words left when you

said it all meant nothing

I wanted to punch you so hard

when you laughed at the joke they made about me

Tears fell on their own accord when you came back

as if I heard nothing

my hands trembled when I opened the door outside

and slammed it shut just like my emotions

my heart beats so fast when I realize

how many walls I broke down just to let you in

you trashed the place and stayed as if

this was an in

you didn't pay for the repairs of my heart

you just stood there and said I was dramatic

I wanted to show you flames

and then you'll see what’s really dramatic

I wanted to make you realize how you make me feel

but I was a fool to think


you'd open your real eyes.

The Operations Of The Mind And Flesh

I'm watching TV with my family at night

they're laughing at something he said

and I'm here only by flesh

they're repeating what she said

and I'm roaming my subconscious thoughts taking deep steps

I see the images of the TV flashing back and forth

and I'm in a state of who am I

when these questions pull me back and forth

I think to the conversation me and my granny had how

we move back and forth about how

do I not have a girlfriend yet

or do I have a boy

I deny both and she subtly tells me

do not dare boys and

we've been here before but

she's here to make sure that

I'm really not gay.

They shake when saying let's pray

we sing the same hymn as yesterday

we have no bible today but


my grandmother recites the words and preaches the same thing everyday

but this time she says something she said to me

God makes no mistake

he didn't create you this way

and my siblings pay no attention

but I knew that was meant my way

I sigh and pray anyway

saying the same thing she said,

he made no mistake so he made me this way

but anyway we say Grace

and continue with the show

I say I'm going to bed but really my thoughts run

race tracks and I'm more awake than ever

I take my phone cause I no longer use

pen and paper

write this poem down

and stay listening to the sound

of my heartbeat.

I'm in my head more than I am in the flesh

In Thin Air (Outro)


Every nightmare, Every fear

Every doubt, every tear

Will fade into thin air

Some day further or near

That is the end of Burning Incense, hoping my poems we're most enjoyable as they we're pieces which

I wrote at my most raw and some pieces a fragment of my life and a glimpse more than other.

I am Silindokuhle Banana or as Mellonic and this was BURNING INCENSE


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