GPS June 2020

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President’s Message

Rudi Anders

Dues Are Due

Jerry Jensen, our Zoom commander, ably hosted

our just concluded Annual meeting of the GPS Board of Directors. We

had almost perfect attendance, I hope we can fix that for our next meeting,

planned for September 2020. The two hour meeting allowed us to

focus on membership retention and our budget. I hope the Board can

continue to meet via Zoom every 3 or 4 months because we can adjust to

unforeseen contingencies more quickly. These meeting will also allow us

to work more effectively by not being time-constrained to 2 hour per year.

Membership: As I’ve written in past months, we do not want to

raise dues. The GPS Board of directors agreed. The implications are

that we will not cover our costs with dues – no surprise, because we’ve

not done that for years. But if membership declines…. ? So it’s obvious

that we ALL must work to keep members. Elsewhere in this issue

you’ll find the Dues Envelope and a statement concerning membership

options. Please find that envelope today, write a check or pay via PayPal.

That helps us by not having to contact you again and it prevents you from

forgetting to renew or losing the envelope.

Budget: Since last June, we have been fortunate in raising $11K in

direct donations and over $8K via donation auctions. We’ve taken steps

to reduce costs by going from 12 to 10 issues of the Specialist and do not

have some start-up costs we had in the past year. But we still anticipate

a shortfall of $10K to $12K. As noted above, the Board has agreed to not

increase dues nor cut Specialist costs by further reducing the number of

issue. So we will continue to ask for donations and continue our donation

auctions and sales. We will also provide an incentive:

The GPS Board has decided to donate at least $3,000 in matching

funds to members who send donation with their dues. So please help – do

your part and your gift will be matched by our gift.

Thanks: This is also a good time for me to express my thanks to the

GPS Board and officers for their work. I’m reminded that when I joined

the Society one of the perks of being on the Board was that its members

received – at the very least a reimbursement for their hotel costs. Ah, the

good old days – that ceased in about 1992. So consider that these folks


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