GPS June 2020

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built. Every building had to look clean and tidy. Livestock production

and farming were intensified. A very extensive educational program was

started, comprising lectures and speeches as well as theater and music

performances. Sloboda developed into a cultural center where farmers of

the neighborhood met, fairs were held and films shown. There was also

an education center for Red Army soldiers who had deserted or had been

captured and were encouraged to collaborate with the Germans as native

propagandists. Cars with loudspeakers on the top – a favorite propaganda

instrument of the Germans – frequently visited the “Musterhof”

(paragon farm) of Sloboda. Leaflets and posters were distributed and

propaganda lectures held. Sloboda was meant to become a shining example

of successful farming under German protection. To strengthen the

effectiveness of the propaganda, a mobile exhibition lorry with trailer

was built that had 14 showcases displaying little models of Russian

houses after German restoration (Images 7a &7b) (The lorry is important

because the original painting that was copied for the design of the

10 roubles stamp was shown in one of the showcases (Images 8a & 8b).

Images 7a & 7b. (7a).

The exhibition lorry

with seven showcases

jutting out on

both sides of the car

and trailer. The lorry

is inscribed on top

in German “Hilf mit

am Aufbau deiner

Heimat!” (Contribute

to the construction

of your homeland!).

The propagandists

didn’t care that

almost nobody of

the local population

would understand

the German wording.

(7b). The

interior of the exhibition

lorry. Note

the Hitler poster

at the rear wall.

These posters

inscribed “ГИТЛЕР


(Hitler the Liberator)



(Hitler the Rescuer) in Russian or Ukrainian were used in propaganda campaigns all

over the occupied territories.


German Postal Specialist

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