Uberheroes - Coronavirus Edition - First 4 Pages & script for Pages 5-8

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Uberheroes HQ...

This is

not good, need

to rally the


Uber Alert!

Guys I need you

all online


Good to

see you all…

I’m sure you know

what this is all


The world

has gone into




businesses and services

have closed until

further notice…

...With only

frontline key

workers continuing

to go to work.

Thank you for

joining us, Khwam –

I’m just explaining

the situation to the

others! are you

feeling okay?

yeah I’m okay

but my doctor has

told me that I need to

Self-Isolate due to the

Covid 19 directive for

vulnerable people. I’ll do

what I can but it

will be from home


Yes, Best to stay

home and keep yourself,

and others, safe! Dominie,

Fortress and Vana are at

home sick too… So the

rest of us need to help

right away!

Veritas, I need

you and Oni to help

those who have been told

to self-isolate, as they are

not able to get out to buy

groceries or to collect

their medicines…

On it Q, we will

also make sure

our team are

okay too!

Invictus, I need you to

help everyone to understand

why we have been told to stay

home, stay safe & protect the NHS

and you will need to help them to

find new creative ways to be

active, stay positive

We all need to be

more resilient and connecting

with family and friends through

video-telephoneand apps, but the

best way they can keep well is

through helping others like

their neighbours, ensuring

they are okay!

sounds like a plan…

Leave it with me, Q as

I am more than happy to

get others involved to

help those most in need

in our local & wider


Hi, Guys!

Coroman and


…and we have

others who will be

helping us out! I have

the pleasure of

introducing you

all to...


I Need you

to look at your

screens and you’ll

see who is behind

this pandemic….

It’s Like



The whole

world is effected by

this… they’re calling it a

pandemic! The last one

was a 100 years ago


millions of

people died all over

the world from

Spanish Flu...


Really, Mum is

this true?

No Sophie,

I don’t think it’s

true, they’re

teasing you!

Ignore them!

We’re in

lockdown, so we

help stop the virus

spreading. It’s just a

few weeks together,

without school or


If everyone

does their part, then

the virus won’t be able

to spread so easily,

and will mean that

things can get back to

normal sooner.

Who are

you calling

a loser?

YOU ‘cause

you lost… Loser…

Loser… Loser…

Stop it! That’s

enough – no more

computer games, as

you just can’t




And I’ll be

turning off the

internet too if you

won’t behave…

Goodness, it’s

only been a few

days and the

boredom is setting

in already!



will be okay

Mum, won’t


Who cares

anyway – I’m

bored of playing


I do

hope so,



Sophie suds…

it’s time you

were asleep!

Aw why

what’s wrong,


I just keep

thinking about

everything that

this coronavirus is

effecting, like


That’s the problem,

Dad… I love school. I

haven’t seen my friends in

ages and now I don’t know

if I ever will. I didn’t even

get to say goodbye


I can’t

sleep Dad…

But Soph,

no-one’s going

to school because

of this


Oh Soph, don’t

worry; you will

see your friends

when this is all


But what

if that’s too


I’m already missing

out on loads of stuff

that I was excited about.

Like my P7 class photo…

our end of term party and

signing each other’s


it’s my last year

at Brookfield Primary

before I go to big

school and I don’t even

know if anyone is going

to be at the same school

as me. Daddy I just

wanted it to be


Och darlin,


life means that we

have to do things we

don’t want to do…

but think about it

this way…

just like your

Auntie Ann, we need

to do this to protect

her and others so that

we can get back to

normal sooner!

isn’t it better

to do this now so that

our behaviour helps the

Doctors and Nurses

who are trying to heal

many people of this


I’ve been

looking forward

to the final term

since I was

in P5!!

Will Auntie

Ann be safe? And

will everything

ever be back to


She will be fine,

remember some things

may change, and change

for the better, but you

don’t have to worry

about any of this!

Now try and

get some sleep...

it won’t help you to

feel better and more

positive if you’re not


they think


will kill me, but we

have plans to cause

more destruction

than they can


Good night,

Sophie Suds.

Night, Dad…

love you

They can plan

and prepare all

they like… but I’m

just getting


Uber Corona Virus Issue batch 2 (5-8)


Panel 1

We see Sanso the robodog alerted, ears and tail in the air, as he is called by Curador off screen.


Sanso, here boy!

Panel 2

We see Curador putting on his Helmet as Sanso joins him looking excited.



Let’s get to work helping others in the community!!


Panel 3

We see Veritas and Oni (wearing masks), as they deliver groceries and aid to Khwam. We show the

isolated Khwam from behind their window as Veg and toilet rolls etc are left at their doors as they

wave back at each other.



Thanks Guys!

Get well soon, Khwam!!

Panel 4/5/6

Montage of Isolated heroes receiving packages as they are behind doors and windows etc

Panel 7

1. Dominie

2. Fortress

3. Vana

A shot of Harmony in cyberspace interacting with a few difference social media windows around her.

Panel 8

A shot of a social media group with a comment from Harmony asking for help in the community and

a few comments replying.

Text: Harmony: Can anyone provide spare food and supplies for the Uberheroes

to distribute?

Comment 1:

Comment 2:

Comment 3:

We have some spare canned food and hand sanitiser. We will leave it at the

door for you to collect.

Plenty of spare toilet rolls …

My sister and I would be happy to help!!


Panel 1

We see Curador (Helmet on) as he stands in front of a Hospital and bringing spare PPE and Sanso by

his side. A nurse in PPE accepts them gratefully. In the background we see Invictus and Nadase

(wearing masks) and Social Distancing as they co-ordinate others.



Some Personal Protective Equipment for you, this pandemic means that

hospitals, Care Homes and Hospices need all the PPE we can give them…

Oh Curador, thank you, we desperately needed these!!

Panel 2

We see Invictus and Nadase (wearing masks) as they help coordinate other helpers and volunteers.

Show Invictus holding his arm out to show that he is keeping people at bay as he talks on a CB

microphone as his hand acts as a megaphone, as Nadase is helping hand out masks and gloves to

those about to enter Hospital.


Hi guys, please remember to stay at least two metres apart, we need to

protect the NHS … Social distancing will help protect us all!

Panel 3

We see Harmony talking to Invictus’.




People have been amazingly generous; they’ve organised online additional

help in preparing and delivering care packages across the city.

Excellent work, the more help we can get the better. Maybe you could help

the keyworkers to train the volunteers so we can protect everyone


Will do Invictus!

Panel 4

We see a shot inside a supermarket, where we see people shopping with masks and gloves, and

responsibly social distancing, Sophies Dad is glad to be leaving work as he wipes his brow as he has

been working hard as he is leaving towards the reader.


This is a crazy, people wearing masks and gloves, most are social distancing, but

some still think that this doesn’t apply to them. I’ll be so glad to get home!

Panel 5

Back at home, from outside where Dad is taking off his coat and shoes etc, through the window we

see Sophie as she is doing her homework on a laptop, in the background Mum is cooking in the

Kitchen. We see Dad outside taking off his outdoor clothes and shoes talking to Sophie through the

window before he walks in through the back door.

Mum: Finished your Homework Sophie?



Yes, all done now!

Hey suds – I’ll be in in a minute, but I still need to get my outdoor clothes off and

leave them in the garage so I don’t bring anything bad into the house…

Panel 6

We see Sophie is so happy to see Dad and she is about to rush towards him but Mum stops her.



Mum: Sophie, you know we have to be careful – Dad has to get a shower before he can

touch anything or anyone.

Panel 7

Sophie looks a little sad as dad walks through the door and mum is holding her back.



Mum’s right Soph - we need to keep us all safe…

I know… but I only wanted a little hug, Dad!


Panel 1

We see mum kneeling own to Sophie comfortingly.

Panel 2

Mum: By taking all these precautions Sophie, we will play our part in helping to stop the

spread of this virus

Mum: If we all do what we can to try to make sure we don’t make even 1 other person ill, it

will be really hard for the virus to spread. It’s what the experts call the R rate.

We see CoronaBot 2020’s perspective showing his hands oozing orange “slime” in a terminator like


Panel 3

We see a shot of CoronaBot standing in the middle looking evil. Surrounding him in the background

is a few panels in the interface view of all the areas that CoronaBot has infected, which will show up

orange in the interface view.

1) Door handles

2) Amazon Delivery boxes at doorstep.

3) Keypads on ATM’s at Banks

4) Trolley handles in Supermarkets

Panel 4 Fovos, Mac, Relicta, The Lamentor, Identitat (Being projected by a floating little drone). all



Coroman is using CoronaBot 2020 to spread this deadly virus and plans to

enlist very possible villain he can to cause panic and fear.

Page 8

Panel 1

We see Sophie waiting outside the bathroom, as she just can’t wait to finally get a hug from her Dad.

The door begins to open.



Hurry up Dad!!

Coming now!!

Panel 2

We see Sophie Jumped up into her Dads arms hugging him tightly as he smiles.



I hate that I can’t hug you when you come in from work.

Well you’ll get plenty of hugs now, Suds!!

Panel 3

We see Dad and Sophie are reading a book together on the sofa. The news is on in the background.

Mum reads the paper close by where we can see the headline. The boys are watching something on

their tablet about Corona Virus on the floor.

Paper: “Another Drop in infected Numbers: R number reduces significantly”

News: “The number of infected people has risen again today. People have been asked

again to stay at home and to socially distance when going out…”

Boys Tablet: “With all the measures taken it looks like the lockdown is helping decrease

the spread of the Virus and Lockdown predicted to end in 2 weeks…”

Panel 4

A shot of Sophie looking confused with Dad.


Dad, the TV says it’s getting worse, but the newspaper and online says the

opposite… Is it getting worse? Are you going to get infected in work and are

we all going to get ill too?

Panel 5

Similar shot as panel 3. But mum is looking over the paper now.


Don’t worry, Sophie – remember that’s why Dad gets changed outside so we

can all stay safe so there’s nothing for you to worry about.

Panel 6

We see Sophie sitting with dad looking worried, in the background we see Relicta, fovos and Mac

behind them looking evil and smiling…


But who is telling the truth? I’m really scared as no one seems to know what

is really happening…

Panel 7

Show the villains together congratulating each other on a job well done in creating more worry etc.

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