Open Access e-Journal Cardiometry No.16 May 2020

We should mention that Cardiometry is a fine diagnostics tool to assess heart life expectancy. Our experts, using Cardiocode in “red zones” in intensive care units, have confirmed effectiveness of noninvasive measuring of the hemodynamics data on the cardiovascular system performance in critical patients with different severity degrees. The medical staff involved had a possibility not only to monitor the state in each critical patient, but also to predict and control the progression of a disease. We are going to publish some results of this pilot study in our next issues. We should mention that Cardiometry is a fine diagnostics tool to assess heart life expectancy. Our experts, using Cardiocode in “red zones” in intensive care units, have confirmed effectiveness of noninvasive measuring of the hemodynamics data on the cardiovascular system performance in critical patients with different severity degrees. The medical staff involved had a possibility not only to monitor the state in each critical patient, but also to predict and control the progression of a disease. We are going to publish some results of this pilot study in our next issues.


10. Altai YA, Kremlev AS. Formation of an integratedapproach to the analysis processing of the measuringelectrocardiographic information. Bulletin arrhythmology.2020(27):155. [in Russian]11. Altay YA., et al. Comparative analysis of characteristicsof electrodes to estimate accuracy in recording longtermECG signal parameters. Cardiometry. 2019(15):63-72. DOI: 10.12710/cardiometry.2019.15.6372.12. Nemirko AP, Manilo LA, Kalinichenko NA. Mathematicalanalysis of biomedical signals and data. M .:FIZMATLIT.; 2017. [in Russian]13. Altay YA, Kremlev AS. Analysis and systematizationof noise arising by long-term recording of ECG signal.ELCONRUS Intern. Conf; Univ. Eltech, Saint Petersburg,Russian Federation; 2018.14. Makarov LM, et al. National Russian guidelines onapplication of the methods of Holter monitoring in clinicalpractice. Russian Journal of Cardiology. 2014 (2):6-71.15. Orlov YN. Electrodes for the measurement of bioelectricpotentials. Moscow: MSTU named after N.E.Bauman; 2006. [in Russian]16. Grigoriev EB, Krasichkov AS, Nifontov EM. Qualificationstatistical characteristics myographic interferenceelectrocardiosignal multichannel recording.Proceedings of the Russian universities. Radionics.2018(22):118-125. DOI: 10.32603/1993-8985-2018-21-6-118-125. [in Russian]17. Zhestkova YE. Increased noise immunity transducers:Dissertation. Penza, 2005. 24 p. [in Russian]18. Karanik AA, Gavrielok YV. The computer as asource of interference. Materials of scientific-technicalconference of students and graduates "Actual problemsof energy" Minsk, 2017. p. 37-38. [in Russian]19. Tompkins WJ. Biomedical digital signal processing.New Jersey: Upper Saddle River,2000.20. Miroschnik IV. Automatic Control Theory. Linearsystems. SPb.: Piter, 2005. p. 337. [in Russian]21. Bystrov SV, Wunder AT, Ushakov AV. The decisionsignal uncertainty problems in analytical constructionserial compensator in piezo control problem. Scientificand Technical Gazette Information Technologies, Mechanicsand Optics. 2016(16):451–459. [in Russian]22. Altay YA, Kremlev AS., Margun AA. ECG SignalFiltering Approach for Detection of P, QRS, T Wavesand Complexes in Short Single-Lead Recording EL-CONRUS Intern. Conf; Univ. Eltech, Saint Petersburg,Russian Federation; 2019.23. Kalinichenko, NA., Yurieva OD. Effect ECG samplingfrequency accuracy of calculation of the spectralparameters of heart rate variability. Information andControl Systems. 2008(33):46-9. [in Russian]24. Kwon O, Jeong J. Electrocardiogram SamplingFrequency Range Acceptable for Heart Rate VariabilityAnalysis. Healthcare informatics research.2018(24):198-206. DOI: 10.4258/hir.2018. Paarman LD. Design and analysis of analog filters:a signal processing perspective. New-York: Kluwer academicpublishers, 2003.26. Lyons R. Digital Signal Processing. Translation editedby Britov AA. Moscow: Binom, 2006. 655 p. [in Russian]27. Python Graphing Library, Plotly. [Online]. Available: | Cardiometry | Issue 16. May 2020

REVIEW Submitted: 5.03.2020; Accepted: 15.04.2020; Published online: 21.05.2020Review of the recommendersystems application in cardiologyKonstantin V. Kamyshev 1,2 *, Viktor M. Kureichik 2 ,Ilya M. Borodyanskiy 21Russian New UniversityRussia, 105005, Moscow, Radio str., 222Southern Federal UniversityRussia, 344006, Rostov-on-Don, Bolshaya Sadovaya Str., 105/42*Corresponding author:e-mail: camyshevrus@gmail.comAbstractThe article provides a review of the recommender systems applicationin medical field, cardiology, in particular. The concept ofrecommender systems is defined, the brief history of the recommendersystems development is given. The main types of recommendersystems and principles of their construction are presented.The advantages and disadvantages of the recommendersystem methods application in cardiology are identified. Methodsfor improving the recommender systems are proposed.KeywordsRecommender system, Filtering, Collaborative, Content, Hybrid,information retrieval, MRS, PEHCImprintKonstantin V. Kamyshev, Viktor M. Kureichik, Ilya M. Borodyanskiy.Review of the recommender systems application in cardiology.Cardiometry; Issue 16; May 2020; p.97-105; DOI: 10.12710/cardiometry.2020.16.97105; Available from: of the researchThis paper presents a review of the currently availableresearch in the field of big data, namely, softwaresystems, called recommender systems. To date, theprocessing of big data, in particular, the constructionof recommender systems, is one of the most promisingareas of informatics development. One of the fastestgrowing segments of the recommender algorithms applicationis the segment of medicine and public health.This review is relevant also on this basis. Novelty andfundamental difference of this review is its focus onthe implementation of the recommendations in thenarrower, but the most important branch of medicine,cardiology.IntroductionIt is not a secret that in recent years the Internethas developed by leaps and bounds: it generates vastamounts of data stored. The average user has to process,analyze and organize the data, and, above all,allocate the necessary information from the mass. Ofcourse, it is very difficult to do, because the necessaryinformation is lost among the large amounts of data.In connection with this, there are tools that can assistthe user in finding relevant data. These tools are calledrecommender systems. Recommender system is a softwarethat analyzes users requests to predict what kindof information will be of interest to a particular user ata particular time. Recommender systems show preferenceof the content for a particular user based on theinformation that the user considers relevant or basedon the processing of user’s data, such as his search queries.Recommender system made significant changesin the interaction with users. Instead of the generationof static data, the system changes, adjusts to the specificuser [1]. Recommender systems have the followingcommon characteristics: the system adapts to the individualuser; takes into account the current end-userpreferences, adjusting to them over time; constantlyfinds new information and offers it to the user. Dueto these properties, sites, based on the use of recommendersystems, are attractive to the user. Accordingly,recommender systems are interesting to the ownersof the sites themselves, because with their help theyincrease the attractiveness of the site and its content.Recommender systems have been applied in many areasof human life: search for information, commerce,social networks, medicine, etc.The main "actors" in any recommender systemsare user and item, i.e. the recipient of the recommendationsand the recommendation itself, i.e. the object,recommended to the user.The user is also a source of data about his preferences,on the basis of which the item is selected [2]. Ingeneral, the task of the recommender systems can beformulated as the "definition of the object, previouslyunknown to the user (or not used by him for anyIssue 16. May 2020 | Cardiometry | 97

10. Altai YA, Kremlev AS. Formation of an integrated

approach to the analysis processing of the measuring

electrocardiographic information. Bulletin arrhythmology.

2020(27):155. [in Russian]

11. Altay YA., et al. Comparative analysis of characteristics

of electrodes to estimate accuracy in recording longterm

ECG signal parameters. Cardiometry. 2019(15):63-

72. DOI: 10.12710/cardiometry.2019.15.6372.

12. Nemirko AP, Manilo LA, Kalinichenko NA. Mathematical

analysis of biomedical signals and data. M .:

FIZMATLIT.; 2017. [in Russian]

13. Altay YA, Kremlev AS. Analysis and systematization

of noise arising by long-term recording of ECG signal.

ELCONRUS Intern. Conf; Univ. Eltech, Saint Petersburg,

Russian Federation; 2018.

14. Makarov LM, et al. National Russian guidelines on

application of the methods of Holter monitoring in clinical

practice. Russian Journal of Cardiology. 2014 (2):6-71.

15. Orlov YN. Electrodes for the measurement of bioelectric

potentials. Moscow: MSTU named after N.E.

Bauman; 2006. [in Russian]

16. Grigoriev EB, Krasichkov AS, Nifontov EM. Qualification

statistical characteristics myographic interference

electrocardiosignal multichannel recording.

Proceedings of the Russian universities. Radionics.

2018(22):118-125. DOI: 10.32603/1993-8985-2018-21-

6-118-125. [in Russian]

17. Zhestkova YE. Increased noise immunity transducers:

Dissertation. Penza, 2005. 24 p. [in Russian]

18. Karanik AA, Gavrielok YV. The computer as a

source of interference. Materials of scientific-technical

conference of students and graduates "Actual problems

of energy" Minsk, 2017. p. 37-38. [in Russian]

19. Tompkins WJ. Biomedical digital signal processing.

New Jersey: Upper Saddle River,2000.

20. Miroschnik IV. Automatic Control Theory. Linear

systems. SPb.: Piter, 2005. p. 337. [in Russian]

21. Bystrov SV, Wunder AT, Ushakov AV. The decision

signal uncertainty problems in analytical construction

serial compensator in piezo control problem. Scientific

and Technical Gazette Information Technologies, Mechanics

and Optics. 2016(16):451–459. [in Russian]

22. Altay YA, Kremlev AS., Margun AA. ECG Signal

Filtering Approach for Detection of P, QRS, T Waves

and Complexes in Short Single-Lead Recording EL-

CONRUS Intern. Conf; Univ. Eltech, Saint Petersburg,

Russian Federation; 2019.

23. Kalinichenko, NA., Yurieva OD. Effect ECG sampling

frequency accuracy of calculation of the spectral

parameters of heart rate variability. Information and

Control Systems. 2008(33):46-9. [in Russian]

24. Kwon O, Jeong J. Electrocardiogram Sampling

Frequency Range Acceptable for Heart Rate Variability

Analysis. Healthcare informatics research.

2018(24):198-206. DOI: 10.4258/hir.2018.24.3.198.

25. Paarman LD. Design and analysis of analog filters:

a signal processing perspective. New-York: Kluwer academic

publishers, 2003.

26. Lyons R. Digital Signal Processing. Translation edited

by Britov AA. Moscow: Binom, 2006. 655 p. [in Russian]

27. Python Graphing Library, Plotly. [Online]. Available:

96 | Cardiometry | Issue 16. May 2020

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