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Download PDF - Royal Australian Navy

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Abbreviations - continued<br />

DNR Director of Naval Recruiting<br />

DNRC Director of Naval Reserves and Cadets<br />

DNS-N Director of Nursing Services - <strong>Navy</strong><br />

DNSP Director of Naval Ship Production<br />

DNSW Director of Naval Social Work<br />

DNT Director of Naval Training<br />

DNTT Director of Naval Training Technology<br />

DNUR Director of Naval User Requirements<br />

DNWD Director of Naval Weapon Design<br />

DONMOS Director of Naval Meteorological & Oceanographic Services<br />

DONS Director of Naval Safety<br />

DSAW-N Director of Surface and Air Weapons - <strong>Navy</strong><br />

DSMP Director of Submarine policy<br />

DSMR Director of Submarine Maintenance and Repair<br />

DSP Director of Sailors Postings<br />

DTAN Director of Tactics, Action Information Organization<br />

DTXC-N Director of Trade and Exercise Co-ordination - <strong>Navy</strong><br />

DUW Director of Underwater Weapons<br />

DWRANS Director of Womens <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> Naval Service<br />

FFGPD FFG Project Director<br />

DCPD Darwin Communications Project Director<br />

FODP Follow-On Destroyer Project<br />

GMGID General Manager, Garden Island Dockyard<br />

GMWD General Manager Williamstown Dockyard<br />

GOSIEAA General Overseer and Superintendent of Inspection, East<br />

Australia Area<br />

GOSIVIC General Overseer and Superintendent of Inspection Victoria<br />

HDS Head of Dockyard Secretariat<br />

HYDRO The Hydrographer<br />

IADMIN-N Inspector of Administration - <strong>Navy</strong><br />

MA Syd Master Attendant, Sydney<br />

MAG MELBOURNE Air Group<br />

MPD Mulloka project Director<br />

MSD Machinery Spares Depot, Sydney<br />

NCDSPD Naval Combat Data Systems, Project Director<br />

NO <strong>Navy</strong> Office<br />

NOIB Naval Ordnance and Inspection Branch<br />

NOCNA Naval Officer Commanding North Australia Area<br />

NOCWA Naval Officer Commanding West Australia Area<br />

NOCQLD Naval Officer Commanding Queensland Area<br />

NOCSA Naval Officer Commanding South Australia Area<br />

NOCTAS Naval Officer Commanding Tasmania Area<br />

NOCVIC Naval Officer Commanding Victoria<br />

NOIC Cairns Naval Officer-in-Charge Cairns<br />

NPDGI Naval Project Director Garden Island<br />

PCPD Patrol Craft Project Director<br />

PNGDF Serving with Papua New Guinea Defence Force<br />

RANC RAN College<br />

RANRI, RAN Research Laboratory<br />

RANTAU RAN Trials and Assessing Unit<br />

RANMME RAN Missile Maintenance Establishment<br />

RANSC RAN Staff College<br />

RANTME RAH Torpedo Maintenance Establishment<br />

RFMF <strong>Royal</strong> Fijian Military Forces<br />

RN Serving with the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Navy</strong> or undergoing courses in United<br />

Kingdom<br />

RNZN Serving with the <strong>Royal</strong> New Zealand <strong>Navy</strong><br />

SAMR Superintendent, Aircraft Maintenance and Repair Sydney

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