Panther Prints | Issue 4 | May 2020

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Words unspoken

Last day wishes from students, teachers

by Riya George

or many, the last day of school before spring break was just anoth-

day — the cafeteria buzzed with its typical Friday excitement


while students soaked up the spring sunshine. When students and

teachers left school March 6, they didn’t expect the partial shelter in

place that would follow. The school closure left many with unresolved

feelings and words for their peers.

New perspectives

enior Teena James treated Friday with the same importance as

Sshe always had, eager to begin a busy break. Before leaving that

day, James and her friends visited the pond to watch the turtles

come to the surface. Though the day wasn’t special to her then, she

looks back on the encounter as the most memorable part of her last

day and a shifting point for the rest of the year.

“Before this whole thing, I didn’t really care for high school,”

James said. “I just wanted to be in college and move on. [The break]

gave me a whole new perspective about school and how we actually

keep in contact with a limited amount of people.”

Track trio

Running for life

Jill Patel and Lahar Nadig after running the NHS Color Run Feb. 29.

Nadig went to the event with acquaintances and came out with new

friendships. “It was super fun getting to know people I wasn’t with

before,” Nadig said. “These small moments mean so much to me now.”

Jadyn Truong, Marisa Romero and Madison Kho at a track meet March 6. The runners

missed their last in-person classes to go to their meet and spent the entire day with

fellow competitors. “I’m sad it was my last meet because I didn’t get to say goodbye to

the sport I love,” Romero said. “I feel like the experience of having completed the season

got taken away from me because almost every other high school sport got to fully

complete their season. I didn’t realize how big of an impact track had on my life.”

Routine adjustment

he prolonged break from school left students and teach-

longing for the sense of normalcy that a daily pat-


tern brought. With the abrupt closure, seniors like Varsha

Narayanan feel they missed the opportunity to thank those

around them.

“I wish I could’ve told [my teachers and peers] how

much they meant to me and how much it meant seeing

them every day,” Narayanan said. “Now, I feel like not

seeing them and just being alone every day is really hard.”

Supporting through remote learning

hough pandemic procedures prevent the

Tin-person classes many teachers prefer,

math teacher Kristie Diefenbaker feels remote

learning will strengthen a bond between

students and teachers that may not have

existed before.

“I believe that with the remote learning environment,

students are realizing the importance

of face-to-face interaction and how much easier

it is to understand a lesson when they receive

it in person,” Diefenbaker said. “It’s difficult to

motivate from a distance, but I’m working hard

to find creative ways to do it remotely.”

Spring semesters traditionally mark the point

where teachers transition from academic instructors

to classroom cheerleaders. AP exams,

finals and college decisions are just some milestones

that teachers help with.

“If I had known the Friday before break may

Team bonding

Student senate at a lunch before spring break on March 6. Senate held lunches once a month to

bond and get to know each other outside of a school environment. “Knowing that this was probably

the last time I would get to spend time with my Senate friends is so sad because I don’t think I’ve

ever been a part of a group that’s more ambitious, fun-loving and compassionate than these people,”

senior Manasi Gummaraju said. “I cherish the moments that we had, like our team lunches.”

have been the last day I get to see my students, I would have definitely shared more words of wisdom and well wishes,” Diefenbaker

said. “To all my students, you are bright shining stars and I can’t wait to see the direction the future will take you.”

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