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Freddy Khoo

Hong Shan

Hello Eighters! In a blink of an eye, 1 year has passed

us by already, and this would symbolise an end to

my Hall Council journey. It still surprises me that I took

the courage to join the 26th Hall Council family. I was

always a follower, and leadership was never my forte.

However, I wanted to try something new in university.

As such, I thought about running for CGL for my clan.

However, my seniors and friends told me to soar for

something more ambitious, such as running for a position

in the Hall Council. Trepidation and worries seized

my heart because I was afraid that I would not be able

to meet the expectations set by my predecessors. After

much assurance from Natalie, my predecessor, and

my other seniors, I finally took a leap of faith, and here

I stand before you.

Undoubtably, my Hall Council journey was not exactly

smooth sailing; it can be coined as ‘bittersweet’. I

faced many struggles during this journey. Firstly, when

I had to plan my very first event and execute them, I

felt very lost as I did not know what to do at all. As a

result, the event did not turn out as huge a success as

I hoped it was. Secondly, allocating manpower during

the Inter-Hall Games (IHG) and Inter-Hall Recreational

Games (IHRG) was tedious as everyone’s schedules

are different. Thirdly, as there were multiple games ongoing

during the IHG/IHRG season, it was difficult to

allocate adequate numbers of members to each game.

As it was my first time handling these struggles, I was

really at a lost.

Yet, because of these ‘bitter’ moments, it highlighted

the ‘sweet’ moments that accompany with them.

During these struggles, my Hall Council members constantly

volunteered to help me sort out these issues to

alleviate my burdens, for which I’m immensely grateful

for. In fact, every Hall Council member was willing to

help one another without any complaints. Their selflessness,

unconditional friendship, and unwavering care

for one another made me truly enjoy my Hall Council

journey. Many people have offered me help along this

journey and

I would like to offer my utmost gratitude towards

these people:

To my 26th family: Thank you for making this journey

such a fun one. Although I always dread the long meeting

we have every Wednesday, the laughter and jokes

we share during these meetings always dissipate my

dreadfulness and replace them with joy and glee. I am

not one who open up to others easily, but whenever I

am with you guys, I always feel a sense of kinship. Thank

you for simply being yourself. Even though our journey

is coming to an end, I hope the friendship forged during

this journey will only get stronger.

To my RA Subcommers: Thank you for sacrificing your

holidays to come back to help me do duties. I know I

may not have been the best leader, but I sincerely wish

you know how much I appreciate you guys. Being an

RA Subcommer is not an easy job, but the fact that

you guys stayed through to help me, really made me

eternally grateful to you guys. Thank you so much for

being such amazing Subcommers.

To my P-Clan family: Thank you for constantly planning

out events and outings to help Chelsea, Claire, Kendrick

and I destress. The constant drinking sessions

and dinners that we have were filled with nothing but

laughter and joy. I always look forward to spending

more time with you guys, and I hope that once this

journey ends, we can spend more time together! Thank

you so much! P-clan <3 family!

To Natalie: Thank you for convincing me to take on this

fulfilling role and always looking out for me. I would

not have completed this journey smoothly without

your patient guidance and constant care. Even though

you were overseas, you continued looking out for me

and always made yourself available, so that you can answer

my questions. Thank you so much for guiding me

through this journey!

To my roommate, Yi Fei: Thank you for being so understanding

towards my commitment and always looking

out for me. I know I always return late from my meetings

and so to help me out, you always leave my lamp

lights on. Or, if you know that I have to work late sometimes,

you would buy me dinner unprompted. These

may be small actions but I am truly grateful for them.

Thank you for always having movie marathons with me,

even though you are tired. Once Hall journey is over, I

look forward to having more roomie time with you and

finally finishing our Marvel Movie Marathon!

To Hall 8 Residents: Thank you for trusting me as your

Residential Affairs Director. I know I have not done the

best job, but I hope what I have done has improved

your Hall life, one way or another. Thank you so much!

Thank you everyone for this fun-filled journey. It is sad

that my journey is coming to an end, but I am hopeful

for what my next chapter holds! RA Director, PANG-


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