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Glenn Lee

Jian Hao

ow about you give Council a try?” One of

“Hmy senior told me. I was hesitant about

joining the school Council as I’ve never taken up

such a big leadership role in my entire life. Ever

since I was a child, I was more of a follower than

leader. For me to join the Council is a very big

decision I have to make. I consulted my roomie

about it and we decided to give Council a shot as

I want to have an enriching university experience.

Thus, my roomie (Shamin) and I took up the responsibility

to be Recreation Directors.

For starters, I was very unclear about my responsibility

and role as a Recreational Director. Part

of me was worried that I made a huge mistake

and was not up to the task of being a member

of the Council. I was afraid that people would be

mad of me because I did a poor job. However, I

am very grateful for the overwhelmingly positive

energy that the Council brings and the constant

motivation that I get to keep me going. A special

thanks to Zhiwei that guided me step by step and

helped me along the way throughout my journey.

The extra effort he put in guiding me is something

I’ll never forget.

than what I require. Not forgetting the players

that participated in IHRG as well, I really appreciate

the effort they put in to train for it. I’m very

proud of all of them for taking the effort to train

and compete in IHRG regardless the results.

Also would like to thank my fellow Council members

for being so supportive towards each other.

They are the ones that make me think joining

Council was not a mistake. This is especially so

during the IHRG period where they stayed by me

and helped me out throughout the entire winter

holiday. I’m very grateful for each and everyone

of them from the bottom of my heart. Although

sometimes we might face obstacles along the

way, we always find the time to talk it through

and resolve it. They are the ones that made me

feel like I’m at home whenever I’m with them.

Lastly, I would like to thank my partner, Shamin,

that always supported me throughout the whole

JCRC journey. Without him, I wouldn’t be able to

do my job well. I’m really grateful for all the things

he has done for me.

One of the longest and toughest job for me is during

the Inter-Hall Recreational Games (IHRG). As

Hall 8 was in charge of logistics, we had to account

for all the chairs, tables and the different games

for all the 22 Halls that are competing. The constant

moving of the tables and chairs was tiring but

I’m grateful for all the Recreational Directors that

helped me along the way. IHRG lasted the whole

winter break and it was super tiring because the

games were back to back with minimal rest days.

I’m really thankful for everyone who supported

me during this period. It was because of them that

I managed to pull through IHRG.

Firstly, I would like to thank my Subcomm members

for everything. They were the ones that helped

me to plan trainings for IHRG. Some even

took the extra effort to hold extra training, more

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