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Tricia Tan Ming Zhen

t is the time of the year again, where the publications director

Iwill rush the team for our writings for the yearbook. This is my

second year serving Hall, my second year in the Hall committee.

Up till now, I am still asking myself, what made me took this leap

of faith. I remember last year, when 25th journey was about to

come to an end, I received a lot of comments from seniors and

friends saying, “eh, next year, 跑 多 一 年 啦 ” and my answer to

them would always be “ 跑 去 哪 里 , 不 要 siao leh” but looking

at where I am now, what I could ever thought of is, “ wow, a

year has passed”.

All Eighters;

Thank you for your support through this entire year, be it joining

the different committee, attending events or playing for sports.

As much as everyone love the culture in Hall, the culture really

do come from you eighters yourself, every single one of

you eighters. The effort you guys have put in to turn this Hall

into a place where people can feel comfortable in. Definitely,

I would like to give a mad shoutout to those that have played

and support during the ihg/ihrg season. I hope that through this

season, everyone has learnt about the spirit Hall 8 has that is

unique to us, and it’s something that would never change along

the years. No matter who our players are, or who the committee

members are. The spirit of Hall 8 during IHG/IHRG season

has always been passed down batches by batches, and I hope

that this is something that will go on no matter how many years

have passed.

night just to head to a closed ice cream shop and back to bugis

for bingsu when all of our tummy are filled just because we were

so damn clingy and we love spending time with one another.

& Also, I would like to take this opportunity to apologise for

not sheltering you guys enough and protecting you guys enough

through the entire journey. If only.. If only.. I could realise the

reason behind everything, I would’ve done the best for the entire

team. But I wouldn’t said, I’ve regretted, because the journey

have yet to come to an end, let’s just say, Tricia has never left the

game from then.

No words can explain how thankful I am for every single one of

you. 你 们 都 是 我 的 宝

3 Angry Birds; 2 Angry Birds;

很 不 容 易 - I believe each of us have our own regrets and our

own burned out moments. To the extend we ask ourselves, 值

得 吗 ?Nobody will ever be able to answer this question except

for ourselves. 真 的 辛 苦 你 们 了 , 如 果 还 有 机 会 你 们 会 要 再

来 一 次 吗 ?;’)

As much as it was very tiring and painful through the journey, I

would love to give a mad shoutout to this girl, that kept things

going when I was about to crumble. No matter what happened,

I’ll still be here standing up for you, and yes,Tricia is back in the



Thank you for never giving up through the competition period,

and thank you for spending your time and effort in each of your

committee to create something so special for yourself and for

the Hall. Everything that happened this year was so different

compared to any other years due to covid-19 (just had to write

this down, so the batches in the future can see how screwed

things were bc of this virus). But again, you guys still push on

despite having no audience during IHCC or being unable to participate

in HOCC because of the restricted number of dancers. I

hope you guys have created the kind of magic each and everyone

wished for from the start.

26th 宝 宝 ;

被 耍 的 团 团 转 - I hope every single one of you would remember

how the journey started, and the good times we have been

through. I hope this journey was worth while for every single

one of you, nothing is ever easy, this journey was not as well.

If you guys have ever felt that this journey was a let down in

some way or another, I would just like to apologise for my lack

of leadership skills. I might not be your best president, nor am I

your best leader, but something I can always give all of you is the

shelter to protect all of you guys.

I’m thankful for the days we had our fair share of fun. Thankful

for the days you guys laugh at each other looking like a clown.

Thankful for the days we were inseparable. Thankful for the days

we ended our staycay to meet each other for supper again at

Nicole - my little baby, just wanted to say, through this journey

you’ve really changed a lot from the shy lil girl to someone that’s

more outspoken now. Must be really tiring having to deal with

so many things and portfolio at once, 我 真 的 很 佩 服 你 . But I

really hope that at the end of the day, the benefits have outweigh

the costs and you have had your fair share of joy throughout the

journey as well.

朋 友 ;

To those that have sticked through the high and lows with me,

im really grateful. It really is not easy to be a friend of mine, my

emotions, my anger, my love, my care is just everywhere. Sorry

for the times when I’m having bad days and you have to deal with

it, but at the end of the day, 该 留 的 都 还 留 着 , 该 走 的 我 还 很

感 谢 . For how far you go, I’ll go further, will always be here and

never anywhere else.

有 点 舍 不 得 - looks like the 26th term is coming to an end upon

submitting this write up. Tbh, it’s a lil bittersweet I would say..

Definitely will miss this entire bunch of people, having meetings

till 7am, laughing at Shamin, getting serious and what not. Im not

sure if I am ready to hand this over to the upcoming 27th, it

makes me feel empty while typing all these. Oh wells, I believe all

good things have to come to an end.

感 谢 大 家 的 支 持

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