Panther Prints | Issue 4 | May 2020


editorsCo-Editor-in-ChiefSaifiyah ZakiCo-Editor-in-ChiefGracie WarhurstCopy & Online EditorMakayla HerronCopy EditorJuliette RobertsVideo EditorElena HamlinAdvertising &PR ManagerAndrew CoxSports EditorJad BaajourreportersAlexa DezelanSevval ErenkolRiya GeorgeBree JohnsonEthan JohnsonAkie KasaiFatima MalikIsis MartinSonali MenonCarrieona MoncureMyh SeyoumJoelle TindalCover and centerspreadillustration by Saifiyah ZakiTo submit letters to the editors ofthe Panther Prints:Plano East Senior High SchoolJournalism Department3000 Los Rios Blvd., Plano, TX 75074Building 4, Room 201(469) 752- this QR code to access morecontent on our website!Letters from theCo-Editors-in-Chiefy three years on this staff certainly ended with a bang as we wereMlaunched into an uncertain and unprecedented situation created bythe ongoing pandemic. Nevertheless, I am proud of how our incrediblestaff members rose to meet the challenge, putting together insightful,current and relevant articles while adapting to virtual tools and a newworkflow. This issue presents topics ranging from online schooling burnoutto the inevitable social changes that will follow as we recover fromCOVID-19. We do not know what our near future will look like, but as forthe future of this publication, I know that it is in the good hands of nextyear’s editors and staff, and I can’t wait to see what they do next.Saifiyah Zakilthough the progress toward this issue certainly looked much differ-than it did previously, I am incredibly proud of the staff’s ability toAentwrite unique articles from many different perspectives under the stressof a pandemic. I believe we’ve encaptured every aspect of the effects ofliving through this time, both emotionally and physically. This being ourlast issue, and most of us seniors, it’s hard knowing we will never createanother Panther Prints issue. But, we couldn’t have finished any stronger,even with all the obstacles in front of us.Gracie WarhurstLetter to the EditorsThis [issue was] informative as ever be and quite intriguing to mine seeingorbs. The speak of the future was genuinely very detailed and the angleof sight near full circle. The news of our time, well timed, and again trulyinformative, relevant, and unique. The opinions, well spoken out and clearlyopinions, and relevant as the news. I greatly resonated with this issue, butas a senior; perhaps an overtly senior-focused issue? Sevval Erenkol’s articleon the “Do Not Hire” registry was well written, well rounded, and well intentioned,I enjoyed it quite thoroughly, as I felt such a topic was of a grandimportance. The feature article was incredibly relevant, perhaps thoughmore to seniors. I must provide a minor criticism: perhaps more opinion andentertainment articles, the sections are much smaller. Within “Fresh Eats,” Idid not see a review of the new Treat Yo Self establishment, which has notopened beyond much a block away! Though it was quite recent, and thusI truly understand, but a thorough investigation of such a new and closeplace would have been of great interest to me. I thank you all again, greatwriters of the latest issue, for another great and informative read, with awell drawn cover as well.-senior John Lin, March 6Mission Statementt Panther Prints, our mission is to serve as a connection betweenAthe Plano East student body and surrounding communities. Throughinspiration and high-quality content, Panther Prints offers diverse coverage,passionate writing, relatable stories and a unique point of view.Our credible sources allow an in-depth experience that appeals to boththe public and the individual. Our publication offers an informative anddistinctive outlook on current interests.Digital Media Policye the Panther Prints commit to responsibly utilize all of our mediaWplatforms to unite and inform the student body. We strive to createoriginal content and attribute credit to all sources. We require our staffto uphold these values and to accurately report the news to the studentbody and community.All student polls were conducted through Google Forms and sharedthrough social media..Icons by Icons8

ContentsLocal businessesadapt topandemicPhoto courtesy of Pixabay510Photo courtesy of Corinne BitarCoronavirusStudents work onchangespersonal cultural normsprojects815 19Cartoon by Sevval ErenkolTemporaryeconomicsacrifice needed20Sportsseasonends Last day wishesearly from studentsPhoto courtesy of Bhavesh BhaklaIllustration by Saifiyah ZakiPhoto by Gracie WarhurstTWITTERINSTAGRAMSNAPCHAT@peshprints


Local businesses

adapt to


Photo courtesy of Pixabay



Photo courtesy of Corinne Bitar


Students work on


personal cultural norms


15 19

Cartoon by Sevval Erenkol



sacrifice needed




ends Last day wishes

early from students

Photo courtesy of Bhavesh Bhakla

Illustration by Saifiyah Zaki

Photo by Gracie Warhurst





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