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Benjamin Tan

Jun Qi


Jovan Teo

1. Why did you run for Team Manager?

I ran for Team Mag because I thought it would be a good

opportunity to get better involved in Hall activities, being

a 1st year Hall tenant. Since I was not particularly

good in sports, I chose being a Team Mag for rec games

over sports games.

2. How was your experience like as a Team


Preparing for IHRG for Contract Bridge was very

unique as most of the members were very enthusiastic.

Many of the members took initiative to plan trainings

and teach others about bridge. My seniors also helped

to cover for my shortcomings as the Team Mag, advising

me on what to do before IHRG.

I ended not doing too much as the team manager, other

than preparing for trainings and going for admin meetings.

My lack of knowledge in contract bridge also created

struggles in managing the team.

In spite of this, we still ended up being very competitive

in the IHRG event. Even though

we missed the playoffs, we ended

up dictating who went into

the playoffs in a humble 10th

position. At one point, we were

in 6th, in position to go to the


All in all, while it was a tough

season, the enthusiasm of the

members and their willingness

to learn made preparations and

the event fun.

3. Any message you’d

like to tell your team


Thank you for all your hard

work and being such great

people to work with.

I came into Hall 8 with only the intention of joining darts

as I was an active darts player before I came into NTU.

Looking at the outstanding achievements of the darts

team in Hall 8, I wanted to make my life in Hall interesting

and value-add to the Hall. Therefore, I chose to come to

Hall 8 because I heard that it is very inclusive in terms of

letting people play recreational games and sports.

Then came the Subcommittee recruitment for JCRC and I

signed up as the Team Manager for darts, along with Contract

Bridge as my second choice (because I love playing

ridge). In the end, I got the position of a Team manager for

Darts and I thought that I can be of some help to train

new Darts players for the Inter-Hall Recreational Games


Being a captain for external darts league outside of NTU

surely did help me in planning for the placement of players

to play for IHRG. However, I learnt that my experience is

not enough. There are many things that I need to improve

like considering for the feelings of the players if they do

not get to play. Additionally, teaching them how to play

is something that is very difficult for me as I am used to

playing well on my own. For that, I am very thankful for the

patience that the seniors have in me as they slowly guided

me to be a better team manager. I am also thankful for the

seniors and my JCRC Recreational Directors for giving

me the chance to lead in such a big scale event. I am glad

that the Darts team this year remained close even after

IHRG and I am looking forward to playing with them again

during Darts league.

Coming to Hall 8 really showed me that it is a very inclusive

Hall indeed. Not only did I play Darts, I had the

chance to reminisce the good old days and participate in

Carrom. I also played my favourite card game, Bridge, in a

different style (Contract Bridge), and was part of the team

for Othello and Snooker. I enjoyed playing those games as

the competitiveness in me is being unleashed during the

games and I felt the adrenaline rushing through my veins

as I played the games with the intention to win. I am glad

that the team for Snooker got 2nd place in IHRG and I

feel happy for them even though I did not get to play any

games as I was the tie-breaker match.

Being an inclusive Hall, it is hard to get everyone to be

competitive as some of us just come to learn and experience

how it is like to play competitively. Something that I

learnt through IHRG is that it does not matter how good

you are, you can only be as strong as your weakest link.

You might be very good at certain games, but if you lose

those games, you will pull your team down. Therefore, we

need to set the right goals before playing the games or we

will just be disappointed with ourselves. Looking back at

all the games I have played, I am glad that the goal I set for

myself is to lose as a team, win as a team and journey as a

team. Results are not the most important but rather, the

friendship and bonds you forged with them when we are

all having fun. Getting a better placing is just a bonus we

can celebrate together.

I am very happy playing with the Eighters in IHRG 19/20

and I will continue playing with you guys in the subsequent

years. Thank you to all my teammates in Snooker, Othello,

Contract Bridge, Carrom and Darts for being such a good

team player. It was fun playing with all of you and I enjoyed

the times when we were fooling around with each other.

We did well this year for our recreational games with

Carrom coming in 9th, Darts coming in 5th and Snooker

2nd, and we can surely do better for the subsequent years.

If you are interested in learning any of the rec games, feel

free to approach any seniors as they will be there to teach

you how to play.

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