
June 2020 Peebles Old Parish Church Magazine

June 2020 Peebles Old Parish Church Magazine


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Parish outreach

Foodbank donations have been an important part of our parish outreach for the

past five years and the need for financial donations is now even greater.

In the past, activities such as Eddleston’s Bite and Blether, and the Stobo

Community coffee mornings have generated sizeable and regular donations to the

Foodbank along with other fundraising efforts throughout the county.

Stobo Community Coffee mornings

It was suggested about 18 months ago

at a Kirk Session Meeting that we

should be doing more to support our

local community. We decided to hold a

coffee morning in Stobo Village Hall on

20th April 2019 to ask people in the

Stobo and Drumelzier Parish what kind

of support the church could offer them.

People came up with a number of

suggestions but there seemed to be

overwhelming support for a regular

coffee morning and local people were

keen that the village hall should be used on a regular basis. The Kirk Session

decided that we would organise a monthly coffee morning on the second Saturday

of the month in Stobo village hall. The aim would be to charge just a small

amount, £2.50 for coffee and cakes. We wanted to provide a social occasion for all

local people but also to welcome people from nearby villages and Peebles and

anyone who just happened to be passing - cyclists or people on holiday. We

decided that if we all sat at one table everyone would feel included in the

conversation so they would feel comfortable if they happened to come on their own

or if they did not know anyone who was there. Volunteers provide home baking

and coffee is provided by the village hall committee. We also wanted to provide

financial support to a local initiative that was making a difference in the lives of

local people and we decided that we would like to commit ourselves to providing a

regular sum of money to help fund the Peeblesshire Foodbank. Our Treasurer

suggested that the church should donate money from existing church funds. The

Kirk Session agreed that we should provide £50 every month and we would also

donate the funds raised

through the coffee morning.

Attendance at the coffee

mornings varies enormously;

sometimes there is just a

handful of people but at other

times we have had nearly 30


In 2019 £719 was donated to

the Peeblesshire Foodbank and

so far in 2020, £356 from

Stobo Kirk.

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