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<strong>foodprint</strong> <strong>your</strong> <strong>footprint</strong> > algae research<br />

S<br />

is a bluegreen Cyanobacterium.<br />

It does not have a cell wall so it can be broken down<br />

easily and optimise digestion which can consume up to<br />

15% of our energy.<br />

p i<br />

r ulina<br />

With 64% it has the highest protein concentration in<br />

the plant world. It is a complete protein source, meaning<br />

it contains all of the essential amino acids for adults<br />

and children, so they can be absorbed quickly and entirely<br />

by the body.<br />

In 1974 the UN global summit therefore declared the alga<br />

the answer to world hunger.<br />

Spirulina contians a lot of Omega 3, many minerals and<br />

40 vitamins, especially all B vitamins that convert<br />

glucose into energy.<br />

The alga also helps the body release nitrodioxyde that<br />

smoothens muscles. This improves the vessel diameter<br />

- the variation in cerebral blood volume - so oxygen<br />

can get to the brain quickly. It also contains 28,5 mg of<br />

iron, carrying oxygen in our blood.<br />

Spirulina therefore is a real booster giving<br />

fast energy within 5-20 min.<br />

It helps with fatigue, facilitates decision making, increases<br />

speed of thought, mental focus and coordination.<br />

Consume it in the morning and as a snack.<br />

According to NASA 1kg equals<br />

1000 bags of vegetables and<br />

fruit with regards to vitamins<br />

and minerals, essential<br />

proteins.<br />

is green and technically a plant.<br />

It has the hardest cellulose wall on earth<br />

and therefore attaches to toxins like heavy metals,<br />

pesticides, radioactive elements and lactic<br />

acids (athletes use it a lot),<br />

detoxing the body.<br />

Within 2 h it will make you sober, pulling out<br />

alcohol.<br />

Consume it at night to support the brain<br />

washing out toxic particles<br />

while sleeping.<br />

The alga also has the highest amount of chlorophyl<br />

in the plant world which is the most<br />

important nutrient of green plants.<br />

Building the immune system, helping skin and<br />

hair health.<br />

Also it contains the highest tryptophan level<br />

in the world, an aminoacid precursor to serotonin<br />

(happyness hormone) and melatonin (sleep<br />

hormone).<br />

Chlorella as well contains a lot of protein<br />

with 50-60%, in form of all essential amino acids.<br />

c<br />

h l<br />

o<br />

r<br />

ell<br />


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