Catalysing and Scaling Innovation In Tanzania

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CATALYSING AND SCALING Innovation in Tanzania: A review of approaches • CONTEXT


hubs focus on providing business support to small

and medium-sized enterprises and individuals to help

commercialise their ideas. Less attention is given to

the convening role they could play in bringing the

different innovation stakeholders together and

facilitating connections to funders and investors to

create a conducive environment for any innovation

to thrive.

The government recognises the role that science,

technology, and innovation (STI) can play in finding

solutions to the development and economic

challenges facing the country. The Tanzania

Development Vision 2025 8

expresses the need to

industrialise in order to create jobs for millions of

young people to achieve its vision of becoming a

middle-income country. Underpinning the Vision

is Tanzania’s 1996 National Science and Technology

Policy (currently under review) which acknowledges

STI tools as key for fostering industrial development

and eventually developing into a modern economy.

For Tanzania to realise its vision, it is critical

for the younger generation to be given the

opportunity to develop skills for innovation and

entrepreneurship. Universities could play a stronger

role in this. Innovation does not feature strongly

in the curriculum, and technology transfer from

research to innovation is not yet very common.

Universities are starting their own hubs to support

entrepreneurship, but as with the other hubs, these

are still in the process of finding their individual ways

of working.

1.2 Who is supporting

innovation in Tanzania?

And how?

There is a growing number of stakeholders who

are ready to support innovation in Tanzania –

including angel investors, donors, venture capitalists,

foundations, the private sector, and the government.

The telecom sector is a champion of innovation and

continues to build on the success of Mpesa, the

market disrupting mobile phone-based banking

service that launched in 2007 and quickly grew

to reach more than 10 million customers in just

a few years. For example, Vodacom Tanzania and

Smart Lab recently launched Vodacom Digital

Accelerator 9

, a programme to help early-stage

and growth-stage technology start-ups in Tanzania

to become profitable. But the telecom sector

is ahead of the curve and corporate engagement in


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