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Lai Wan Jun

rather you do something you regret than you regret

not doing anything.” This was what my roomie


told me when I was contemplating whether I should

take the leap of faith and run for Hall Council. I was the

typical enthusiastic freshie who was on the post-orientation

high, and felt so strongly for this Hall and the

clan spirit. I was at a loss, whether to be the clan CGL

or to run for Hall Council. Eventually, what my roomie

said struck me, and I decided to run as the Special

Projects Director.

Honestly, there isn’t a single part of this journey that

is easy. Be it the (almost) weekly meetings that end at

ungodly hours (we even ordered McBreakfast after our

very first meeting), the pressure on us to revive the

Hall culture, or the struggle to come up with an event

that caters to this unique batch of residents. This is

truly a test of my time management skills. At the start

of sem 2, I had to juggle Hall Council commitments,

the academic rigour, Srethgie dance practice, and taking

care of my health. I would not say that I did a great job

at it, but at least I managed to pull through the toughest

time in my university life thus far.

A huge shoutout to Kendrick, my fellow SPD partner

who would lend me a helping hand anytime. I couldn’t

have done it without you. Thank you for being so understanding

of my commitments and covering for me

during the 8 to 8 Supper Hop planning phase. Our

working style is complementary. He would take the

lead for the planning phase and I would take charge

during the execution phase. Despite certain disagreements

along the way, our working dynamics were really


Thank you to my Subcommers for being so receptive

to our idea of revamping the Supper Hop. You guys

were so responsive when we assign work for you to

do. You took the initiative to step up when you felt like

something has to be done. We could not have done it

without each and every one of you. To my unoff, thank

you for your invaluable advice and guidance throughout

the whole planning phase. When helped us to when

our way when we were lost and you gave us the encouragement

we needed when we were feeling demoralised.

Thank you to this team for making my first ever

event (or as I call it my love child) a success.

Next, to my lovely roomie, Claudia. Thank you for supporting

me since day 1. I always feel so bad when I

switch on the light in the wee hours when I came back

into the room after meeting, but never for once have

you ever complained about the noise I make nor the

blinding lights. I loved all the post its you left for me on

my table when you know that I am stressed and I really

appreciate all the times you offered to buy dinner for

me when you are coming back Hall. Thank you for being

a listening ear and giving me advice when I needed

it. You are such a blessing and I can’t wait to spend

more roomie time with you love.

They say to leave the best for the last, so here goes. To

26th. This journey would not be half as fruitful without

all of you. We were a little awkward at first, but as soon

as we got comfortable with each other’s presence, the

meeting room was filled with so much fun and laughter.

Even though the meeting agenda might be short, but

we would still take hours to end the meeting because

we kept digressing. Not that I am complaining though.

The 14 of us have vastly different personalities, but despite

our differences, we managed to flourish and grow

closer to each other. Maybe opposites attract? Who

knows. All the silly moments we had in the meeting

room, whether it was during meetings or when we

were studying together during finals, they are all kept

close to my heart. You all are my biggest takeaway from

this journey.

It was undeniably a wild ride, full of ups and downs,

where we celebrate successful events and pick each

other up when we are at our lowest. It took up so

much of my time (sorry mum and dad for always going

back Hall early) and energy, but the experience made

it all worthwhile. This is a marathon and not a sprint.

The finish line is just a stone’s throw away. Let’s make

whatever time we have left with each other as fulfilling

as possible!

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