Catalysing and Scaling Innovation In Tanzania

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CATALYSING AND SCALING Innovation in Tanzania: A review of approaches • Voices from the ecosystem


Impact, success, and strengths

The value of equipping innovators with the skills

to bring an idea to fruition. Amplify found that most

applicants’ ideas were not new, but they had never been

tested because the applicant lacked the tools or the

flexible funding to enable them to take their innovation

forward. Whereas many traditional donor requirements

and grant management processes direct grantees to scale

their solutions in a linear pathway, leaving little room for

experimentation, Amplify’s model gave innovators the tools

and understanding of how to turn their idea into a workable

product or service. The prototyping phase allowed grantees

the freedom to learn and fail safely through user-centred

research and rapid prototyping and testing, whilst the

flexible funding model facilitated grantees to learn on the

go and to change their strategies accordingly.

Sourcing ideas from a wide range of applicants. One

of the key aims of Amplify was to source local ideas

from local actors. The online platform was designed to

be easily accessible and promoted widely. In Amplify’s

portfolio of grantees, 65 per cent had never received a

DFID grant prior to Amplify, indicating that the majority

were from new sources or outside of DFID’s existing


Encouraging collaboration not competition. Amplify

was designed as an open challenge model in order to

promote collaboration amongst organisations which are

often in competition with one another or are unaware

of the work of their peers. The online platform gave

applicants the chance to connect with each other for peer

support, to upload research findings and other resources,

to comment on each other’s ideas, and it generally

encouraged feedback and connection. The IDEO.org team

also made direct introductions between grantees working

on related challenges, enabling an organic exploration of

how they could strengthen one another’s work.


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