Slipstream - June 2020

The monthly newsletter of the Maverick Region of the Porsche Club of America

The monthly newsletter of the Maverick Region of the Porsche Club of America


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Our response to COVID-19

A note from our Maverick Region President, Bill Kruder

Fellow Mavericks,

The Maverick Executive Board has worked closely

with PCA National along with local and national news

to monitor the COVID-19 situation.

As I hope you have seen in past weeks in all things we

do, first and foremost is the health and well being of our

members and their families, volunteers, and sponsors.

In this effort to Drive Friendships Safely we had to cancel

or postpone many events through the month of May.

This being said I am happy to say starting with June

we will begin to schedule our efforts once again, keeping

in mind things may look or feel different as we navigate

this “new” normal. For example, our June Mavs &

Mochas is scheduled with socially distanced cars,

every other spot. More outdoor events will occur and

other previously indoor events may be virtual. We will

continue to navigate the right blend as we go forward.

Again, I would like to emphasis feeling safe is what

is most important. Not everyone is ready to move at

the same pace so as you rejoin with other club members

be respectful with social distancing, wearing a mask is

suggested, and simply be sensitive to the opinions and

needs of others.

We will continue to update you as new details emerge.

Please check mav.pca.org for updates on our events.

Driving Friendships Safely,

William Kruder




Jimmy Gallegos

JimmyG is coming up on his sixth year as a PCA member. He has always been

a friendly face helping out at a lot of club events. You’ll always see him greeting

fellow Mavs with a handshake, fist-bump, or high-five. JimmyG knows the hard work

involved making our events such a success. He is a big part of those successes.

I knew I had big shoes to fill when I took over the Volunteer Chair from him two

years ago. Just because he was no longer the chairperson didn’t stop him from always

lending a hand when needed. Many of you have stopped by the Mavs & Mocha tent

to see what goodies are displayed on the table or to grab a donut and coffee. Well, I

want you to know that tent doesn’t set itself up. Jimmy has been the club’s point person

for picking up the support Macan from Park Place Porsche Dallas each month, loading

up the tent and table, and getting it to our locations bright and early each month.

In coordination with Mavs & Mochas, JimmyG has been the front man for our

club’s quarterly Food Drive for the North Texas Food Banks. JimmyG makes sure we

have the boxes to load up the donated dry food and canned goods and delivers them

to the food bank. If that doesn’t already sound like a lot, JimmyG recently stepped

into the Charity Chair position to deal with all of the charitable organizations that

our club partners with. These are some of the greatest examples of how our club stays

Fueled By Volunteers. Please join me in Congratulating JimmyG as our Maverick of

the Month.


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