Bequia this Week - 8th May - 14th May 2020

A handy calendar of events, aptly entitled "Bequia This Week", is published in print and on-line for this small Caribbean island every Friday, giving information about what's on where and when. A handy calendar of events, aptly entitled "Bequia This Week", is published in print and on-line for this small Caribbean island every Friday, giving information about what's on where and when.


PRESS RELEASEFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEFriday April 3, 2020Contact: Permanent SecretaryKingstown, St. Vincent and the GrenadinesSubject: Third Confirmed Case of COVID-19 in SVGLast night (at 9:46 p.m.), St. Vincent and the Grenadines registered its third confirmedcase of COVID-19. It is also another imported case. The positive result was one of tworesults returned. The other result was negative.The sample which tested positive was taken from a male patient who had travelled toSVG from Barbados on March 18, 2020. The patient had placed himself under voluntaryquarantine from the time of his arrival in SVG. He developed symptoms on March 29 andinformed healthcare workers about them on March 31, at which time a sample forCOVID-19 testing was taken from him.The patient, who is a Vincentian national, has been in isolation under close monitoring byhealth officials since the sample was taken. The process of informing the patient and anypossible earlier contacts has commenced. All additional public health measures willcontinue including the implementation of additional quarantine where necessary.The public is reminded to continue to practice the basic but highly effective public healthmeasures of hand hygiene, cough etiquette, physical distancing and strict adherence toquarantine to keep us all safe from COVID-19. The Government of St. Vincent and theGrenadines will continue to keep the public informed as we manage this public healthchallenge together.###

PRESS RELEASEFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWednesday, April 1, 2020Contact: Permanent SecretaryKingstown, St. Vincent and the GrenadinesSubject: Medical Clearance for Original Confirmed Case of COVID-19 in SVGThe Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment just announced a secondconfirmed case of COVID-19 in St. Vincent and the Grenadines on the basis oflaboratory results received from the Caribbean Public Health Agency.The Ministry would now like to take this opportunity to inform the public the initialconfirmed case of COVID-19 in SVG has received medical clearance. In order formedical clearance to be issued, 2 successive negative test results had to be received inrelation to that patient. These 2 successive negative results have been attained.Thus, there is now one active case of COVID-19 in SVG.Further to the original release of today’s date, the Ministry would like to clarify that thefour (4) samples which were rejected by CARPHA were so rejected because they weredrawn from patients without symptoms who therefore did not fit CARPHA’s definition ofa case requiring testing for COVID-19.The Ministry and the government would continue to take all actions necessary to protectthe health of Vincentians during the course of the coronavirus pandemic and at all times.###



Friday April 3, 2020

Contact: Permanent Secretary

Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Subject: Third Confirmed Case of COVID-19 in SVG

Last night (at 9:46 p.m.), St. Vincent and the Grenadines registered its third confirmed

case of COVID-19. It is also another imported case. The positive result was one of two

results returned. The other result was negative.

The sample which tested positive was taken from a male patient who had travelled to

SVG from Barbados on March 18, 2020. The patient had placed himself under voluntary

quarantine from the time of his arrival in SVG. He developed symptoms on March 29 and

informed healthcare workers about them on March 31, at which time a sample for

COVID-19 testing was taken from him.

The patient, who is a Vincentian national, has been in isolation under close monitoring by

health officials since the sample was taken. The process of informing the patient and any

possible earlier contacts has commenced. All additional public health measures will

continue including the implementation of additional quarantine where necessary.

The public is reminded to continue to practice the basic but highly effective public health

measures of hand hygiene, cough etiquette, physical distancing and strict adherence to

quarantine to keep us all safe from COVID-19. The Government of St. Vincent and the

Grenadines will continue to keep the public informed as we manage this public health

challenge together.


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