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Emerson Ng

Hello to all Eighters! This year has probably been

an interesting year for most of us, especially due

to the covid virus that has created some apocalypse.

Nevertheless, I hope everyone had a fulfilling

year of achieving your own personal goals,

forging new friendships, and raising dat GPA.

Jui Khang

As I was someone who did not do sports before

uni, I was excited to know that there was a platform

for me to try new things. The culture is Hall

8 is welcoming and patient - it does not matter

whether you have prior knowledge in the sport

or not, what matters more is that you are willing

to try! And that was what I sorely missed out on

in my first year.

Looking back at my time here in Hall 8, I’m

grateful for the opportunities given to me, and

for meeting all kinds of amazing people. Just a little

background about myself, I was randomly assigned

into Hall 8 back in 2016 (ok boomer). But

halfway through the first sem, bam, all the rep

students had to abruptly move into the north hill

Halls to fulfil the requirement of staying there for

our first year. It was sian for me because I really

wanted to stay in Hall 8. One of the reasons

was because I wanted to take part in the IHG,

which would be the first ever time I could try

out sports competitively.

Fast forward to Year 2, I managed to return to

Hall 8. Initially it was tough for me because most

people had found and formed their own little

circle of friends in the first year. But thank god

the people here are really welcoming and accepting.

After taking up Hall commitments such

as IHG, I easily met new people. I enjoyed having

a team to play for and have a sense of belonging

to, and forging bonds with old and new friends.

One of my favourite games that I played was a

Sepak Takraw game together with Bransident

and Dnyo. We weren’t experts in the game, but

we made sure we had positive vibes throughout.

We put our head in the game (literally crashed

my head into bran), celebrate every small victory

and encouraged each other for every fail. We

probably had to encourage more than celebrate

(lol) but at the end of the day, we know

we brought our best spirit onto the court.

Mai tu liao ok, I hope that you’ll take that step

out of your comfort zone and join something

you never tried before. Even if sports isn’t

for you, there is definitely something in Hall

that you can contribute in. 4 years flew by so

quickly, so cherish your time here in university.

Enjoy bros god bless.

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