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Claire Lim

Kia Hwee

Coming into Hall 8, I have always heard

about this strong and unique “Hall culture”

that people always talked about. I really

wanted to feel the pulse of Hall life, have fun

and really play a part in giving back to this

Hall. I wanted to shape experiences for people

to walk away with fond memories of this

Hall and with that, I decided to run for Events


Concluding this journey, I would say that

sadly, I no longer feel the same faith as I did

when I ran for the position. The hardest lesson

for me was in managing people’s expectations.

There were times I had to give to

one while depriving another, times I had to

struggle between refusing requests and then

grappling with the emotional reactions that

would be directed.

It was a difficult lesson to learn and I am indebted

to my roomie and the friends who

listened, supported and advised me. Without

your patience and understanding, I would

never have made it this far without giving up.

Looking back, I can now clearly see the two

obstacles that stood in such staunch opposition

against our common desire of a stronger

Hall 8 family. First, tradition or change.

Tradition precedes culture but it can also

obstruct change. There were many times we

settled for less in order to maintain tradition.

In my view, traditions are important and

should be kept but it should make way for

changes which are better suited for today’s

needs. An unworkable idea in the past may

bring about different reactions today.

As this realisation hits me, I really want to

thank each and everyone of the 26th JCRC.

Thank you for being a dependable pillar of

support, the dedication and unfading determination

you all have is really what keeps me


The second obstacle, Hall first? or self? Laying

tiles on a road is a hellish task to do alone.

Bring in 50 people, 100 people and you can

get it done easily, even enjoyably within a day.

But the bigger question is, would you voluntarily

sacrifice your personal time to lay that

tile? Will the greater good be worth more

than the personal cost?

I am thankful to have a group of Subcommers

who supported and guided me in running


events. I am really grateful to have you all and

my events experience would never have been

as vibrant without the energy you all bring.

For those who were not in events Subcomm

but still took on responsibilities like events

setup and rallying people to come down (y’all

know who you are), I’m truly touched and inspired

by your efforts. Ultimately, if everyone

lays a tile for Hall 8 today, we can all run on

a smoother road tomorrow. Question is will

you do it?

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