What Is Personal Guarantee Insurance?

Purchase a Personal Guarantee Insurance Policy with insurance cover and overcome your financial difficulties. As it provides insurance cover on current loan. Opt for Personal Guarantee Insurance that covers up to 80% of your risk to actively safeguard your business interests. Read here:-https://bit.ly/2ykgkqx

Purchase a Personal Guarantee Insurance Policy with insurance cover and overcome your financial difficulties. As it provides insurance cover on current loan. Opt for Personal Guarantee Insurance that covers up to 80% of your risk to actively safeguard your business interests. Read here:-https://bit.ly/2ykgkqx


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What Is Personal Guarantee Insurance?

Opt for Personal Guarantee Insurance that covers up to 80% of your risk to actively safeguard your

business interests. Thus, you get to know What Is Personal Guarantee Insurance? And what are its

exclusions, features and merits?

Personal Guarantee Insurance (PGI) is a type of insurance that is famed to provide protection for personal

assets to small-to-medium-sized business owners and commercial real estate investors. It is only

provided when they sign a personal guarantee for a commercial loan.

Therefore, Personal Guarantee Insurance provides insurance cover for only those who have signed a

Personal Guarantee on a new, or current loan.

What is a Personal Guarantee?

Starting with the introduction of personal guarantee insurance, personal risks are managed in business

and personal guarantee insurance acts as a guarantee that personal assets will not be used to cover the

loss if their business fails. Therefore, offering the directors moderation.

Features of Personal Guarantee Insurance (PGI):

Annual Insurance Policy is offered by personal insurance.

The price of personal guarantee insurance is formed by individual circumstances. moreover, the risk involved also

hampers the prices.

The Prices fluctuate as we buy the policy.

The insurance policy is issued within six months of a loan origination

It is delimited by the FCA

Personal guarantee adds up to the cost of an overall loan transaction

It may offer you a more attractive interest rate on the loan

This option is usually available to the directors of limited personal guarantee insurance companies, or to the partners

of an LLP

It is offered for personal guarantees which are taken against both secured and unsecured loans

It is typically to be an underwritten based

There is a fixed percentage of the amount guaranteed associated with the policy.

You Can even insure multiple guarantors and that too on a single policy

Exclusions of Personal Guarantee Insurance (PGI):

What all is not covered in the personal insurance policy is depicted here. Moreover, if you have read the

summary of the policy these points are also mentioned in the insurance policy. Therefore, Personal

Guarantee Insurance Exclusions:

The uncertainty involved when you were aware of a potential bankruptcy event which is held either before or at the

time of taking out the insurance cover

In case you are involved in any dishonest or fraudulent behavior, where a personal guarantee is called

Whether the personal guarantee is enclosed by any other insurance

Where the guidance of the insurance support is not represented upon the following of any Notification

What is Covered in Personal Guarantee Insurance (PGI)?

The insurance covers 60 Percent during the first year of cover. And this rises to up to 80 Percent as the

business proves its stability and the risk with time. 80 Percent is the maximum available cover.

Advantages of Personal Guarantee Insurance

Opting for personal guarantee insurance means that risk involved can be minimized. Agreements formed

are usually to breach the corporate veil which indirectly indicates no separation between personal and

private money. As, a result of which the insolvency rate is minimized or becomes nil. It also gives personal

guarantors a substantial piece of mind as they are safe in buying the personal guarantee insurance and

putting their house on the line.

Minimised risk

Newer personal guarantee insurance products

One or multiple guarantors

Annual premium

Covers up to 80 Percent of the total

Family assets are not threatened

Who Pays the Personal Guarantee Insurance Premium?

Covering the term commercial finance, directors while opting for Personal Guarantee Insurance are

concerned that maybe they have to pay the premium by themselves, but the costs can be covered by the


How Much Does Personal Guarantee Insurance Cost?

The cost of personal guarantee insurance is typically based on several factors which can be summed up

as follows:

Guarantee period

The financial situation

Stability of the company

Loan transaction

The overall level of risk to the insurer

The timeframes

As the price of personal guarantee insurance Premium varies from £750 per year, up to around

£12,000 for the biggest guarantees.

Types of Personal Guarantees

Now that we are aware of what is personal guarantee let’s take a look at the types of personal guarantees.,

which are covers two types of personal guarantee that areas:

1. Unlimited Personal Guarantees

In the case of Unlimited Personal Guarantee the lender can recover up to 100 Percent of the total loan

amount. Moreover, apart from the loan amount he can also recover any associated legal fees with the loan


The lender can even hire lawyers in case you fail to make the payment due. Thus, all your savings and

funds such as your life savings or even your retirement or else your kid’s college fund, your own house,

your owned car, and any other assets which the company find useful in repaying the loan amount are

utilised by them in order to cover the entire associated cost of the loan with interest as well as the legal

fees involved.

These Personal Guarantees are called unlimited as they do offer you zero financial protection in case you

fail, or your plan or business fails.

2. Limited Personal Guarantees

Contrary to the other comes limited personal guarantees that set the limit on what can be collected or

covered from you in case you fail, or your plan or business fails.

This type of personal guarantee is issued when more than one person is involved in a business. Thus, a clear

percentage of debt sharing ratio is also discussed between them. Further, their limited guarantee can be

classified into two parts:

Several guarantees

Joint and several guarantees.

In several guarantees, each person has a predetermined percentage of liability. That is usually a fixed

percentage of the loan, which is equivalent to the personal stake in the company. Whereas, a joint and

several guarantees, says that each party is potentially liable for the full amount of debt. Therefore, in this,

the lender can seek out the full sum of the loan amount from any of the parties.

How to Limit a Personal Guarantee?

Eliminating the need for personal guarantee insurance is quite difficult as insurance has nowadays become

a specific need for the people. Thus, we cannot eliminate it but surely can reduce or limit its impact for

this some points are worth considering:

Limit a guarantee

Modify the reporting requirements

Eliminate certain assets

Do not include the spouse as a guarantor.

Acquire personal guarantee insurance

Avoid “joint and several” language

Suggest terms of relief

Decrease guarantee

Improved business performance

How does Personal Guarantee Insurance Work?

Personal guarantee insurance works to protect you from this risk associated in case your business fails.

But what is to be considered here are some points on which Personal guarantee insurance or PGI works:

Annual premium which is calculated on individual circumstances

You choose the amount to be insured

Cover starts from 60 Percent of the guarantee

More than one director can be covered under one premium

Works well when directors have different levels of shares

Involve significant costs if called upon

Personal Guarantee Forms for Loan

Personal Guarantee Form is a document that enables a guarantor, to take charge for a personal loan of

the borrower in case it is not paid back. With the high risks involved nowadays, by unsecured loans, the

role of a guarantor is enhanced.

Here, the guarantor insurance definition depicts that the guarantor puts his assets as a guarantee

indicating to guarantee the loan. And in case the loan amount is not met, the guarantor assets are taken

up to cover the loan amount.

Thus, here Personal Guarantee Form is filled up by the guarantor and allowing his consent to do so.

Contents of a Personal Loan Guarantee Form

The form signed by the guarantor holds many specific things mentioned that are outlined as:

The loan balance

Specifying the place, the loan originated

Clarify its legal context

Explicit provisions of the loan

Parties involved and their addresses.


Authenticated, and dated

While the issuance of the contract or insurance a copy of personal loan guarantee form is also attached

to the insurance and a copy of the form is to be handed to each person involved.

Commercial Lease Personal Guarantee Insurance

Landlords do carry risk when they rent out their commercial space. Here arises the need for a commercial

lease personal guarantee.

So, in case if you default on your lease you are now individually liable for the remaining balance of the

rent but this could be eased with the help of a personal guarantee. Where personal guarantee insurance

providers would cover all your lease amount.

Tips to Get Out of a Personal Guarantee

We have suggested some points that would help you to lessen the burden of a Personal Guarantee:

Consult with an attorney

Ask for an amendment

Proof of consistent revenues and profits

Renegotiate the guarantee terms

Proposal to prepay

Compromise to set up a letter of credit

Give a security deposit


Before getting personal finance insurance one should note down their business and finances, as despite

the best efforts involved business could fail, so in that scenario, one should be ready for the assets they

are offering for guarantee. Thus, do consider the option of Personal Guarantee Insurance to safeguard

yourself from the risk involved in the near future.

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