Open Access e-Journal Cardiometry No.16 May 2020

We should mention that Cardiometry is a fine diagnostics tool to assess heart life expectancy. Our experts, using Cardiocode in “red zones” in intensive care units, have confirmed effectiveness of noninvasive measuring of the hemodynamics data on the cardiovascular system performance in critical patients with different severity degrees. The medical staff involved had a possibility not only to monitor the state in each critical patient, but also to predict and control the progression of a disease. We are going to publish some results of this pilot study in our next issues.

We should mention that Cardiometry is a fine diagnostics tool to assess heart life expectancy. Our experts, using Cardiocode in “red zones” in intensive care units, have confirmed effectiveness of noninvasive measuring of the hemodynamics data on the cardiovascular system performance in critical patients with different severity degrees. The medical staff involved had a possibility not only to monitor the state in each critical patient, but also to predict and control the progression of a disease. We are going to publish some results of this pilot study in our next issues.


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Table 1.

Mass parameters of some organs in endocrine and immune system in male rats upon exposure to EZh-2 device therapy in the

early post-immobilization period







Rat No.

Body mass (g)



Mass of

thymus (mg)

Mass of adrenal

glands (mg)

Thymus mass/

Adrenal glands

mass ratio

Mass of spleen


1 230 220 140 60 2,3 1500

4 230 220 145 50 2,9 1200

5 230 250 305 55 5,5 1500

7 250 245 125 60 2,1 1300

8 200 205 155 60 2,6 1400

2 240 palp.

6 215 palp.

3 225 195 85 80 1,1 2300

9 215 180 60 70 0,86 800

230 190 85 70 1,2 1800

by exposure to some specific resonance frequencies,

it is possible to restore their normal functioning. The

developers of the above mentioned device have carefully

studied and analyzed the resonance spectrum of

human ECG frequencies, and involving the data on

the Earth’s natural frequency background, they have

designed and manufactured a device to restore the resonance

frequencies of a membrane in a living cell. In

their experimental studies, the designers of the EZh-

2 device have discovered that a contactless exposure

of soft tissues in a human organism to some specific

broadband carrier signal frequencies, correlated with

the relevant types of adaptation reactions in a human

organism according to the concept by A.I.Shikhlyarova,

can relieve pains of different origin. Upon completion

of the deeper experimental studies, it has been

detected that after the above exposure the immunity

effectiveness is 3 to 5 times higher as compared to the

initial state. An assessment of effectiveness has been

carried out on the basis of values of ratio thymus mass/

andrenal gland mass. Table 1 herein below shows that

the value of this ratio, treated as a marker of the immune

system performance, upon completion of the

EZh-2 therapy has reached an average value of 3. This

is much higher than it is the case with any medication

therapy. And there is one more advantage of the EZh-2

therapy: no adverse effects are available.

The effective applications of the EZh-2 device

during several years have demonstrated its high general

efficacy: you can find more details upon visiting

site www.эж2.рф . It should be noted that the device is

user-friendly: it is designed for intuitive users at home.

The processes, which are initiated by an influence

made by some specific low-intensity electromagnetic

fields, are associated with genome expression. In par-

ticular, upon the above specific MF exposure, hypoxia

inducible factor HIF1α is initiated. As noted by E.I.Mayevsky,

in this case, as a result from transcription of

genetic information from hypoxia response element

HRE, a considerable spike-type acceleration of synthesis

of a number of adaptive proteins takes place. As

a consequence, glucose supply to the cells is increasing,

and glycolysis as main ATP source under oxygen

deprivation is activated, erythropoiesis and angiogenesis

are induced in hypoxia affected tissue regions. This

promotes the stable activation of anaerobic and aerobic

energy-crediting processes, provides more complete

oxidation of all energy-producing substrates and

removal of incompletely oxidized metabolites. So, we

may conclude that the HRE mobilization makes possible

to achieve the desired long-term favorable effects.

In this connection, we should mention that the Nobel

Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2019 was awarded

jointly to Kaelin Jr, Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe and Gregg L.

Semenza “for their discoveries of how cells sense and

adapt to oxygen availability.” They identified molecular

machinery that regulates the activity of genes in

response to varying levels of oxygen.

In our opinion, applications of the low-intensity

EMF resonance frequencies hold much promise. But

there is a challenging task to identify individual resonance

frequencies of viruses that is required to take

proper measures in supporting our natural immunity

and disabling any virus activity.


To finalize the statements and opinions presented

herein by our experts, who have a vast practical experience,

we would like to note capabilities and possibilities

of cardiometric diagnostics. The cardiome-

Issue 16. May 2020 | Cardiometry | 13

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