Untitled - Davide Lifestyle

Untitled - Davide Lifestyle

Untitled - Davide Lifestyle


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Fall Winter Collection 2012/2013


You have not yet reached the Casentino Valley, but you already realize that these Tuscan places are unlike any other:<br />

the trees, rocks, clouds and terrain seem new yet ancient, just like the faces of the people whose fl ashing dark eyes often have something Oriental about them.<br />

Scientists say that in this part of Italy they still fi nd traces of the genes of an ancient civilization that may have originated in Anatolia or in the legendary Lydia.<br />

So foreign to us because it is not of Indo-European origin, this remote tribe of fi erce, feisty pirates was courageous enough to sail to Egypt<br />

and insolent enough to besiege a pharaoh like Ramses III. Perhaps these ‘teres’ – the Tyrrhenians – arrived by sea to the peninsula of Oenotria,<br />

and since they were predators and restless nomads, they moved inland like famished wolves, but also a bit like those amphibious fi sh that, millions of years earlier,<br />

abandoned the sea for land and became reptiles and later mammals. Here the Tyrrhenians, whom the Egyptians called ‘tursi’ or ‘tusci’, settled and<br />

transformed from intrepid sailors into shepherds, farmers and soldiers. But if you think these new land-dwellers were insignifi cant, weak,<br />

sedentary folk, you’re very wrong because the Etruscans acquired as much power from the fertile earth as they did from the blue sea.<br />

They always remained courageous and proud, with an aristocratic demeanor that is still instantly recognizable in the Tuscans and Umbrians.<br />

If that were not true, how could you explain Saint Francis of Assisi, a gentle soul who was nevertheless so strong-minded that he single-handedly sustained<br />

and rebuilt the Catholic Church, which was in shambles, with such divine actions that only Giotto could portray so strikingly in his paintings?<br />

How could you understand Jacopone da Todi, who composed the Laudi, but with a voice so “vigorous and overwhelming” that it was all a sailor needed<br />

to command his crew and overcome the roar of any storm? And how could you dispel the mystery of a land that was loved and farmed for centuries?<br />

Here – From the port of Pisa to Felsina, Fiesole, and Arezzo and from the sea of Cerveteri to Tarquinia, Vulci, Volsinii, Vetulonia,<br />

and Perugia – you always feel at home. When you open a window, you sense something penetrating and powerful in the air.<br />

You walk along the streets, go out in the countryside and fi nd in each marvelous corner the browns, greens, and blues of Etruria.<br />

You also fi nd in the hearts of its people a profound yet secular spirituality based on the Greek Olympus that nevertheless humanized Jupiter<br />

into Tinia and Hera into Uni, and treated them on equal terms, without deference, just as one would treat his neighbors.<br />

These modern Etruscans always hold their head up high in church and are always ready to assert their rights, but they never betray a friend or pact.<br />

And when you hear people typically say that we know nothing about the Etruscans, that we can’t even read their alphabet, and that they’re<br />

a mysterious people, don’t believe it. History is often a convenience invented by humans to make them feel important through identifi cation with the past,<br />

but in that case, history is inaccurate: it is just one way of understanding things, and it is not always the most reliable. There are other ways.<br />

Using your instinct, for example, you immediately realize that you don’t need dates and you don’t have to explain things, but can just be happy<br />

with the impressions and sensations you feel. You use your heart to explore the eyes and the mystery of these modern Etruscans,<br />

and you come to realize that their lineage must be vigorous if it has survived so many centuries here – even more than the Arabs, who arrived<br />

in Italy a thousand years later – which is impressive. The Etruscans are, in their own way, still nomads. They are as expansive as a summer day,<br />

as wild as their windy sky, and as brilliant as their chimera from Arezzo that, after centuries, is still undecided about its identity but roars at you nonetheless.<br />

Brunello Cucinelli


“The Lydians speak of a great famine<br />

that occurred during the reign of King Atys,<br />

who was the son of Manes … their king<br />

divided the whole Lydian people into two parts.<br />

He appointed himself to reign over those who<br />

remained, and he appointed his son, Tyrsenos,<br />

to reign over those who were leaving.<br />

The exiled people … came at last to the land<br />

of the Umbrians, and there they founded cities<br />

where they still live today.”<br />

(Herodotus I,94)<br />

a<br />

a) Head of Hermes from Veio. 6 th c. B.C. Rome, Villa Giulia Museum<br />

b) The pharaoh’s bowl from the Bernardini tomb. 7 th c. B.C. Rome, Villa Poniatowski<br />

c) Tomb of the Augurs. 530 B.C. Tarquinia<br />

d) The Chimera of Arezzo. 400-350 B.C. Florence, Archeological Museum<br />

e) Brutus Capitolinus. 300-250 B.C. Rome, Capitoline Museums<br />

In their own language, they called themselves Rasenna. For the<br />

Greeks, they were the Tyrsenoi. The Etruscans lived in a vast region<br />

of Italy called Etruria, which included Tuscany, the western part<br />

of Umbria, northern Lazio, and even reached parts of Liguria,<br />

the plains of Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy, and Campania. Greek<br />

historian Herodotus mentions a legend according to which they<br />

came from Lydia in Asia Minor. Hellanicus of Lesbos believed they<br />

were the Pelasgians, the legendary civilization of northern Greece,<br />

while Dionysus of Halicarnassus thought they were autochthonous.<br />

According to a recent theory, they descend from the Trš.w, one of<br />

the seafaring people who besieged Egypt in the days of the pharaohs<br />

Merenptah and Ramses III. These sailors and pirates had intense<br />

b<br />

contacts with all the civilizations in the Mediterranean, especially<br />

with the Phoenicians and Greeks. They reached the height of their<br />

military and trading power in the middle of the 6 th century B.C.,<br />

when they became the recognized lords of the Tyrrhenian Sea, which<br />

was named after them. They also had great infl uence over Rome: its<br />

last three kings – Lucius Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius, and<br />

Lucius Tarquinius Superbus – were of Etruscan origin. The age of<br />

the Etruscans went from the 8 th century B.C. to 89 B.C., even though<br />

their decline slowly began in 474 B.C. when the Greeks of Italy, led<br />

by Syracuse, soundly defeated them in the Battle of Cumae. Their<br />

trading and military clout had greatly diminished by the 4 th century<br />

B.C. Ultimately, in the 3 rd century B.C., they fought their last battle<br />

c<br />

against the powerful new Roman Empire. The land of Etruria,<br />

according to ancient authors, was divided into twelve confederate<br />

city-states (dodecapoli). Each year, their representatives met at<br />

Fanum Voltumnae, a sacred place in the land of Volsinii (Orvieto),<br />

to elect the head of the federation (the zilath mechl rasnal) and to<br />

discuss political and economic affairs. However, the alliance faltered<br />

because the cities often competed with one another. Since they<br />

lacked a strong national identity, they were unable to coordinate<br />

and effectively resist outside attacks and, one by one, each city was<br />

defeated. The loss of political independence marked the end of the<br />

cycle for this ancient civilization whose culture and wealth prevailed<br />

in the western Mediterranean for centuries. “Everything was the<br />

d<br />


a) Decorative panel from Velletri. 530 B.C. Naples, Archeological Museum b) Ambush of Troilus by Achilles. 540 B.C. Tarquinia, Tomb of the Bulls<br />

c) Warrior from Brolio. 550 B.C. Florence, Archeological Museum<br />

same as the day when the entrance had been walled up, and the<br />

ancient Etruria appeared to us in all its splendor. On their funeral<br />

biers, warriors in complete suits of armor seemed to be resting from<br />

their battles against the Romans and the Gauls. For a few minutes<br />

we saw shapes, clothes, fabric and colors. Then the outside air<br />

entered … and everything vanished.” (A. N. des Vergers, L’Étrurie et<br />

les étrusques ou dix ans de fouilles dans les Maremmes toscanes, Paris,<br />

1864). The Etruscans were skilled tradesmen, and the bridges,<br />

canals, and temples they built indicate their architectural skill. Few<br />

traces remain of their cities, and we mainly know about them through<br />

their necropolises, with tombs that reproduced the typical shapes and<br />

furnishings of their homes. The frescos in the tombs of Tarquinia,<br />

Chiusi, Vulci, and Orvieto provide fi ne examples of ancient art where<br />

the human fi gure predominates scenes of everyday life, funeral rites,<br />

and also themes concerning the afterlife. But sculpture was the<br />

preferred art form of the Etruscans. The cities of southern Etruria<br />

specialized in terra cotta products, while local stone (limestone,<br />

sandstone, and alabaster) was primarily worked in the north. Bronze<br />

statues were made in Vulci, Arezzo (where the famous Chimera statue<br />

was discovered), and in Umbria. Bronze plaques used to decorate<br />

furnishings and wagons were manufactured in Perugia and Vulci.<br />

Metal objects included small statues, oil lamps and vases, besides<br />

engraved bronze mirrors (of which thousands have been unearthed).<br />

The Etruscans’ extraordinary ability to work metal achieved new<br />

a b<br />

heights through the art of jewelry-making. In the 7 th century B.C.<br />

Caere specialized in making jewelry using the granulation technique,<br />

“… then there are meadows, fi elds, and vineyards everywhere.” (Pliny<br />

the Younger, Epistolae, 5,6). Agriculture – especially grains (spelt<br />

and white wheat) – and grape-growing were extremely important.<br />

The best wines supposedly came from Chianti, but also from Orvieto,<br />

Todi, and Veio. A typical Etruscan invention is the alberate training<br />

system, where the vines are supported by trees (this technique was<br />

used in Italy up until the 20 th century). “There are differences<br />

of interpretation, however, between our countrymen and the<br />

Etruscans … We think that because clouds collide, therefore lightning<br />

is emitted; they hold that clouds collide in order that lightning may<br />


a<br />

b<br />

a) Kore. 530-520 B.C. Vatican, Gregorian Etruscan Museum<br />

b) Tomb of the Ship. 530 B.C. Tarquinia<br />

c) Baule earring from Bientina. 5 th c. B.C. Lucca, Villa Guinigi Museum<br />

d) Sarcophagus of the Newlyweds from Cerveteri. 6 th c. B.C. Rome, Villa Giulia Museum<br />

be emitted. They refer everything to the<br />

will of God: therefore, they are strong in<br />

their conviction that lightning does not<br />

give an indication of the future because it<br />

has occurred, but occurs because it is meant<br />

to give this indication.” (Seneca, Naturales<br />

Quaestiones, 2.32.2). The Etruscan religion<br />

was based on the concept of destiny in which<br />

the life of each being was decided by the gods,<br />

but their will could be predicted through<br />

divination. The divine prophet Tages and<br />

prophetess Vegoia mastered this art. Their<br />

teachings were written in the Disciplina Etrusca, which included<br />

several books such as the Libri Fulgurales that studied lightning,<br />

the Libri Haruspicini that interpreted divine signs by examining<br />

animal entrails, and the Libri Rituales that described religious<br />

rituals performed on special occasions. The Etruscan pantheon<br />

was greatly infl uenced by its contact with the culture of the colonies<br />

of Magna Graecia. The most important god was Tinia (Jupiter),<br />

who formed a triad with Uni (Juno) and Menrva (Minerva) and<br />

was venerated in tripartite temples such as the Temple of Jupiter<br />

Capitolinus in Rome that was built in the era of the Tarquinius<br />

kings. They also introduced other “indigenous gods” such as<br />

Voltumna, who was considered in Volsinii the “fi rst of the gods of<br />

c<br />

d<br />

e) Male votive head from Nemi. 3 rd c. B.C. Florence, Archeological Museum<br />

f) Decorative panel from Velletri. 530 B.C. Naples, Archeological Museum<br />

g) Female votive head from Nemi. 3 rd c. B.C. Florence, Archeological Museum<br />

e f<br />

g<br />

Etruria”, or the demons Calu, Vanth, Lasa and Tuchulcha, who were<br />

linked to the Underworld “due to their language and way of living,<br />

they are unlike any other people.” (Dionysius of Halicarnassus,<br />

Roman antiquities, XXVI-XXX). Written with the Euboean Greek<br />

alphabet that was used by the fi rst Greek colonists in southern Italy,<br />

the Etruscan language usually reads from right to left and is very<br />

legible. The problem, however, is understanding and reconstructing<br />

the language in its entirety. The lexicon we have is limited because<br />

most of the texts that exist today are very short and are generally<br />

epitaphs on tombstones stating the name and age of the deceased,<br />

or inscriptions indicating possession or votive offerings on pottery.<br />

When gold sheets with texts written in both the Etruscan and<br />

Phoenician-Punic languages were discovered in Pyrgi near Ceveteri<br />

in 1964, there was great hope of fi nally having a long two-language<br />

text as reference. Unfortunately, the Semitic part was only a summary<br />

of the Etruscan text. Therefore, the very few longer texts that exist<br />

are diffi cult to decipher: the longest was painted on the Liber linteus<br />

(a folded linen sheet) and is sort of sacrifi cial calendar with the dates<br />

and recipients of these acts. Very similar are the texts written on<br />

the Capua Tile (5 th cent. B.C.) with ceremonial instructions, and<br />

the inscription on the lead Disc of Magliano (5 th -4 th cent. B.C.).<br />

Meanwhile, the Perugia Landmark (3 rd -2 nd cent. B.C.) illustrates<br />

territory boundaries, while the Cortona Tablet (3 rd -2 nd cent. B.C.),<br />

which was recently unearthed in 1992, contains notary deeds.

Fall Winter Collection 2012/2013

A<br />

A<br />

A<br />

2<br />

A B C<br />

16 17<br />

A B<br />

A MSCDAG948 CB697 Floral print cashmere scarf<br />

M0PSA2157 CD219 Wet-look nappa leather biker jacket with lamb lining<br />

M52525502 C086 Shaker knit feather cashmere sweater with jewel details<br />

MC59R37320 C2398 Silk crepe T-shirt with bone inserts<br />

12 13<br />

B<br />

10 - 11<br />

14 - 15<br />

A MSCDAG948 CB697 Floral print cashmere scarf<br />

M0PSA2157 CD219 Wet-look nappa leather biker jacket with lamb lining<br />

M52525502 C086 Shaker knit feather cashmere sweater with jewel details<br />

MC59R37320 C2398 Silk crepe T-shirt with bone inserts<br />

M0W25P3009 C4385 Slim-fit dip-dyed stretch velvet trousers<br />

B M0D702086 C5496 Couture felt jacket with cashmere fur trim<br />

M73514014 C2353 Diamond cashmere sweater with shearling trim<br />

M0TC863B04 C113 Ribbed cotton T-shirt with satin collar and Swarovski crystals<br />

M0W24P5011 C4132 Dip-dyed flared velvet trousers<br />

C MPCKG2187 CL118 Cotton fleece and lamb fur jacket<br />

M52308908 CS276 Feather cashmere jacquard sweater with ostrich feather trim<br />

M0C5958F10 C2370 Satin T-shirt with collar<br />

M0W35P1066 C8133 Straight-leg Lurex suede trousers<br />

A - B MT4281083 CQ755 Helicopter pilot down jacket with fox-trimmed hood<br />

M2255303 CH579 Cashmere turtleneck sweater with Alpine motif<br />

MA6491716 C039 Slim-fit cotton button-down shirt<br />

M045PP5652 C1534 Heavy gabardine darted trousers<br />

A M0D702086 C5496 Couture felt jacket with cashmere fur trim<br />

M73514014 C2353 Diamond cashmere sweater with shearling trim<br />

M0W24P5011 C4132 Dip-dyed flared velvet trousers<br />

A MA4541050 CF677 Sweater-style cashmere down vest<br />

M2240819 CE625 Ribbed cashmere scarf<br />

MA4438270 C044 One-and-a-half-breasted hopsack plated flannel jacket with peak lapels<br />

MA6471708 C038 Slim-fit cotton shirt with cutaway collar and pocket<br />

M057PP2642 C1554 Basic medium-weight gabardine trousers<br />

B M52310519 C3354 Chiné feather cashmere sweater with silk top<br />

M0W25P3018 C4353 Slightly flared dip-dyed stretch velvet trousers<br />

A<br />

A<br />

A<br />

A<br />

20 21<br />

22<br />

25<br />

A B C<br />

B C<br />

18 - 19<br />

26 - 27<br />

A MOPCL2145 CA081 Water-resistant suede vest with shearling and ostrich feather trim<br />

M52310519 C3354 Chiné feather cashmere sweater with silk top<br />

M0W25P3018 C4353 Slightly flared dip-dyed stretch velvet trousers<br />

A - B MT4281018 CR975 Water-repellent wool flannel/cashmere down vest<br />

M2234226 CH575 Peruvian-style cashmere cardigan<br />

MA6592728 C001 Slim-fit cotton button-down shirt<br />

MBFDU063 C001 Shetland flannel bag<br />

M038PP2542 C003 Flannel five-pocket trousers<br />

C M2R34819 CF154 Chiné cashmere cardigan with buttons and hood<br />

MSC425CO C2127 Silk/cashmere scarf<br />

M2229217 CW730 Cashmere “sweatshirt” vest<br />

M0U412738 C313 Slim-fit denim shirt with classic collar<br />

MAUMU315 C5532 Curried leather belt<br />

M045PP2772 C1553 Slim-fit six-pocket heavy gabardine trousers<br />

A M2R34819 CF154 Chiné cashmere cardigan with buttons and hood<br />

MSC425CO C2127 Silk/cashmere scarf<br />

M2229217 CW730 Cashmere “sweatshirt” vest<br />

M0U412738 C313 Slim-fit denim shirt with classic collar<br />

A M52608608 CV401 Feather cashmere jacquard sweater with ostrich feathers and maxi-sequins<br />

MC59R06R08 C2357 Silk crepe T-shirt<br />

A MG2314510 C3362 “Diamond” chiné cashmere tweed sweater with flower brooch<br />

MR97533604 C5473 Wool jersey T-shirt with jewel details<br />

M0R27G2058 CF525 Vintage silk muslin and silk georgette maxi skirt<br />

MZDBRG864 C5457 Aged calf leather boots with flannel lining<br />

B MPMSB4294 C5475 Two-tone suede shearling coat<br />

MS92134H08 C084 Pleated silk charmeuse T-shirt with nappa leather and Swarovski belt<br />

M0W24P3012 C4355 Straight-leg dip-dyed velvet trousers<br />

C MPMNB2053 CL324 Reverse shearling fur jacket with horn tag<br />

MS92182R10 C084 Silk charmeuse T-shirt with jewel details<br />

MBPMD0895 C5457 Calf leather shoulder bag<br />

M0W30P1087 C5462 Slim-fit stretch suede darted trousers<br />

MZDSTG861 C5452 Laminated Beatle boots with cashmere inserts and tread soles<br />

92 93

A<br />

A<br />

A<br />

28 29<br />

35<br />

A<br />

32 33<br />

B<br />

B C<br />

30 - 31<br />

36 - 37<br />

A - B MSCDAG944 C2357 Shaded cashmere/Lurex scarf<br />

MPMNB4558 CB483 Reverse shearling fur coat<br />

MC59R06R08 C2357 Silk crepe T-shirt<br />

M0W30P1087 C5462 Slim-fit stretch suede darted trousers<br />

MZDSTG861 C5452 Laminated Beatle boots with cashmere inserts and tread soles<br />

A MPMSB4294 C5475 Two-tone suede shearling coat<br />

MS92134H08 C084 Pleated silk charmeuse T-shirt with nappa leather and Swarovski belt<br />

M0W24P3012 C4355 Straight-leg dip-dyed velvet trousers<br />

A M0PCL1098 CC350 Reversible light water-resistant suede down vest<br />

M2255400 CI724 Crew-necked cashmere shaker knit sweater with chiné rugby stripes<br />

MA6331706 C170 Slim-fit cotton button-down shirt with pocket<br />

B MPMNB2053 CL324 Reverse shearling fur jacket with horn tag<br />

MS92182R10 C084 Silk charmeuse T-shirt with jewel details<br />

MBPMD0895 C5457 Calf leather shoulder bag<br />

M0W30P1087 C5462 Slim-fit stretch suede darted trousers<br />

C MA4561069 CA482 Sleeveless cashmere down jacket with fox-trimmed hood<br />

M2234224 CX594 Peruvian-style cashmere mock turtleneck sweater<br />

MR6462728 C411 Slim-fit cotton button-down shirt<br />

M057PP2142 C1557 Medium-weight gabardine cargo trousers<br />

A M0PMM1403 C5485 Suede shearling biker jacket<br />

M2274034 CY904 Cashmere sweater with shirt collar<br />

M0T617411 CG73 Crew-neck cotton T-shirt with two-tone lining<br />

M036PP2512 C4653 Flannel cotton five-pocket trousers<br />

A MG2314510 C3362 “Diamond” chiné cashmere tweed sweater with flower brooch<br />

MR97533604 C5473 Wool jersey T-shirt with jewel details<br />

M0R27G2058 CF525 Vintage silk muslin and silk georgette maxi skirt<br />

A<br />

A B C D E<br />

A<br />

A B<br />

94 95<br />

43<br />

38 - 39<br />

40 - 41<br />

A MSCDVS907 CV947 Cashmere keffiyeh with nuanced square motif<br />

MSPPM9986 C5203 Reverse shearling flower brooch with ostrich feathers<br />

M52C09904 CG700 Hand-knit feather chiné cashmere and suede sweater<br />

MC59R37332 C086 Silk crepe T-shirt<br />

M0W24P3080 C4353 Slightly flared dip-dyed velvet trousers<br />

MZDVAG869 C5456 Pearlized crust leather booties with cashmere laces<br />

B M0PMT1404 C548 Vintage shearling biker jacket<br />

M2229854 C24A0 Saddle sleeve Shetland-style cashmere sweater<br />

MA6252728 C5005 Slim-fit cotton button-down shirt<br />

M037PP2762 C3715 Pinstriped flannel darted trousers<br />

MZUVBGC005 CT518 Wingtip calf leather booties with tread soles<br />

C MSCDAG949 CT544 Shaded cashmere scarf<br />

MPMWS2030 CM269 Cashmere fur with knit details<br />

MB76356M16 C001 Oxford shirt with jewel details<br />

M0C5957F08 C2358 Silk satin T-shirt<br />

MA428P3041 C001 Flared wide-leg cashmere/wool flannel trousers<br />

MZDVAG857 C5465 Pearlized crust leather sneakers with cashmere fur insert<br />

D M0D704295 CC316 Macro-mélange couture felt coat with horn buttons<br />

M0V53C3017 C6860 Leather belt with mother-of-pearl buckle<br />

M12112708 C2357 Cashmere sweater with jewel details<br />

MR50409E09 C078 Wool skirt with Mongolian lamb and ostrich feather trim<br />

M62990069 C2355 Ribbed stretch cashmere tights<br />

MZDELG885 C5457 High-heeled calf leather Beatle boots with tread soles<br />

E MA4739007 C032 One-and-a-half-breasted unlined heavy cashmere beaver pea coat<br />

MA4608270 CR002 One-and-a-half-breasted deconstructed wool jacket with peak lapels<br />

MA4280018 C011 Flannel tie<br />

MA6361716 C019 Slim-fit cotton button-down shirt<br />

M041PP2512 C1559 Slim-fit five-pocket velvet trousers<br />

MZUSCCI038 C5510 Cordovan derby shoes with toecap and leather soles<br />

A MA4739007 C032 One-and-a-half-breasted unlined heavy cashmere beaver pea coat<br />

MA4608270 CR002 One-and-a-half-breasted deconstructed wool jacket with peak lapels<br />

MA4280018 C011 Flannel tie<br />

MA6361716 C019 Slim-fit cotton button-down shirt<br />

A MSCDVS907 CV947 Cashmere keffiyeh with nuanced square motif<br />

MSPPM9986 C5203 Reverse shearling flower brooch with ostrich feathers<br />

M52C09904 CG700 Hand-knit feather chiné cashmere and suede sweater<br />

B M0D704295 CC316 Macro-mélange couture felt coat with horn buttons

A B C<br />

A<br />

A B<br />

44<br />

A<br />

50<br />

A M0D704295 CC316 Macro-mélange couture felt coat with horn buttons<br />

M0V53C3017 C6860 Leather belt with mother-of-pearl buckle<br />

B MPMWS2030 CM269 Cashmere fur with knit details<br />

MB76356M16 C001 Oxford shirt with jewel details<br />

C MA4739007 C032 One-and-a-half-breasted unlined heavy cashmere beaver pea coat<br />

MA4608270 CR002 One-and-a-half-breasted deconstructed wool jacket with peak lapels<br />

MA4280018 C011 Flannel tie<br />

MA6361716 C019 Slim-fit cotton button-down shirt<br />

46 47<br />

B<br />

48 - 49<br />

A MSCDAG948 CB697 Floral print cashmere scarf<br />

MRQUL4093 C5301 Nubuck python coat with flannel lining<br />

M12114300 CT865 “Urban Legend” cashmere “sweatshirt”<br />

M0T1806750 C2358 Stretch cotton T-shirt<br />

M0R24P1005 C4509 Jersey trousers with yoke<br />

B MT4281085 CU926 Water-resistant cashmere/wool flannel down-filled parka<br />

MA4548220 C292 Sweater-style deconstructed cashmere jacket with peak lapels<br />

MA8049833 CK701 Flannel pocket square with two-tone trim<br />

MA4340018 C1022 Houndstooth check flannel tie<br />

MA6381706 C089 Slim-fit cotton button-down shirt with pocket<br />

A MSCDAG948 CB697 Floral print cashmere scarf<br />

MRQUL4093 C5301 Nubuck python coat with flannel lining<br />

MA90311F10 C159 Jersey gauze T-shirt with collar<br />

A MR82W9309 CT567 Water-resistant cashmere/wool beaver coat with peak lapels<br />

MA4458310 C043 Windowpane checked flannel “riding” jacket<br />

M0U411716 C313 Slim-fit button-down denim shirt<br />

M2200162 CY970 V-neck cashmere sweater<br />

M051PP2802 C1554 Slim-fit denims<br />

MZUSCCI038 C5510 Cordovan derby shoes with toecap and leather soles<br />

B MT4281085 CU926 Water-resistant cashmere/wool flannel down-filled parka<br />

MA4548220 C292 Sweater-style deconstructed cashmere jacket with peak lapels<br />

MA4340018 C1022 Houndstooth check flannel tie<br />

MA6381706 C089 Slim-fit cotton button-down shirt with pocket<br />

M057PP2112 C1542 Basic medium-weight gabardine trousers<br />

A B C<br />

A<br />

57<br />

58<br />

A B<br />

A<br />

B<br />

52 - 53<br />

54 - 55<br />

A MSCDAG948 CB697 Floral print cashmere scarf<br />

MRQUL4093 C5301 Nubuck python coat with flannel lining<br />

M12114300 CT865 “Urban Legend” cashmere “sweatshirt”<br />

M0T1806750 C2358 Stretch cotton T-shirt<br />

M0R24P1005 C4509 Jersey trousers with yoke<br />

59<br />

A MSPPM9986 C5203 Reverse shearling flower brooch with ostrich feathers<br />

MSCDAR981 CP049 Cashmere scarf with degradé print<br />

MR5472082 CZ011 Couture felt jacket with cashmere fur trim<br />

M43325400 C086 Feather cashmere and Lurex sweater<br />

M0R24P1005 C4509 Jersey trousers with yoke<br />

B MA452A300 CR017 Traditional Donegal tweed suit<br />

MA8109893 CW759 Madras print flannel pocket square<br />

MA8120018 CT813 Tiny dot cashmere/wool/silk tie<br />

M057U0068 C087 Basic button-down cotton shirt with pocket<br />

A MA55199535 C2355 Mélange flannel hat with grosgrain trim<br />

MR5374105 C014 Long cashmere beaver coat with lamb inserts<br />

M0TC863B04 C113 Ribbed cotton T-shirt with crepe sablé collar and Swarovski crystals<br />

B M0PVI2012 CM530 Mink cape with zipper<br />

M12118618 C056 Cashmere sweater with silk crepe collar and jewel details<br />

MBOW90233 C5449 Ponyhair cuff bracelet<br />

M0PCHP1065 CD155 Ultra-light suede jogging pants with Lurex cashmere insert<br />

C MA55199535 C2355 Mélange flannel hat with grosgrain trim<br />

MR5374105 C014 Long cashmere beaver coat with lamb inserts<br />

M0TC863B04 C113 Ribbed cotton T-shirt with crepe sablé collar and Swarovski crystals<br />

MPV37C3018 C5459 Braided leather belt<br />

M0V29P8931 C056 Stretch nappa leather leggings<br />

A M0PMT1404 C548 Vintage shearling biker jacket<br />

M2229854 C24A0 Saddle sleeve Shetland-style cashmere sweater<br />

MA6252728 C5005 Slim-fit cotton button-down shirt<br />

B MA4716203 C063 Unlined one-and-a-half-breasted wool pea coat<br />

M2255516 CC848 Cashmere shaker knit cardigan<br />

MA6471716 C019 Slim-fit cotton button-down shirt<br />

96 97

A<br />

A B C<br />

A<br />

61<br />

65<br />

66<br />

A M0PVI2003 CM930 Mink biker jacket<br />

M12116009 CZ810 Cashmere sweater with hood and “diamond” cashmere sleeves<br />

MB73D0978 CS295 “Diamond” cashmere bag with leather inserts<br />

62 - 63<br />

A M225P106 CD703 Shaker knit cashmere padded jacket<br />

M2252434 CX425 Shetland-style cashmere sweater with shirt collar<br />

MA6551706 C928 Slim-fit cotton button-down shirt with pocket<br />

M044PP2712 C1556 Moss stitch “riding” trousers<br />

B MA4716203 C063 Unlined one-and-a-half-breasted wool pea coat<br />

M2255516 CC848 Cashmere shaker knit cardigan<br />

MA6471716 C019 Slim-fit cotton button-down shirt<br />

MAUMU280 C5532 Curried leather belt with square buckle<br />

M043PP2782 C1542 Cotton canvas cargo “riding” trousers<br />

C MA4581050 CU961 Water-resistant wool/cashmere down vest<br />

M2252466 CX425 Shetland-style cashmere cardigan<br />

M0U411706 C413 Slim-fit cotton button-down shirt with pocket<br />

MAUMU315 C5532 Curried leather belt<br />

M045PP2502 C1554 Heavy gabardine military-style trousers<br />

A M0PMT1404 C548 Vintage shearling biker jacket<br />

M2229854 C24A0 Saddle sleeve Shetland-style cashmere sweater<br />

MA6252728 C5005 Slim-fit cotton button-down shirt<br />

A M0PCL4024 C2353 Suede coat with shaker knit cashmere inserts<br />

MCOW9H218 C5457 Hessonite and mohair necklace<br />

MS92125H09 C079 Silk charmeuse “sweatshirt” with hood<br />

M0T01P1093 C5392 Slim-fit stretch wool flannel trousers<br />

MZDLOG869 C5450 Brushed calf leather booties with cashmere laces<br />

A<br />

A<br />

A B<br />

68 69<br />

A B<br />

72<br />

75<br />

76 77<br />

B M0PCL5101 C2374 Ultra-light water-resistant suede T-shirt<br />

M0TC863B04 C056 Ribbed cotton T-shirt with satin collar and Swarovski crystals<br />

A B<br />

M0W07P1039 C796<br />

MZDELG885 C5457<br />

Wool cloth cigarette trousers with stirrups<br />

High-heeled calf leather Beatle boots with tread soles<br />

A<br />

B<br />

98 99<br />

B<br />

70 - 71<br />

A - B M0PVI2012 CM530 Mink cape with zipper<br />

M12118618 C056 Cashmere sweater with silk crepe collar and jewel details<br />

MBOW90234 C2353 Water-resistant suede cuff bracelet<br />

MBOW90235 C5462 Nubuck python cuff bracelet<br />

MBOW90232 C5533 Nappa leather cuff bracelet<br />

MBOW90233 C5449 Ponyhair cuff bracelet<br />

MBOW90234 C2353 Water-resistant suede cuff bracelet<br />

A M12114304 CH055 “Urban Legend” cashmere “sweatshirt” with cashmere fur insert<br />

MR50409E09 C078 Wool skirt with Mongolian lamb and ostrich feather trim<br />

M62990069 C2355 Ribbed stretch cashmere tights<br />

B MB849A3E90 CE516 Cashmere/silk “sweatshirt” dress with Mongolian lamb and ostrich feather skirt<br />

M62945019 C078 Stretch cashmere tights<br />

A MSPPM9986 C5203 Reverse shearling flower brooch with ostrich feathers<br />

MR5472082 CZ011 Couture felt jacket with cashmere fur trim<br />

M0T1806750 C2358 Stretch cotton T-shirt<br />

MBMLD0961 C5451 Cashmere fur bag with flannel lining<br />

A MPMNB2040 CQ107 Nappa shearling biker jacket<br />

M83519510 C086 Silk-lined “diamond” cashmere sweater<br />

M0W14P3017 C132 Dip-dyed cotton gabardine tapered trousers<br />

B MPMNB2057 C5192 Reverse shearling fur vest with fox trim<br />

M1M712502 C3196 Cashmere/Lurex silk sweater<br />

MA90106H08 C2353 Sablé crepe T-shirt with jewel details<br />

M0W10P1033 CH328 Sablé wool crepe trousers with nappa leather trim<br />

A - B M0PNR1055 CE623 Reversible papery leather biker jacket<br />

M2255519 CW730 Cashmere cable knit cardigan with hood<br />

MA6490068 C019 Basic button-down cotton shirt with pocket<br />

MAUSV310 C5522 Cordovan leather belt with silver buckle<br />

M051PP2802 C1559 Slim-fit denims

A<br />

A B C<br />

A B<br />

79<br />

80<br />

83<br />

A M2234146 CW730 Double-breasted cashmere shaker knit sweater<br />

M2229630 CK429 Cashmere shaker knit sweater with rugby stripes<br />

MA6252738 C5010 Slim-fit cotton shirt with classic collar<br />

MAUVS281 C5522 Braided belt with rectangular buckle<br />

M040PP2112 C1555 Basic velvet trousers<br />

A MPMWS5005 CB483 A-line cashmere fur T-shirt<br />

MR97535D04 C5479 Wool jersey T-shirt with silk charmeuse inserts and jewel details<br />

MS92182R10 C084 Silk charmeuse T-shirt with jewel details<br />

MBPKD0863 C5447 Small waxed calf leather shoulder bag<br />

M0V29P8931 C056 Stretch nappa leather leggings<br />

MZDELG863 C5457 Calf leather booties with marmot trim<br />

B MG2314506 C3360 “Diamond” cashmere tweed cardigan<br />

MR97414D04 C5479 Wool jersey “tulip” T-shirt<br />

M0Y14G2078 CG547 Crepe wool voile skirt with asymmetrical pleats<br />

M62990069 C079 Ribbed stretch cashmere tights<br />

MZDELG866 C5452 Calf leather booties with Mongolian lamb trim<br />

C M1M319608 CU345 Vanisé shaker knit feather cashmere sweater<br />

M1M319606 CF202 Vanisé shaker knit feather cashmere cardigan<br />

MC59R06R08 C2357 Silk crepe T-shirt<br />

MR974G2026 C5479 Wool jersey draped maxi-skirt<br />

M62859049 C2355 Ribbed stretch cashmere leggings<br />

MZDBRC903 C5540 Aged calf leather boots with leather sole<br />

A MA5544552 CQ782 Crepe wool coat with ostrich feather trim<br />

B M12R18304 CU680 Cashmere and marabou sweater<br />

MCOW90660 C079 Wood and ostrich feather necklace<br />

M0C59A0H99 C2350 Satin dress with nappa leather belt<br />

84 - 85<br />

A MA428AS007 C003 One-and-a-half-breasted cashmere/wool tuxedo with peak lapels<br />

MA6009832 CK823 Oxford cotton pocket square with two-tone trim<br />

MA4280003 C003 Cashmere/wool flannel bowtie<br />

MR620S1826 C159 Basic twill sea island cotton shirt with cutaway collar and cuff with cufflinks<br />

B M081UAS004 CQ43 Cashmere tuxedo with shawl collar<br />

MA6009832 CK823 Oxford cotton pocket square with two-tone trim<br />

MA4280003 C003 Cashmere/wool flannel bowtie<br />

MR620S1876 C159 Slim-fit twill sea island cotton shirt with cutaway collar, plastron, and cuff with cufflinks<br />

MR813S005 C4854 Silk satin cummerbund<br />

A<br />

86 87<br />

A B C D E<br />

90<br />

B<br />

88 - 89<br />

A MA5544552 CQ782 Crepe wool coat with ostrich feather trim<br />

MA90109H99 C2355 Sablé crepe jumpsuit with satin inserts<br />

A - B M12W18416 CM982 Cashmere fur vest<br />

MCOW9Q222 C5465 Smoky quartz, brown quartz, gray quartz, pyrite and leather necklace<br />

MCOW9D220 C079 Gray jasper necklace<br />

MA901A8H89 C2358 Sablé crepe dress with satin slip<br />

MPFL099527 C5533 Long nappa leather gloves<br />

A MR424AS007 CQ91 One-and-a-half-breasted wool tuxedo with peak lapels<br />

MA6009832 CK823 Oxford cotton pocket square with two-tone trim<br />

MR4240003 C4102 Wool bowtie<br />

MR620S1836 C159 Slim-fit twill sea island cotton shirt with cutaway collar and cuff with cufflinks<br />

MZUVFTP038 C101 Calf leather derby shoes with toecap and leather soles<br />

B M12W18416 CM982 Cashmere fur vest<br />

MCOW9Q222 C5465 Smoky quartz, brown quartz, gray quartz, pyrite and leather necklace<br />

MCOW9D220 C079 Gray jasper necklace<br />

MA901A8H89 C2358 Sablé crepe dress with satin slip<br />

MPFL099527 C5533 Long nappa leather gloves<br />

MZDVAG864 C5452 Pearlized crust leather boots with shearling trim<br />

C MA5544552 CQ782 Crepe wool coat with ostrich feather trim<br />

MA90109H99 C2355 Sablé crepe jumpsuit with satin inserts<br />

MZDBRG863 C5452 Aged calf leather booties with flannel lining<br />

D MA428AS007 C003 One-and-a-half-breasted cashmere/wool tuxedo with peak lapels<br />

MA6009832 CK823 Oxford cotton pocket square with two-tone trim<br />

MA4280003 C003 Cashmere/wool flannel bowtie<br />

MR620S1826 C159 Basic twill sea island cotton shirt with cutaway collar and cuff with cufflinks<br />

MZUVFTP038 C101 Calf leather derby shoes with toecap and leather soles<br />

E MCOW90660 C079 Wood and ostrich feather necklace<br />

M0C59A0H99 C2350 Satin dress with nappa leather belt<br />

B MA428AS007 C003 One-and-a-half-breasted cashmere/wool tuxedo with peak lapels<br />

MA6009832 CK823 Oxford cotton pocket square with two-tone trim<br />

MA4280003 C003 Cashmere/wool flannel bowtie<br />

C MR424AS007 CQ91 One-and-a-half-breasted wool tuxedo with peak lapels<br />

MR620S1826 C159 Basic twill sea island cotton shirt with cutaway collar and cuff with cufflinks<br />

A B C<br />

MA6009832 CK823<br />

MR4240003 C4102<br />

MR620S1836 C159<br />

Oxford cotton pocket square with two-tone trim<br />

Wool bowtie<br />

Slim-fit twill sea island cotton shirt with cutaway collar and cuff with cufflinks<br />

A B C<br />

C MCOW90660 C079 Wood and ostrich feather necklace<br />

M0C59A0H99 C2350 Satin dress with nappa leather belt<br />

M12R18304 CU680 Cashmere and marabou sweater<br />

100 101

EUROPE<br />

ITALY<br />

Milan<br />

Via della Spiga, 5<br />

20121 Milano<br />

Tel. +39 02 76014448<br />

Via della Spiga, 30<br />

20121 Milano<br />

Tel. +39 02 76015982<br />

Capri<br />

Via Camerelle, 14<br />

80073 Capri (NA)<br />

Tel. +39 081 8376889<br />

Via Camerelle, 16<br />

80073 Capri (NA)<br />

Tel. +39 081 8377765<br />

Florence<br />

Via della Vigna Nuova, 47<br />

50123 Firenze<br />

Tel. +39 055 285832<br />

Porto Cervo<br />

Piazzetta delle Chiacchiere<br />

07021 Porto Cervo (OT)<br />

Tel. +39 0789 907689<br />

Milano Marittima<br />

Viale Romagna, 51<br />

48015 Milano Marittima (RA)<br />

Tel. +39 0544 991123<br />

Portofino<br />

Via Roma, 38<br />

16034 Portofino (GE)<br />

Tel. +39 0185 269267<br />

Cortina<br />

Via Roma, 1<br />

32043 Cortina (BL)<br />

Tel. +39 0436 862130<br />

Rome<br />

Via Borgognona, 33<br />

00187 Roma<br />

Tel. +39 06 6787680<br />

Forte dei Marmi<br />

Via G. Montauti, 3<br />

55042 Forte dei Marmi (LU)<br />

Tel. +39 0584 784663<br />

Bologna<br />

Galleria Cavour, 4/G<br />

40124 Bologna<br />

Tel. +39 051 221593<br />

FRANCE<br />

Paris<br />

179, Boulevard Saint-Germain<br />

75007 Paris<br />

Tel. +33 1 42227031<br />

54, Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré<br />

75008 Paris<br />

Tel. +33 1 42656452<br />

Saint-Tropez<br />

7, Rue de la Ponche<br />

83990 Saint-Tropez<br />

Tel. +33 494 976764 (Menswear)<br />

Tel. +33 494 973701 (Womenswear)<br />

Cannes<br />

7, Rue des États-Unis<br />

06400 Cannes<br />

Tel. +33 497 065003<br />

SPAIN<br />

Madrid<br />

Calle de Lagasca, 25<br />

28002 Madrid<br />

Tel. +34 911 151109<br />

Puerto Banus<br />

Calle de Ribera, 10<br />

29660 Puerto Banús<br />

(Marbella)<br />

Tel. +34 952 815448<br />

Palma de Mallorca<br />

Avenida Jaime III, 4<br />

07012 Palma de Mallorca<br />

Tel. +34 971 712043<br />

Ibiza<br />

Marina Botafoch<br />

Boutique n.321<br />

07800 Ibiza<br />

Tel. +34 971 191472<br />

GREECE<br />

Athens<br />

5 P. Ioakeim Str.<br />

10673 Kolonaki - Athina<br />

Tel. +30 210 2502500<br />


Sylt<br />

3, Strönwai<br />

25999 Kampen - Sylt<br />

Tel. +49 4651 8364091<br />

Hamburg<br />

17, Hohe Bleichen<br />

20354 Hamburg<br />

Tel. +49 40 35018525<br />


Brussels<br />

4, Place du Grand Sablon<br />

1000 Bruxelles<br />

Tel. +32 2 5122367<br />

Knokke<br />

83, Kustlaan<br />

8300 Knokke-Heist<br />

Tel. +32 50 601655<br />


Amsterdam<br />

99, P.C. Hooftstraat<br />

1071 Amsterdam<br />

Tel. +31 020 6860888<br />


London<br />

180 Walton Street<br />

London SW3 2GL<br />

Tel. +44 20 75818030<br />

3-5 Burlington Gardens<br />

London W1S 3EP<br />

Tel. +44 20 72874347<br />

159 Sloane Street<br />

London SW1X 9BT<br />

Tel. +44 20 77305207<br />


Gstaad<br />

28, Untergstaadstrasse<br />

3780 Gstaad<br />

Tel. +41 33 7445083<br />

Crans-Montana<br />

10, Rue du Prado<br />

3963 Crans-Montana<br />

Tel. +41 27 4818112<br />

Geneva<br />

6, Rue Robert-Céard<br />

1204 Genève<br />

Tel. +41 22 3101209<br />

St. Moritz<br />

4, Via Maistra<br />

7500 St. Moritz<br />

Tel. +41 81 8337300<br />

Lugano<br />

29, Via Nassa<br />

6900 Lugano<br />


Odessa<br />

28, Serghey Varlamov Str.<br />

Luxury Gallery Sady Pobedy<br />

65067 Odessa<br />

Tel. +380 48 7480791<br />

Kiev<br />

Mandarin Plaza<br />

6, Basseynaya Str.<br />

01004 Kyiv<br />

Tel. +380 44 4597373<br />

11, Basseynaya Str.<br />

01004 Kyiv<br />

Tel. +380 44 2464692<br />


Vilnius<br />

44, Gedimino Prospektas<br />

01013 Vilnius<br />

Tel. +370 69841111<br />

RUSSIA<br />

Moscow<br />

11, Stoleshnikov Pereulok<br />

119048 Moskva<br />

Crocus City Mall, ground floor<br />

66th km of MKAD<br />

(Moscow Ring Road)<br />

119048 Moskva<br />

Tel. +7 495 6469815<br />

3, Gum, Krasnaya Ploshchad<br />

119048 Moskva<br />

Tel. +7 495 6203454<br />

Vremena Goda Mall, ground floor<br />

48, Kutuzovsky Prospekt<br />

119048 Moskva<br />

Tel. +7 495 9372386<br />

Saint Petersburg<br />

19/8, Bolshaya Konyushennaya Str.<br />

197022 Sankt Peterburg<br />

Tel. +7 812 3152056<br />


NEW YORK<br />

New York<br />

683 Madison Avenue<br />

New York, NY 10065<br />

Tel. +1 212 8130900<br />

379 Bleecker Street<br />

New York, NY 10014<br />

Tel. +1 212 6279202<br />

East Hampton<br />

39 Newtown Lane<br />

East Hampton, NY 11937<br />

Tel. +1 631 3243400<br />

Americana Manhasset<br />

2080 Northern Blvd<br />

Manhasset, NY 11030<br />

Tel. +1 516 6273566<br />


Bal Harbour - Miami<br />

Bal Harbour Shops, Suite 214<br />

9700 Collins Avenue<br />

Bal Harbour, FL 33154<br />

Tel. +1 305 8644833<br />


Chicago<br />

939A North Rush Street<br />

Chicago, IL 60611<br />

Tel. +1 312 2666000<br />


Beverly Hills<br />

9534 Brighton Way<br />

Beverly Hills, CA 90210<br />

Tel. +1 310 7248118<br />

South Coast Plaza<br />

3333 Bristol Street, Suite 2243<br />

Costa Mesa, CA 92626<br />

Tel. +1 714 9576930<br />

NEVADA<br />

Las Vegas<br />

Crystals at CityCenter, Suite 263<br />

3720 Las Vegas Blvd South<br />

Las Vegas, NV 89158<br />

Tel. +1 702 5277766<br />


Aspen<br />

508 East Cooper Street<br />

Aspen, CO 81611<br />

Grand Opening: Fall 2012<br />

MEXICO<br />

Mexico City<br />

Blvd Manuel Ávila Camacho 40, Piso 21<br />

Lomas de Chapultepec Distrito Federal<br />

11000 Ciudad de México<br />

Tel. +52 55 30005209<br />


Buenos Aires<br />

Libertad 1362 - 1016 Buenos Aires<br />

Tel. +54 11 48151404<br />

ASIA<br />

JAPAN<br />

Tokyo<br />

6-4-14 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku<br />

107-0062 Tokyo - Tel. +81 3 54675155<br />

Kobe<br />

Block 31, 31-1, Akashimachi, Chuo-ku<br />

650-0037 Kobe - Tel. +81 78 3918388<br />

CHINA<br />

Hong Kong<br />

Ifc Mall, Central, Shop 2062-2063<br />

Hong Kong<br />

Tel. +852 21754268<br />

Harbour City, Ocean Center, Shop 115<br />

Tsim Sha Tsui - Kowloon, Hong Kong<br />

Tel. +852 27363588<br />

Dalian<br />

Dalian Time Square, Shop 233<br />

2f, Times Square, Ren Min Road<br />

Zhongshan District - 116001 Dalian<br />

Tel. +86 411 88079909<br />

Chengdu<br />

2f, Skyone Plaza No. 56<br />

2 nd section of Renmin South Road<br />

Qingyang District - 610002 Chengdu<br />

Tel. +86 28 86207029<br />

Harbin<br />

Charter Shopping Center<br />

1 st floor, 106 AnLong Street<br />

Daoli District - 150000 Harbin<br />

Tel. +86 451 87736987<br />

Shenyang<br />

MixC Shopping Mall, 288 Qingnian Street<br />

126, 1f, Huarun Mixc Center<br />

Heping District - 110006 Shenyang<br />

Tel. +86 24 31379577<br />

1F, Charter Shopping Center<br />

7-1 Beijing Street<br />

Shenghe District - 110013 Shenyang<br />

Tel. +86 24 22795562<br />

Shanghai<br />

L106, 1f, Yifeng Mansion, No. 77<br />

East Beijing Road - Shanghai<br />

Macao<br />

The Shoppes at Four Seasons Hotel Macao<br />

999078 - Cotai Strip, Taipa, Macao Sar<br />

Tel. +853 28818296<br />

TAIWAN<br />

Taipei<br />

B2F, No. 3, Lane 39, Section 2<br />

Chung Shan North Road -10450 Taipei<br />

Tel. +886 2 25216116<br />



Sydney<br />

MLC Centre, 19-29 Martin Place<br />

2000 NSW Sydney<br />

Tel. +61 2 92233933<br />

64 Queen Street Woollahra<br />

2025 NSW Sydney<br />

Tel. +61 2 93638833

We wish to thank:<br />

The City of Pitigliano<br />

The Councilor of Culture and Tourism of the City of Sorano<br />

The Management of the “Città del Tufo” Archeological Park<br />

The Photograph Archive of the Superintendence for the Archeological Heritage of Southern Etruria<br />

The Superintendence for the Archeological Heritage of Southern Etruria<br />

The Superintendence for the Archeological Heritage of Tuscany<br />

The regional park of the Maremma and the “Naturalmente Toscana” Consortium of Alberese<br />

The Archeological Museum of Zagreb<br />

The Archeological Museum of Naples<br />

Luisa Ricciarini Agency - Milan<br />

Cover and this page:<br />

Portrait of Velia Spurinas. 4 th c. B.C. Tarquinia, Tomb of Orcus<br />

Introduction, page 3:<br />

Etruscan Arch. Perugia - Ancient print from Enciclopedia popolare illustrata, edited by Palmiro Premoli<br />

Back cover and opposite page:<br />

Hades. 4 th c. B.C. Tarquinia, Tomb of Orcus<br />

Flyleaves of the book:<br />

Liber linteus. 2 nd c. B.C. Zagreb, Archeological Museum, photograph by Igor Krajcar<br />

Holders of rights to any unidentified photograph sources should contact the publisher<br />

Artistic Direction<br />

Ciro Falavigna<br />

Photography<br />

Christian Moser<br />

Texts<br />

Massimo De Vico Fallani<br />

Maria Cappelletti<br />

Production<br />

Giancarlo Scialanga<br />

Special thanks to Cariaggi, our esteemed cashmere supplier<br />

We also thank everyone who contributed to this book<br />

No part of this publication can be reproduced by any means, also electronic, without specific authorization<br />

from the owners of the copyrights or from Brunello Cucinelli S.p.A.<br />

Printed in July 2012<br />

Printed in Italy<br />

www.brunellocucinelli.com<br />

Brunello Cucinelli S.p.A. Solomeo di Corciano (Perugia) – Italy – tel. +39 075 697071 fax +39 075 6970700<br />

Milan Press Office tel. +39 02 34933478 – Solomeo Press Office tel. +39 075 6970837 cucinelli@brunellocucinelli.it

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