Prevention and combating cyber bullying and internet violence among youth

This manual is developed as part of the project: “Prevention and combating cyber bullying and internet violence among youth”. Manual presents 10 educational workshops, each in duration from 45 to 90 minutes. Workshops are developed in a way that they can be used by trainers, facilitators, pedagogues, teachers; in training courses, educational sessions, camps, school classes, extra curricula activities etc.

This manual is developed as part of the project: “Prevention and combating cyber bullying and internet violence among youth”. Manual presents 10 educational workshops, each in duration from 45 to 90 minutes. Workshops are developed in a way that they can be used by trainers, facilitators, pedagogues, teachers; in training courses, educational sessions, camps, school classes, extra curricula activities etc.


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Prevention and combating cyber bullying and internet violence among youth

– manual for youth workers –

Aim of each of the workshops is not to change opinion or attitude of a participant, but rather to

present new angle of seeing things and make participant think about his or her attitudes and

previous behaviours. For that reason, we are using non-formal education as an approach to work

with participants on given topics.

Non-formal learning takes place outside formal learning environments but within some kind of

organisational framework. It arises from the learner’s conscious decision to master a particular

activity, skill or area of knowledge and is thus the result of intentional effort. But it need not

follow a formal syllabus or be governed by external accreditation and assessment. Non-formal

learning typically takes place in community settings: youth club, association, organisation,

sports clubs of various kinds for all ages, reading groups, debating societies, amateur choirs and

orchestras, and so on.

1.2.1. Methods that are present in the manual

In this manual we have used many methods aiming to involve participants in the topic as much

as possible. Below we are presenting some of the methods that we used, but also some

additional methods that you can use in work with groups. We have provided description of the

methods, characteristics of each of the method, suggestion when to use it and what are the

specific limitations of each of the methods.

These, and much more methods can be found in Educational Toolkit for Teachers, developed

by Predstavništvo CARE Serbia in Belgrade, 2018. (p. 316. – 320.)

Method Characteristics Description When to use Limitations

Lecture Telling the

group on the

basis of preprepared

materials or


The leader

represents the

topic to the



Discussion of a

problem that is

common to all

members of a

The leader

represents the

topic to the

group/club. The


participants are

already familiar

with the topic

and when the

group is large


members). Also,

when a large

amount of

information is

concerned, it

requires a


This method

can be applied


participants are

This method is

least effective,



remember the


information and


applications in

practice. Also,

listeners can

quickly lose

their attention.

There is a

possibility that

not everyone

will be equally


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