The OPEN series was born from the desire to create a forum for applauding and interrogating strong creative design within the Out of Home (OOH) industry. Illustrating how OOH is part of our cityscape, our commute, our weekend and our shopping and holiday experiences, OOH is ‘the original tweet’ and it cannot be switched off, ignored or fast forwarded. Big, bold, cheeky, simple, clever and controversial, OOH is the ultimate creative stage, allowing brands to be unique, contextually relevant and targeted while reaching mass audiences.

The OPEN series was born from the desire to create a forum for applauding and interrogating strong creative design within the Out of Home (OOH) industry. Illustrating how OOH is part of our cityscape, our commute, our weekend and our shopping and holiday experiences, OOH is ‘the original tweet’ and it cannot be switched off, ignored or fast forwarded. Big, bold, cheeky, simple, clever and controversial, OOH is the ultimate creative stage, allowing brands to be unique, contextually relevant and targeted while reaching mass audiences.


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whatever. That’s because, if they like it enough,<br />

your audience will become your distributors.<br />

Most humour is to do with the<br />

unexpected. Often, people explode into<br />

laughter from the shock of recognition –<br />

something gets said that is often thought but<br />

rarely gets spoken. Maybe it breaks a taboo<br />

of some kind and so we laugh with the relief<br />

at seeing our own private thoughts normalised<br />

and confirmed. I believe that kind of laughter<br />

diffuses shame.<br />

Inspiration is about the unexpected too.<br />

People who overcome great odds are unusual.<br />

Where we fear we might fail, they prove you<br />

can unexpectedly succeed, and that the very<br />

worst moments can be transformed into the<br />

very best. That’s unexpected, and so we pay<br />

attention.<br />

Acknowledging the negative is also<br />

unexpected and paradoxically leads to more<br />

trust in the truth of a message overall. If you<br />

admit your weaknesses, I am much more likely<br />

to believe you when you tell me about your<br />

strengths.<br />

Connection happens because of shared<br />

emotions. We all live very different lives from<br />

one another but we all feel the same emotions.<br />

We all know what it is to feel joy, pain, fear and<br />

hatred, even if they have been triggered by very<br />

different life experiences. It is through our<br />

shared emotions that we connect, no matter our<br />

age, race, gender, religion, education or class.<br />

When asked what he wanted his writing<br />

to do, E.M. Forster (author of A Room with<br />

a View, Howards End and A Passage to India)<br />

said, ‘Only connect.’ It is in the unexpected<br />

moment of connection via empathy, recognition,<br />

shared shock and laughter that the message<br />

goes home.<br />

But don’t be cynical about it.<br />

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