Prevention and combating cyber bullying and internet violence among youth

This manual is developed as part of the project: “Prevention and combating cyber bullying and internet violence among youth”. Manual presents 10 educational workshops, each in duration from 45 to 90 minutes. Workshops are developed in a way that they can be used by trainers, facilitators, pedagogues, teachers; in training courses, educational sessions, camps, school classes, extra curricula activities etc.

This manual is developed as part of the project: “Prevention and combating cyber bullying and internet violence among youth”. Manual presents 10 educational workshops, each in duration from 45 to 90 minutes. Workshops are developed in a way that they can be used by trainers, facilitators, pedagogues, teachers; in training courses, educational sessions, camps, school classes, extra curricula activities etc.


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Prevention and combating cyber bullying and internet violence among youth

– manual for youth workers –

After reading the story, have an open discussion about the following points, encouraging

the participants to reflect on the story:

‣ Is this story realistic?

‣ Do you think Lucie should’ve done something differently? What, how and why?

‣ Can it be considered violence? Why yes or why not?

‣ Why do you think Lucie’s friend acted the way they acted? Could they do something

differently? What?

‣ Is there any good reason to bully someone online?

‣ Do you have some story of your friends/families similar to this that you would like to

share with the group and analyse?

After discussing the story, wrap-up the discussion using the following questions.


1. What are the consequences of cyber bullying and internet violence?

2. What do you think who is committing acts of cyber bullying more often? Younger or

older generations? Men or women? Why do you think it is like that?

3. What can you do to help prevent situations of cyber bullying and online violence in your

own friends’ groups? In your community?


Most youth will encounter mean behaviour at some point in their digital lives (most often on

different social medias). For some young men and young women, this experience is a blip that's

easily forgotten, while for others it can have deep, long-lasting effects. For parents, teachers,

counsellors and youth workers, the key is staying involved in young people’s lives -- both

online and off -- so they can step in and offer help if necessary. With guidance from youth

workers, counsellors and educators, young person can learn how to dodge the drama and stand

up for himself/herself and others.


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