Identity: 4 Voices

Exhibition catalog for Identity: 4 Voices, on view at the Craft in America Center from March 14 - July 3, 2020.

Exhibition catalog for Identity: 4 Voices, on view at the Craft in America Center from March 14 - July 3, 2020.


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“After completing the E.O. 9066 and

Wildlife projects, very heavy topics that

required a good deal of research, I was

ready to make something simple, pretty

and light. 2019 was the Bauhaus’

centennial celebration. I chose to look at

Anni Albers’ work because of her great

colors and patterns she incorporated

into her textile works. She is also one of

few women who are well known from

the patriarchal and chauvinistic Bauhaus

group.” -Maruyama

Left to right:

Wendy Maruyama

Tickled Pink, 2019

Polychromed wood

Wendy Maruyama

Autumnal Equinox, 2019

Polychromed wood

Wendy Maruyama

Yellow Window, 2019

Polychromed wood


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