Open Access e-Journal Cardiometry No.16 May 2020

We should mention that Cardiometry is a fine diagnostics tool to assess heart life expectancy. Our experts, using Cardiocode in “red zones” in intensive care units, have confirmed effectiveness of noninvasive measuring of the hemodynamics data on the cardiovascular system performance in critical patients with different severity degrees. The medical staff involved had a possibility not only to monitor the state in each critical patient, but also to predict and control the progression of a disease. We are going to publish some results of this pilot study in our next issues.

We should mention that Cardiometry is a fine diagnostics tool to assess heart life expectancy. Our experts, using Cardiocode in “red zones” in intensive care units, have confirmed effectiveness of noninvasive measuring of the hemodynamics data on the cardiovascular system performance in critical patients with different severity degrees. The medical staff involved had a possibility not only to monitor the state in each critical patient, but also to predict and control the progression of a disease. We are going to publish some results of this pilot study in our next issues.


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companies have even made the implementation of recommender

systems its core business. In 2006, the Netflix

company launched a competition named Netflix

Prize, the purpose of which was to create an algorithm

of recommendations that could improve the outcome

of the current internal algorithm CineMatch in tests by

10% [13]. It attracted interest in the widespread use of

recommender systems and triggered activity, both in

academic circles and among commercial developers.

The winner was promised 1 million US dollars, that

shows the importance of recommender systems for the

sphere of information technologies. At the same time,

Google has developed its own system of news recommendations,

Google News. The system processes the

history of clicks made by users, and provides a recommendation

for a particular user. In the case of Google

News, news stories are regarded as objects of interest,

and user clicks as an assignment of a positive rating to

the news story. To the collected in such a way grades

the collaborative filtering algoritm is appled, and based

on the output data, a decision is made to recommend

one or another material to a specific user.

The beginning of the 21st century is characterized

by explosive growth in popularity of social networks.

Naturally, recommender systems have been applied in

them. Facebook has first implemented the recommendations

of potential social relations algorithms. Such

recommendations are somewhat different from the

product recommendations: social networking is largely

dependent on its growth to increase advertising

revenue, so the recommendation of potential friends

provide fast growth and network connectivity. This

problem is also called a prediction of references in the

analysis of network graphs. Therefore, the nature of

this type of algorithms is somewhat different from the

standard recommendation algorithms, but, in general,

the essence remains the same.

Classification of recommender systems

There are three main types of recommender systems:

collaborative, content-based, and hybrid systems.

Collaborative filtering primarily analyzes user behavior

in the past. Data on rates made by the user to any

items, form the basis for collaborative recommender

systems. At the same time, the type of rated items does

not matter, important is the similarity to user preferences

(although some of the characteristics of items can

be considered). The method is based on the assumption

that users are typically constant in their rates, i.e. if they

rated the item in a certain way in the past, they will continue

to rate this item as well in the future. Predictions

are made individually for each user, while processed are

data of multiple users. These predictions show the extent

to which the user is interested in the items which

have not been rated by him so far [14, 15-20].

The method of collaborative filtering, in turn, can

be divided into 2 submethods (approaches):

1. user-based, i.e., “based on the neighborhood”

2. item-based, i.e., “model-based"

The user-based approach historically is the first

and still used in most systems. When using the user-based

for an individual user selected is the group

of users similar to him. In the selection of recommendations

for a given user taken into account is a combination

of weights and rates made by the group of

users. To do this, each user of the group is assigned

a weight in view of the similarity of his rates with the

rates of active user. Users whose rates are as close as

possible to the active user ones, are combined into one

group called neighbor. Taking into accout the rates of

these neighbors performed is the prediction of active

user’s rates and on this basis the system generates recommendation


item-based measures parameters of statistical

models for users’ rates. To construct these models different

methods are used, the most common of which

are the following: clustering, Bayesian networks, latent

semantic model, Markov decision process, and

others. The models are developed using data mining,

machine learning algorithms to find patterns based on

the training data [15-20].

Item-based approach gives more relevant results,

as deeply analyze factors that explain the observed

rates. Better than in user-based processed are sparse

matrix, that contributes to the scalability of large data

sets. But, at the same time, there is a possibility of loss

useful information loss in connection with the reduction

of models .

The main problem of collaborative filtering is the

so-called problem of "cold start", i.e. the virtual absence

of data on new sites or users [15-20]. New items

or users are a big problem for recommender systems.

A high entry threshold is necessary, without knowing

anything about the user's interests, the recommendations

are virtually useless. To some extent this problem

can be solved by using a content-based approach,

which is known to use attributes instead of rates. In

addition to the "cold start” problem, we can also note

Issue 16. May 2020 | Cardiometry | 99

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