Prevention and combating cyber bullying and internet violence among youth

This manual is developed as part of the project: “Prevention and combating cyber bullying and internet violence among youth”. Manual presents 10 educational workshops, each in duration from 45 to 90 minutes. Workshops are developed in a way that they can be used by trainers, facilitators, pedagogues, teachers; in training courses, educational sessions, camps, school classes, extra curricula activities etc.

This manual is developed as part of the project: “Prevention and combating cyber bullying and internet violence among youth”. Manual presents 10 educational workshops, each in duration from 45 to 90 minutes. Workshops are developed in a way that they can be used by trainers, facilitators, pedagogues, teachers; in training courses, educational sessions, camps, school classes, extra curricula activities etc.


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Prevention and combating cyber bullying and internet violence among youth

– manual for youth workers –

Workshop 9: Assess the situation

Duration of the workshop: 90 minutes

Materials needed: Flipchart paper, regular pieces of paper, pens/pencils, tape, and copies

of Workshop 9 resource sheet.


Discuss and practice negotiation skills and skills for resolving conflicts that can be useful when

we talk about cyber bullying and online violence.

Guide for facilitator

Before the session, prepare two pieces of flipchart paper with data from the Workshop

9 resource sheet.

Conduct a brainstorming activity with the participants about usual conflict scenarios

that they face in their relationships and community, but in online world. Prompt participants to

think about different types of relationships such as between partners, parent/child,

boss/employer, neighbours, etc.

Divide the participants into small groups. Give each group one of the conflict scenarios,

which you have brainstormed in the previous step.

Display the flipchart paper titled “Ways to resolve a conflict” and explain that each

group should write a short skit to explain how they would use one of the methods from the

flipchart to resolve their conflict scenario.

Invite the groups to present their skit and ask the participants to identify different

methods of conflict resolution.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different methods with the participants.

Display the flipchart paper titled “Four steps of successful negotiation with a positive

outcome for both sides (Win-Win)“.


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