
June 2020 Peebles Old Parish Church Magazine

June 2020 Peebles Old Parish Church Magazine


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Pastoral letter

June 2020

Dear Friends

I need a barber! And a dentist! (Those who follow peeblesold.online will have

noticed that I have lost a crown.) And a chiropodist, and someone who can

operate on my mobile phone). Such are the ongoing frustrations of the

coronavirus. On the positive side. I’ve used hardly any petrol, and I haven’t

been to an ATM in ages.

Of course, these things are utterly trivial compared to the heartbreak,

suffering and loss that COVID-19 has wreaked on our lives. I was pondering

this morning. I was born and brought up in Dumfries, a busy traditional

Scottish county and market town. The UK death toll from the virus has now

exceeded the population of Dumfries. A whole town wiped out and more.

Some of the deaths have affected us even more closely and deeply. And when

we take into account the many who have been ill and recovered, the majority

of us will know folk who have had to fight the virus.

Add to all that the worries about jobs, unemployment, schools, the economy

generally it is a heavy burden our society is having to deal with. What surprises

most is the speed with which our ways of life have been comprehensively

changed. We all wonder, I think, will the old ways return? Perhaps not all of

them will. Perhaps some of them should not.

Which of us wholeheartedly embraces change? Very few. It’s part of the

human condition to be wary of disturbance around us. And yet our survival as

specks on the panorama of the universe depends on gradual restoration and

transformation. Our Scriptural record shows it. Jeremiah stood at the Temple

gate and said: “Look for the ancient paths”! Restoration! The same prophet

also warned the people not to think that by chanting “This is the temple of the

Lord…the temple of the Lord….the temple of the Lord” that they would be

saved. Transformation!

That’s where we are. Perhaps where we have always been. Finlay Macdonald,

elsewhere in the magazine, will be saying something about the current

thinking of the Church of Scotland - which had begun a process of deep selfexamination

when Covid-19 came along.

Here in the Old Parish and in Eddleston we are following the rules carefully.

We do not want to put anyone in any kind of danger. So many things in our

corporate life have been put on hold. In worship terms, we produce a new set

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