Skin Vitality Handbook Final


When striving to see your skin slowly progress you canactively look and try to add these ingredients within your skincare regiment can have a natural way of rejuvenating the skin.Some of the seven best natural ingredients for your skinaccording to Liesa Goins is coconut oil, centella asiatica, greentea, oatmeal, shea butter, soy, and tea tree oil. 1Coconut oil is extremely beneficial in hydration and hasanti-inflammatory effects. Research stated that coconut oil isable to prevent the body’s natural inflammatory agents fromarising. For people with itchy or dry skin, coconut oil helps tomoisturize as well.Centella Asiatica is an extremely well known ingredientin Asian skincare. It is a combination of amino acids, betacarotene, fatty acids, and photochemicals that is able totreat wounds and injuries. With that, a lot of products meantto decrease redness and acne spots include this ingredientbecause of its “wound healing benefits” says Michelle Wong,PhD. These chemicals in the plant specifically increase bloodsupply to injury sites and are able to strengthen the skin.Green tea provides antioxidants that soothes your skin fromthe sun damage. The sun as it releases harmful UV rays cancause your skin to age faster. When applying skincare withgreen tea it could also prevent aging.1 Goins, Liesa. “7 Best Natural Ingredients for Your Skin.” WebMD, WebMD, 6 Mar. 2019,

Oatmeal contains anti-inflammatory and anti-irritantchemicals called avenathramides. Oatmeal is great alternativefor extremely sensitive and eczema prone skin. For peoplewith eczema they shouldn’t use too many products because itcan cause more irritation or allergies.Shea butter is an ingredient found in a lot of moisturizersbecause it hydrates the skin through its abundant amountof fatty acids. It is extremely helpful in treating and soothingeczema as well. Shea butter is also a good ingredient to lookfor if your skin is more sensitive and dry.Soy or soybeans has antioxidants and fatty acids that comenaturally from the plant. Soy is a protectant from UV raysbecause it can reduce pigmentation aka redness or darkness.Soy also helps your body to increase collagen synthesis.Last, but not least, tea tree oil is an ingredient that alsoprovides beneficial plant chemicals. The leaves have antiinflammatoryeffects which prevents your body from beingirritated from germs, fungus, and bacteria that may grow onyour skin. By applying tea tree oil it could decrease the amountof redness or other pigmentation on our skin.One disclaimer is that the way every body reacts to specificingredients is different. So just stay attentive to what you areapplying onto your skin and listen to the signs of your body.38

When striving to see your skin slowly progress you can

actively look and try to add these ingredients within your skin

care regiment can have a natural way of rejuvenating the skin.

Some of the seven best natural ingredients for your skin

according to Liesa Goins is coconut oil, centella asiatica, green

tea, oatmeal, shea butter, soy, and tea tree oil. 1

Coconut oil is extremely beneficial in hydration and has

anti-inflammatory effects. Research stated that coconut oil is

able to prevent the body’s natural inflammatory agents from

arising. For people with itchy or dry skin, coconut oil helps to

moisturize as well.

Centella Asiatica is an extremely well known ingredient

in Asian skincare. It is a combination of amino acids, beta

carotene, fatty acids, and photochemicals that is able to

treat wounds and injuries. With that, a lot of products meant

to decrease redness and acne spots include this ingredient

because of its “wound healing benefits” says Michelle Wong,

PhD. These chemicals in the plant specifically increase blood

supply to injury sites and are able to strengthen the skin.

Green tea provides antioxidants that soothes your skin from

the sun damage. The sun as it releases harmful UV rays can

cause your skin to age faster. When applying skincare with

green tea it could also prevent aging.

1 Goins, Liesa. “7 Best Natural Ingredients for Your Skin.” WebMD, WebMD, 6 Mar. 2019,

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