
June 2020 Peebles Old Parish Church Magazine

June 2020 Peebles Old Parish Church Magazine


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1. To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom;

2. To teach, baptise and nurture new believers;

3. To respond to human need by loving service;

4. To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge

violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation;

5. To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and

renew the life of the earth.

As if this weren’t challenge enough the Assembly Trustees state that it should

be noted that the criteria above were set out before the advent of the

pandemic; consequently, the challenges and opportunities are now of a

different magnitude. In this regard, the Trustees have given consideration to

the changing variables which are being faced as a result of lockdown. The

Trustees estimate that congregational income could be reduced by £30m in

2020, representing one-third of that income, through the absence of Sunday

services, weddings, hall lets and fundraising. This is however very much

dependent on the length of lockdown and how any phased easing of lockdown

affects Church activities and how members and others respond in support of

their local congregation. Each congregation is likely to be impacted

differently. An element of this income, as yet unknown, will be a permanent

loss, impacting on activities in 2021 and beyond.

This, then, is the context in which we find ourselves in Peebles and Eddleston

preparing for the next chapter of linkage with Stobo and Drumelzier and the

calling of a new minister. These are changing and challenging times indeed,

but already we have been trying new things and learning new ways. At time

of writing I have had three successful Zoom meetings. A few weeks ago I had

never heard of ‘Zoom’. I also acknowledge a debt of gratitude to Willie Nicoll,

whose IT skills have enabled Holy Week and Sunday services to continue online,

with kent local voices, images, music and not forgetting the sound of the

Peebles church bells and the playing of organ voluntaries. These weekly

offerings of worship are being appreciated around the world, as well as


Please then continue to support the work of our local congregations in these

uncertain times - through your prayers, your encouragement and your

offerings, celebrating and helping to deliver the five marks of mission.

Grace and peace be with you all,

Finlay Macdonald, Interim Moderator.

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