TELL May-June 2020

TELL Magazine is is the publication of Emanuel Synagogue, Sydney.

TELL Magazine is is the publication of Emanuel Synagogue, Sydney.


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think about why this particular ritual

has resonated so deeply. Matia Rania

Angelou writes “It seems to me that

Stephanie discovered this custom more

than she created it. It seems that Kos

Miriam had been lost in history and

just now it is being rediscovered. She

quotes P’nina Adelman: “the ritual is

“new” in the sense that such a cup had

never been used on the seder table…

or for a bat mitzvah celebration…or

during any of the other myriad uses

this particular group found for the

cup of Miriam. However the ritual

is ancient and even traditional in the

sense that …it felt so natural to start

blessing this cup full of pure spring

water from Miriam’s well, using

it at appropriate times” (Moment

Magazine, August 1997).

A number of years ago a beautiful

congregant gave me a special cup to

use as my Kos Miriam because I did

not have a particular one dedicated

to that purpose. It is a special

reminder of the women of the

Pesach story, the ability of creative

rituals to still resonate deeply, and

of the scope for innovation that we

all have for our sedarim. I hope that

this year many of us will add a cup

for Miriam, fill it with water, and

celebrate the diversity of experiences

of our ancestors as they left



Vanessa L. Ochs “Setting a Cup for

Miriam” in The Women’s Passover


Peninah Adelman Moment Magazine

August 1997

Matia Rania Angelou “Discovering

the Cup of Miriam” in The Women’s

Seder Sourcebook

Parashat HaShavua -

Weekly Parasha Study

Every Wednesday from 8:15pm

- Musings on our Texts -

A contemporary look at our ancient texts. We will delve

into our weekly portion looking at difficult passages,

inspiring texts, and stories that you think you know to

cast new light on the stories essential to our identity.


In Conversation

Sunday June 7

from 5:00pm to 6:30pm

Rabbi Jeffrey Kamins

with Mark Sofer,

Ambassador for Israel

details to follow


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