Panther Prints | Issue 4 | May 2020


20 • Entertainment PESHPRINTS.COMWords unspokenLast day wishes from students, teachersby Riya Georgeor many, the last day of school before spring break was just anoth-day — the cafeteria buzzed with its typical Friday excitementFerwhile students soaked up the spring sunshine. When students andteachers left school March 6, they didn’t expect the partial shelter inplace that would follow. The school closure left many with unresolvedfeelings and words for their peers.New perspectivesenior Teena James treated Friday with the same importance asSshe always had, eager to begin a busy break. Before leaving thatday, James and her friends visited the pond to watch the turtlescome to the surface. Though the day wasn’t special to her then, shelooks back on the encounter as the most memorable part of her lastday and a shifting point for the rest of the year.“Before this whole thing, I didn’t really care for high school,”James said. “I just wanted to be in college and move on. [The break]gave me a whole new perspective about school and how we actuallykeep in contact with a limited amount of people.”Track trioRunning for lifeJill Patel and Lahar Nadig after running the NHS Color Run Feb. 29.Nadig went to the event with acquaintances and came out with newfriendships. “It was super fun getting to know people I wasn’t withbefore,” Nadig said. “These small moments mean so much to me now.”Jadyn Truong, Marisa Romero and Madison Kho at a track meet March 6. The runnersmissed their last in-person classes to go to their meet and spent the entire day withfellow competitors. “I’m sad it was my last meet because I didn’t get to say goodbye tothe sport I love,” Romero said. “I feel like the experience of having completed the seasongot taken away from me because almost every other high school sport got to fullycomplete their season. I didn’t realize how big of an impact track had on my life.”Routine adjustmenthe prolonged break from school left students and teach-longing for the sense of normalcy that a daily pat-Terstern brought. With the abrupt closure, seniors like VarshaNarayanan feel they missed the opportunity to thank thosearound them.“I wish I could’ve told [my teachers and peers] howmuch they meant to me and how much it meant seeingthem every day,” Narayanan said. “Now, I feel like notseeing them and just being alone every day is really hard.”Supporting through remote learninghough pandemic procedures prevent theTin-person classes many teachers prefer,math teacher Kristie Diefenbaker feels remotelearning will strengthen a bond betweenstudents and teachers that may not haveexisted before.“I believe that with the remote learning environment,students are realizing the importanceof face-to-face interaction and how much easierit is to understand a lesson when they receiveit in person,” Diefenbaker said. “It’s difficult tomotivate from a distance, but I’m working hardto find creative ways to do it remotely.”Spring semesters traditionally mark the pointwhere teachers transition from academic instructorsto classroom cheerleaders. AP exams,finals and college decisions are just some milestonesthat teachers help with.“If I had known the Friday before break mayTeam bondingStudent senate at a lunch before spring break on March 6. Senate held lunches once a month tobond and get to know each other outside of a school environment. “Knowing that this was probablythe last time I would get to spend time with my Senate friends is so sad because I don’t think I’veever been a part of a group that’s more ambitious, fun-loving and compassionate than these people,”senior Manasi Gummaraju said. “I cherish the moments that we had, like our team lunches.”have been the last day I get to see my students, I would have definitely shared more words of wisdom and well wishes,” Diefenbakersaid. “To all my students, you are bright shining stars and I can’t wait to see the direction the future will take you.”

@PESHPRINTS Entertainment • 21Earning money online as quaranTEENSby Bree Johnsonrevious plans concerning summer jobs may no longer be possible, thanks to the prolonging of government-issued so-distancing. If you were relying on the extra cash during the summer, here are a few ways to make bank evenPcialwhile stuck in quarantine:Depop is an app that lets you sell clothes and accessoriesfrom the comfort of your own home. It’s a simple anduser-friendly application — all you have to do is take apicture of the item you want to sell, choose a price andlist it on your page. You can use hashtags to increasehow much traffic you get on your profile. The more viewersyou receive, the more likely you are to sell your item.Once sold, you can collect payment through Paypal. Pay-Pal requires users to be 18 so if you’re under age — use aparent’s! Then, bundle up your clothes, apply your stampsand ship your clothing off to its new home! Some othersimilar apps to check out are ThredUp and Poshmark.There are multiple websites where you can make moneyby taking surveys such as Toluna, Swagbucks andSurvey Junkie. The more surveys completed, the moremoney you receive. Depending on the website, you canreceive payment through gift cards or to your Paypal orCashapp. The amount of money you get depends on thelength of the survey, who’s distributing the survey andhow many surveys you take. So take as many as you canand get excited about the influx of cash in your bankaccount. Some other similar websites: Opinion Outpostand Paid Viewpoint.Music lovers, this one’s for you. You can get paid to listento music and leave critiques for 5 to 20 cents per review.It’s as easy as making an account and grabbing someheadphones. Similar to other methods of making moneywhile in social isolation, the more reviews you make, themore money you get. It might take a while, but once youhit your desired amount of pay, you can click “‘withdrawal”’and send the money to your PayPal. Another similarwebsite is Music Xray.If you often write short stories or just like writing in general,you can do freelance article writing through Hubpages.Ads are displayed on the website, so every timesomeone reads your article and happens to click on thead displayed, you earn a small percentage. This meansyou can write an article about anything you desire andmake a small amount of cash on the side. Another similarwebsite is Helium.If you often doodle during class or are artistically inclined, check out Redbubble.Redbubble is a website where you can draw, paint or graphically design anythingand sell it. Redbubble takes your artwork and turns it into stickers, clothing, bedspreads,tapestries, phone cases, journals and more. You name it and they probablyhave it. You can upload your designs, again using hashtags to increase trafficon your page. If a customer places an order, Redbubble handles the creation, theshipping and everything else. Base commission is 20% but you can set the pricehowever you want. On Redbubble, it’s all about popularity — the more you sell, themore you make. Some other similar websites are Zazzle and Society6.

@PESHPRINTS Entertainment • 21

Earning money online as quaranTEENS

by Bree Johnson

revious plans concerning summer jobs may no longer be possible, thanks to the prolonging of government-issued so-

distancing. If you were relying on the extra cash during the summer, here are a few ways to make bank even


while stuck in quarantine:

Depop is an app that lets you sell clothes and accessories

from the comfort of your own home. It’s a simple and

user-friendly application — all you have to do is take a

picture of the item you want to sell, choose a price and

list it on your page. You can use hashtags to increase

how much traffic you get on your profile. The more viewers

you receive, the more likely you are to sell your item.

Once sold, you can collect payment through Paypal. Pay-

Pal requires users to be 18 so if you’re under age — use a

parent’s! Then, bundle up your clothes, apply your stamps

and ship your clothing off to its new home! Some other

similar apps to check out are ThredUp and Poshmark.

There are multiple websites where you can make money

by taking surveys such as Toluna, Swagbucks and

Survey Junkie. The more surveys completed, the more

money you receive. Depending on the website, you can

receive payment through gift cards or to your Paypal or

Cashapp. The amount of money you get depends on the

length of the survey, who’s distributing the survey and

how many surveys you take. So take as many as you can

and get excited about the influx of cash in your bank

account. Some other similar websites: Opinion Outpost

and Paid Viewpoint.

Music lovers, this one’s for you. You can get paid to listen

to music and leave critiques for 5 to 20 cents per review.

It’s as easy as making an account and grabbing some

headphones. Similar to other methods of making money

while in social isolation, the more reviews you make, the

more money you get. It might take a while, but once you

hit your desired amount of pay, you can click “‘withdrawal”’

and send the money to your PayPal. Another similar

website is Music Xray.

If you often write short stories or just like writing in general,

you can do freelance article writing through Hubpages.

Ads are displayed on the website, so every time

someone reads your article and happens to click on the

ad displayed, you earn a small percentage. This means

you can write an article about anything you desire and

make a small amount of cash on the side. Another similar

website is Helium.

If you often doodle during class or are artistically inclined, check out Redbubble.

Redbubble is a website where you can draw, paint or graphically design anything

and sell it. Redbubble takes your artwork and turns it into stickers, clothing, bedspreads,

tapestries, phone cases, journals and more. You name it and they probably

have it. You can upload your designs, again using hashtags to increase traffic

on your page. If a customer places an order, Redbubble handles the creation, the

shipping and everything else. Base commission is 20% but you can set the price

however you want. On Redbubble, it’s all about popularity — the more you sell, the

more you make. Some other similar websites are Zazzle and Society6.

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