Holliston June 2020

Holliston June 2020

Holliston June 2020


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Page 6 Holliston Local Town Pages www.localtownpages.com June 2020

Lions Make a Difference

Alone we can do so little; together

we can do so much

These simple words spoken

by Helen Keller exemplify Lions

across Massachusetts. This saying

was evident just recently when

four Lions Clubs from across

two Districts and their District

Governors got together to make

a difference at Milford Regional

Medical Center (MRMC). We

addressed a need which no single

club could have handled on their


Combining Efforts

Results in Success

In late April, several Lions

Clubs in the Metrowest area

were contacted by an RN at

MRMC. There was a need for

the facility to provide opportunities

for those who were hospitalized

during this challenging time

for everyone. Patients have been

unable to see their loved ones due

to the current restrictions placed

on visitors and the facility had a

shortage of tablets to aid in facilitating


Holliston Lion Steve Apesos

designed a welcome page for

patients using the tablets.

Rather than wait for individual

clubs to fund units on their

own, four club Presidents from

the Milford, Mendon, Medway,

and Holliston Lions Clubs

banded together and conducted

a conference call to see what they

could do. Thanks to their efforts,

and the additional donations of

the District Governors from their

respective Districts, the clubs

were able to fund the purchase

of eight Samsung tablets.


for your companion

These Lions, representing Holliston, Medway, Mendon and Milford, met virtually to come up with a solution

to help Milford Regional Medical Center patients stay in touch with loved ones. Top left to right: Keith

Gattozzi - Milford Lions, Doreen Martel - Holliston Lions. Linda Reynolds - Medway Lions, Bottom left to

right: Mark Bucchino - Mendon Lions, Colleen Oncay - District Governor 33A, Dawn Rice-Norton - District

Governor 33K

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Essential workers, from left to right, Chris Lague RN, Cheryl Hamel RN, Rosemary Cerqueira RN, John Beaton RN, will use

these tablets, gifts from the Milford, Medway, Mendon and Holliston Lions Clubs, to help patients communicate with loved


Setup and Delivery

Lion Steve Apesos, from the

Holliston Lions Club, picked up

the tablets over the course of a

few days at Best Buy in Milford.

The store was extremely helpful

in providing us with creative

ways to overcome the “two tablet

maximum” restrictions in their

ordering system. Thanks to Lion

Steve, we were able to set each

tablet up so that users could easily

access Zoom and Facebook

Messenger to communicate with

their loved ones and family members.

Steve also designed a great

welcoming screen.

Delivery and Use of


The real heroes of this story

are the dedicated healthcare

workers who helped make this

possible and will be using these

tablets to assist patients keep in

Looking to advertise your business or inserts?

Contact Jen: 508 570 6544


contact with their loved ones.

The Lions of Districts 33K

and District 33A, as well as the

Lions of Massachusetts wish to

extend their thanks to the staff

members at Milford Regional

Medical Center: Thank you for

allowing us to continue to fulfill

our mission “We Serve” during

these difficult times and thank

you for your unselfish service to

your patients.

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