this is my artbook to go with my fmp!!

this is my artbook to go with my fmp!!


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Hello! My name is Steph Ramos, I am a character designer and 2D artist. This

book will feature all the art and process that went towards making my FMP; a

small game made in Rpgmaker MV, as an alternative way to view and interact

directly with my artwork and portfolio.

I wanted to create a small game, over an animatic or artbook for my final

major project, since I wanted to challenge myself and attempt something that’s

always been in the back of my mind; I love to create characters but I feel like

I never get to truly show them off without having people directly talk to them

and let the characters speak for themselves.

Throughout this book, you will see the ideas that went towards final designs,

drawings and sketches which helped me design my characters, as well as other

places of reference I looked to, and the final in game art.

When I had pitched this idea for my FMP, I was going to make the game about a

mailman, or a messenger that documents monsters. I created this narrative with

traditional narrative methods in mind, having multiple characters introduce

themselves, a dilemma that makes them come off track. But because of this, it

ended up becoming more about the story and the narrative rather than my art and

showcasing my personality and portfolio. Initially, I planned to have four

environments, possibly loosely based around the seasons just to give myself a

theme or continuity, and then go from there with the characters. Here are the

moodboards for the characters, and some art I made towards this idea.



One of the only characters I fleshed out or drew was this mage, an old woman who

was part human part animal, in this case I chose a bird, since I felt inspired by the

idea of making her really fit in with her environment which was the forest. I wanted

to make her clothes look as though she made them herself from parts of the

forest, and give her a pouch with ingredients such as leaves, flowers and maybe

weird looking rocks or goop.


After spending so much time bouncing back and forth between characters and

references, I decided to leave the messenger idea and set my game in a small, self

contained environment where the characters feel quite immersive for how small

the environment is. I had spoken to my tutor and he mentioned possibly

basing characters on myself, my likes or dislikes. Initially, I really rejected this idea,

but then I thought about taking parts of my personality and exaggerating them,

which is how I came up with the idea for Max.

Then, I thought about basing it in a concert, since I just love being at concerts, and I

love how crazy singers or fans can get. I really liked this idea, and from the

get-go I found it really easy to brainstorm potential characters or environments,

bits of dialogue and parts of the environment that would really stand out or have

the most charm. I was really inspired by Paramore and most pop punk bands, but

also fictional bands like the Squid Sisters and Off The Hook, from Splatoon. As well

as most old video game soundtracks, most particularly Pokemon.

Max is a shy, introverted demon who works as a librarian during the day, but at

night is a rockstar and tears it up on stage! She loves retro video games, books +

loud music.

Going into this I knew I wanted to create characters that were very different

offstage + on stage. I liked the idea of creating a character with two sides to them

that contrast each other, and I found the idea of a loud, extroverted lead singer

being very shy, introverted and soft spoken outside of being in a band. I liked this

idea of first impressions, and would constantly think back to how in secondary

school/sixth form no one would really expect me to be the type to go to concerts

and listen to the kind of music I did.



I already had a vague idea of what I wanted her to look like in my head, I liked

the idea of her having horns and a little bit of hair in the middle to mimic the

“horns” hand symbol people do at rock concerts. But also, I just wanted to make

the band a band of weird but stylish monsters. So, I drew her over and over

again to get a feel for what I liked until I eventually landed on a few drawings

that resembled what was in my head.

So, first came the head and then the body. And once I was happy with those, I

did some poses to figure out her character, some expression sheets and finally,

a turnaround and some finish, polished drawings. This is my typical process of

doing a character.



Olivia, or Liv, is a fashionable snake-haired lady who runs the social media and

looks for the band, she’s the only one of the trio whose main job revolves

around the band outside of the stage. Offstage she’s very proper and always

looks like she’s heading to a really important meeting, but on stage she

changes drastically and lets go to be the fun-loving carefree person she really


Much like Max, I started the process of designing Liv with a moodboard and

then some sketches of her head, body and then the rest. Unlike Max,

however, I didn’t have a set idea of what I wanted Liv to look like, I knew I

wanted some diversity in my trio, and I want Liv to be tall whilst Max is very


I didn’t have much to go on for Liv besides I wanted her to be elegant and

fashionable, I was finding her character as I went along.



I love the gentle giant trope in films/tv/animation so I wanted to make the

drummer a character that had a big silhouette and seemed quite mean and

intimidating, but is actually very nice and emotional. I also wanted to challenge

my drawing skill, as I usually tend to lean towards small, round and feminine

characters. So I wanted to draw a character with a bigger silhouette and had

masculine features.

Some big influences to me throughout this project has been Foster’s Home for

Imaginary Friends, I love the designs of the monsters and the shapes, and I

just love how unique their personalities are.

Whilst experimenting with head shapes I was really focussing on the T

shape in character design, and really playing around with it to create

his character, I didn’t have an idea of what I wanted him to look like

but in my head I could almost see this character with a big silhouette

just sitting over his drum kit, so I tried to channel that.



Unlike the other, initial environments I designed, I found doing interiors a lot

harder. I found the perspective and symmetry of interiors a lot harder to

design, whereas with fantastical exterior environments I found it easier since

I could bend the “rules” a little bit and put more of my imagination into it. So,

when it came to doing these rooms I tried really hard to look at my references

very closely and look at key features of what made those environments look




I N - G A M E


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