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Nicole Lim Xue Jing

Hellu dajia!!

As someone who would prefer to not be in the spotlight,

I never thought I would see myself being in such a

prominent role, or being in the Hall Council but here I

am, constantly surprising myself as I pen this Yearbook

entry, reflecting on my journey.

Having joined late through the Co-op interview, I was instantly

greeted with many new responsibilities, including

making tough decisions and acting in the best interest

of the Hall. I still stand by my belief that we made the

right decisions considering the circumstances we were

in. Even though I felt very lost in the beginning, I am glad

I had the fellow Top 2 and my predecessor, Wenyi who

patiently guided and advised me.

Since we did not have a Hon Gen, I took up the role, including

the joint-Hall commitment with the Hall Olympiad

Committee. To my surprise, I actually enjoyed my

joint-Hall experience and made many new friends despite

all the (very unnecessary) appeal cases. I am also

very grateful to the HO Top 4 who shared many Hall

Council related tips and advices with me.

To Eighters,

We made it through the entire year together! Thank you

for your unwavering support and for always wanting the

best for Hall 8 through your small acts of kindness and

suggestions. I personally feel that the Hall spirit burns the

brightest during the IHG/IHRG season. Hence, I would

like to take the opportunity to thank the Sports and Rec

players for putting up a great fight, the RA Subcommers

for all the welfare, the Publications Subcommers who

braved the sun to take nice photos of all of us and the

supporters who came down to cheer for our players.

Hall 8 wouldn’t be what it is without all your support.

To Wenyi,

I really couldn’t ask for a more patient mentor during

this entire journey. Thank you for always patiently guiding

me even though I probably asked you way too many

questions, some not even Fin Sec related but you still

tried your best to help me out as much as you could.

I hope I didn’t bother you too much with my panic


To 26th,

Thank you for being the best team I have ever worked

with. All of you were always so understanding and supportive,

always willing to extend help to each other even

though you guys were probably really busy with your

school and Council commitments. Despite having a lot

on your plate, you guys have never complained about

the additional workload from unfilled positions. Thank

you for trusting in us, the Top 3 even though we struggled

a lot with being good leaders to all of you. I’m sure

we have all faltered along the way but thank you all for

never giving up, for always having each others’ backs, being

pillars of support through the tough times. I will really

miss all of your laughter, your lame jokes and just your

company after this journey is over. I’m glad this journey

gave me the opportunity to know all of you.

To Tricia,

Thank you for trusting me and allowing me to serve

alongside with you through this Council journey. I’m just

really grateful that you always have our best interests at

heart. I’m glad we ultimately made it through this really

arduous journey together. 辛 苦 你 了 .

To My Roomie,

Thank you for all the late night talks and reassurances

whenever I doubt myself and also the journey I was

going through. I’m not sure if I could be as good of a

support to you as you were to me but thank you for always

having my back during trying times. Doing Council

together with you definitely made the whole process a

lot less daunting.

To My Old and Newfound Friends,

Sorry I have been so so busy and tired but thank you to

all those who checked in on me, initiating all the lunch,

dinner and supper jios and more. Thank you for still being

here…hahahaha one less lonely gal in Hall thanks

to you guys!! All of you are really my whyHall8. Also, to

the new friends I have made, thank you for including me

during all the sessions and being so kind and welcoming

to a stranger you just met.

It was an honour to serve all of you and I guess this is

really the end. Thank you all for trusting and believing

in me.

Hall 8 Hall 8 Hall 8 Jiayou Jiayou Jiayou!!

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