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Kendrick Seah

ometimes, you just need to have faith.

“STaking a leap of faith is better than taking

a leap of doubt.”

Leadership to me was not a foreign playing

field. However, during the weeks prior to the

26th JCRC Rally, it was a heart fueled with uncertainties

and doubt on whether I would be

able to meet the expectations as not only a

Special Projects Director, but also as a representative

of the Hall 8. In a way, this was a test

on leadership on a completely new environment,

something that requires adaptation.

Fast forward to the planning process of 8 to 8

Supper Hop which began during the December

Winter break, it was hands down the biggest

2-month long nightmare of an event to

plan. Despite the many adversities faced along

the way, I am extremely thankful for all my

Subcommers for being so understanding with

regards to why we had to make such significant

amendments to our original visions of this

year’s 8 to 8 Supper Hop, and for being extremely

proactive and on the ball throughout

the entire event & planning process.

Needless to say, there are some groups and individuals

that I would like to specifically thank

for their unwavering support thus far in this

JCRC journey. Without them, I would’ve stumbled

countless times or given up along the way.

My SPD predecessor, Haena – The best and

most caring predecessor, providing really insightful

and timely advice whilst keeping a

watchful eye on both myself and my fellow

Special Projects Director, Wan Jun. Your passion

and dedication towards Special Projects

even after completing your term really speaks

volumes, which really inspires me to carry this

pride and passion on towards the next batch

of Special Projects Directors.

being steady for just about everything AND

also personally keeping a watch for me, it will

be really saddening to see you leave Hall after

you graduate.

The dysfunctional P-Clan members also in

26th; Freddy, Claire & Chelsea – It’s real heartening

to have you guys together with me in

this journey, sharing plenty of dumb moments

with each other while keep us sane in the

meantime. Stay crazy my buddies!

Thank you 26th, for having each other’s backs

throughout this entire journey. What may seem

as an incredibly boring meeting agenda list never

fails to be night full of laughter and retarded

moments, while also achieving our objectives.

Thank you for giving me such a fulfilling experience

on what Hall life is all about and I can’t

imagine it without each and every single one

of you. I hope that at the end of this journey,

we would’ve not only physically aged (many)

years, but also grown and glown as individuals

and leaders.

Lastly, thank you to all residents for your contributions

towards the Hall. No matter how

small it may be, a contribution is still noticeable

and it’s heartening to see everyone play

a part in keeping our Hall going. Remember,

keeping a Hall fun and alive involves each and

every resident’s participation!

It is truly an honour and pleasure to serve Hall

8 and here’s to another exciting year ahead!

The steadiest and the most passionate senior,

Yong Kai – He’s the person that created my

definition of ‘Hall Culture’. Supporting literally

almost every Hall event and IHG match whilst

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