
June 2020 Peebles Old Parish Church Magazine

June 2020 Peebles Old Parish Church Magazine


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Vacancy matters

Finlay Macdonald

This year, for the first time in over three centuries, there was no meeting of

the General Assembly.

Throughout the seventeenth century the Kirk swung between presbyterian

and episcopal government and between 1652 and 1690 no General

Assemblies were held. The latter year saw the restoration of presbyterianism,

including the first Assembly in 38 years. An intriguing footnote of history

records that, in the interests of continuity, the 1690 Assembly was

constituted by the moderator of 1652, by then a very old man. One of the

Assembly’s first tasks was to appoint a new and younger moderator. Let’s

hope that Martin Fair, the present moderator, doesn’t have to wait 38 years

to introduce his successor.

A year ago the 2019 Assembly adopted radical changes for more efficient

governance through the appointment of a body of Assembly trustees charged

with delivering root and branch reorganisation and the determining of

priorities for the future. Unable to report this year in the normal way the

trustees delivered their initial findings through an on-line webinar streamed

on Friday 22 May.

Here are some of these findings:

Scale back or stop work where it is clear that there would be greater

benefit through working in partnership with charities or agencies

already working in specialist areas;

Stop areas of work where there is no clear benefit to the life of the

local church;

Stop work which does not provide some clear measure of support to

those in the ministries of the church or to those engaged in

resourcing the life of the local church;

Examine the outcomes in relation to all projects and partnership

work, and scale back or stop work which does not justify the current

resource allocation.

They continue:

As an overall yardstick the Trustees have had in mind the need to

appraise work by reference to one or other of the first three of the five

marks of mission which have gained widespread ecumenical

acceptance. The fourth and fifth marks are of great importance but,

especially in a time of crisis, only in conjunction with the first three:

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