Skin Vitality Handbook Final



Exercise is another aspect that is crucial to nourishing ourskin. Working out gets your heart rate up which pumps moreblood throughout your body. Specifically, When you work out,your blood is pumping more, which improves the circulationof oxygen and nutrients throughout your body, including yourskin and ultimately leads to that post-workout glow. 1Exercise is sometimes not the easiest thing to add into yourroutine. But we can add simple movements slowly and to beconsistent. One simple way is to just begin your morning bymovements in the shoulder, head circles, torso circles, andstretching. With that, you are starting off your day with asimple exercise. A simple exercise is still exercise!Exercise also helps to deliver nutrients to the skin, increasingthe growth of collagen production and new skin cells. Collagenis a protein in the body that provides structure and buildsyour bone, skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Specificallycollagen helps to strengthen your skin so it is less dry andmore elastic. Collagen can also be found in foods that containgelatin like chicken skin, pork skin, beef, and fish.Keep in mind that some exercise routines don’t work oneverybody so its important that you choose what is right foryou. Don’t go on a diet to look like everybody else.1 Tschinkel, Arielle. “10 Ways Working out Can Help - and Hurt - Your Skin.” Insider,18 June 2019,

Exercise is another aspect that is crucial to nourishing our

skin. Working out gets your heart rate up which pumps more

blood throughout your body. Specifically, When you work out,

your blood is pumping more, which improves the circulation

of oxygen and nutrients throughout your body, including your

skin and ultimately leads to that post-workout glow. 1

Exercise is sometimes not the easiest thing to add into your

routine. But we can add simple movements slowly and to be

consistent. One simple way is to just begin your morning by

movements in the shoulder, head circles, torso circles, and

stretching. With that, you are starting off your day with a

simple exercise. A simple exercise is still exercise!

Exercise also helps to deliver nutrients to the skin, increasing

the growth of collagen production and new skin cells. Collagen

is a protein in the body that provides structure and builds

your bone, skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Specifically

collagen helps to strengthen your skin so it is less dry and

more elastic. Collagen can also be found in foods that contain

gelatin like chicken skin, pork skin, beef, and fish.

Keep in mind that some exercise routines don’t work on

everybody so its important that you choose what is right for

you. Don’t go on a diet to look like everybody else.

1 Tschinkel, Arielle. “10 Ways Working out Can Help - and Hurt - Your Skin.” Insider,

18 June 2019,


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