Skin Vitality Handbook Final

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creating a life style to renew,

revive & restore your skin

table of


What is holistic skincare?..................1

Revive the mind and soul...............11

Resolve stress.....................................21

Restore your body.............................25


what is



a lifestyle

for the skin

Did you know that your skin is actually the biggest organ

of your body? With that, anything you put inside of your

body will reflect directly onto the outside. “Skin is the biggest

signaler of what’s happening on the inside,” says Kristina

Holey who does holistic skincare facials. It is important to

realize that there is more to taking care of your skin that

splurging on creams and ointments.

Holistic skin care is a way of achieving the fullest potential of

your skin by balancing your mind, body, and soul. A holistic

approach works to treat your body from the inside out. This

handbook will guide you through the continuous process of

improving the overall health of our skin. So, applaud yourself

for taking the initiative to begin your beautiful journey towards

making skincare a life style.

This handbook focuses on staying mindful of why you are

beginning this journey and to create goals with purpose and

intention. You are doing this for the overall improvement of

your skin, not to seem perfect like everybody else.


enjoy the progress rather

than perfection




In today’s society where social media and advertisements are

such important platforms of how social norms are created.

Many skincare brands are promoted by people with perfect

skin or acne care that advertises with a concept that goes

from 0 - 100.

We want to feel beautiful with our authentic self, but do

not see similarities wherever we go. There seems to be

discontinuity with what you should know and what you see.

For example, Curology advertises how their product gives

your skin immediate benefits. However, there is no indication

of progress. How long can these drastic changes really last?

Will your skin return to its original state if you stop using

the product? There are various questions that do not have

answers. The only part we see is the end result.

By adopting a holistic approaches we want to strive to slowly

improve the body from the inside out. Let’s overcome these

stereotypes that drill perfection into our minds. Remember

that these changes do not happen over night! But, as long

as you stay focused on your big mission, you can achieve it !

Nobody is perfect and that is totally okay.





Glossier was one of my favorite brands because they lived

by the standards “skincare first, makeup second.” However,

their mission statement seemed to be a bit contradicting and

something that was difficult to relate with when the girls being

advertised all had perfect skin to begin with.

The advertisements of perfect glossy skin made me think that

I could be as flawless as the girls modeling the products. After

purchasing these products, it was a bit hard to use for myself

on days when I didn’t feel the most beautiful. I understand

that they want to build upon the ideals of not covering up

your blemishes. As an alternative, these advertisements could

reflect instances where girls didn’t have perfect skin.

As I continue to grow older and more self aware, I can

definitely see the various flaws beauty companies showcase

on social media and advertisements. Filter out what society

seems to want or demand and do not let society control you.




the mind

and soul

affects to

the mind

Scientifically, neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that

communicate with different parts of the brain and the nervous

system. Neurotransmitters have control over both physical and

psychological functions such as sleep, appetite, mood, and

fear. These chemical messengers are constantly stimulating

the brain to keep it functioning.

These are some of the most crucial neurotransmitters that

need to be created within the body. Epinephrine is both

a hormone and neurotransmitter that is related to stress.

Norepinephrine helps the body and brain make decisions

during times of danger or stress. Dopamine is involved in the

coordination of the body, reward, and motivation. Serotonine

regulates mood, sleep, anxiety, sexuality, and appetite. With

that, it is crucial to find ways to regulate all of these important

neurotransmitters to keep our body healthy.


When these powerful neurotransmitters are not functioning

properly, the body it has a negative impact on the skin. The

mind correlates directly into the skin because it is connected

to our body as a whole. For example, with pseudocyesis it is

an interdisciplinary medical field exploring the relationships

among social, psychological, and behavioral factors on bodily

processes and quality of life. 1

The mind has a crucial

impact on our body, in turn

our skin. What happens

within the the body reflects

directly onto our skin.

1. Breazeale, Ron. “Thoughts, Neurotransmitters, Body-Mind Connection.” Psychology Today,

2012, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/in-the-face-adversity/201207/thoughts-neurotransmitters-body-mind-connection


The mind

controls every

aspect of our

daily lives.



helps us resolve




With skin, it is definitely an emotional roller coaster and we all

have our bad days and good days. We all get thoughts like,

“My skin sucks. I don’t love myself. I have no hope. What is

wrong with me?”

All of these emotions are totally valid. However, these

negative thoughts can trigger more skin irritation as a result

of an inflammatory stress response by the activation of our

sympathetic nervous system. 1

By increasing exercises of mindfulness, you can increase your

awareness of the connection between the mind and body.

Mindfulness is bringing emotions and managing cognitive

behavior therapy. In this way our emotions are guiding our

thoughts, rather than using thoughts to guide your emotions.

As we become more aware of the feelings behind our

thoughts, we can try to motivate ourselves to choose positive

or beneficial thoughts. If we continue to let go of the negative,

it will naturally allow you to feel better about yourself and in

hindsight your skin.

1 Breazeale, Ron. “Thoughts, Neurotransmitters, Body-Mind Connection.” Psychology Today,

2012, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/in-the-face-adversity/201207/thoughts-nerotranmitters-body-mind-connection.

Practicing mindfulness also encourages us to be more aware

and accepting of the present moment. This tends to take

away our judgment of what society and other people may

have and experience what is there specifically for us in the

now. In a way we should stop caring so much about what

other people may think about our skin and instead try to

manage the emotional impact the mindset we have for our

skin has on us.

Through acts of mindfulness it helps us acknowledge what

went well and what did not. The act of mentally separating

the negative and positive allows us to get rid of habits that

causes negativity within ourselves and our skin.

Skincare is a lifestyle and the habits we choose will reflect

that. Mindfulness keeps us attentive of what we are actively

choosing to put inside and apply outside of our body. 1 We can

keep track of what is working for us and what isn’t. With that,

we can keep or remove specific aspects that are not helping

to enhance the overall health of our skin, mind, and soul.

Whether that is a specific product, negative energy, or the

attitude of being a perfectionist that isn’t working for you, try

and filter these distractions out of our life.

1. Alidina, Shamash, et al. “Nine Ways Mindfulness Reduces Stress.” Mindful, 17 July 2019,



live in the

moment & allow

yourself to have

reflective time.

give yourself

credit & stop

putting yourself



you are





stress strips

our potential

Stress is our body’s emotional and physical reaction to

change. Short term levels of stress can sometimes be positive

and serve as a motivator or stimulant. Short term stress

usually goes away quickly. However, in everyone’s life stress

is inevitable. It is hard not to be in a state of stress and anxiety

when sometimes the current situation does not follow through.

Stress can be from work, relationships, school, family, etc.

With that, stress has a huge impact to our immune system,

which directly correlates onto our skin.

There are many scientific studies that show the connection

between stress and our immune system. As stress increases

and our the health of our immune system decreases, so

will the quality of our skin. Stress decreases our immune

system’s ability to fight infections. Basically when our body is

stressed it produces a chemical called cortisol. This decreases

our production of lymphocytes which are white blood cells

that fight off any source of infection. Cortisol also increases

inflammation in our body. 1

1 Alidina, Shamash, et al. “Nine Ways Mindfulness Reduces Stress.” Mindful, 17 July 2019,


As the immune system decreases, so does our body’s daily

functions. With that, as stress increases so do our break outs.


As stress continues to develop within our bodies, it affects

the skin negatively as well. When you are more stressed, the

body creates chemical responses that makes your skin highly

sensitive and reactive.

With that, you might have been wondering why you get more

breakouts when a stressful event occurs. This is because

stress creates imbalances. When coristol is released in higher

amounts when the body is stressed it causes the skin to

become more oily and more prominent to have skin problems.

Stress also causes inflammation, where the skin flares up and

becomes more sensitive. With that, even if your skin may not

have had problems before, it can become hyper irritable and

something minor will agitate it more easily.

Another aspect of stress that simultaneously comes with skin

problems, is the stress of having problems within your skin.

These inner thoughts may double the stress that people feel.

With that, it is crucial to be conscious of your body’s signals

from the beginning.


When you are stressed out there are actions or habits that you

unconsciously take on. Some ways that we can control and

ease the effects of stress on the skin is staying mindful about

the aspects of your life that causes stress. In this way we are

actively taking action to help us overcome stressful factors.

Second, continue to actively take care of yourself! During

stressful times most people neglect self care and self love.

The fact that you are not taking care of yourself by not getting

enough sleep, enough good food, enough water, and letting

go of your responsibilities of actively taking care of your skin all

impact your skin negatively.

Of course, stress is inevitable, and it is impossible to try and

balance everything in our lives in such a positive manner.

This handbook awknowledges that there are better days

than others. Stay driven and continue to reach for a postitive

outlook and give yourself credit for trying to progress into

making life changes to revitalize your skin as a whole.



the body

Please please remember that this hand book isn’t to strictly

point out what diets work perfectly for your skin. Instead of

calling it a “diet” let us redefine it as nutrition. Diets can be

extremely complicated and so the only thing you can do is to

listen to your own body!

YES, your skin is a reflection of what you put inside your body.

Naturally, what food you eat will reflect on the skin. Gradually

you may see your complexion change if you continue to eat

poorly. For example, too much fried food, too much meat, or

really too much of any foods that are one sided has a negative

impact. If you set yourself to create a balanced nutritional

habit, it will reflect postively onto your skin.

There are many nutritional ways to boost both your immune

system and your body as a whole. One extremely simple way

is to drink a lot of fluid. Hydration is key to rejuvenating your

skin and releasing the harmful toxins. One easy way to add

this into your life is to jump start your day with warm water,

lemon, and salt. Second, make sure to have balanced meals

and don’t forget sleep! We will continue to expand on the

importance of sleep in the next chapters.


Third, add super foods into your diet. Super foods are a class

of some of the most potent, super concentrated and nutrient

rich foods that have the ability to increase your energy and

improve overall health. By having an extremely high amount

of nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants,

super foods only make you healthier and stronger. 1 Some of

these foods that can be gradually added to your diet is acai,

goji berries, hemp, bee products, leafy greens, and turmeric.

Rememer not to focus on one specific ingredient. A well

balanced diet that contains multiple healthy aspects is what

we want to continue to strive for.

With that being said, try to keep in mind that your health is

all about overall improvements. Remember that we are not

trying to achieve perfection. Try and define what your skin

goals are and reflect upon these daily changes and how it has

been impacting your life. Do you feel better after being more

attentive about your diet? Does your skin also reflect how

you feel? Create intentional goals and make changes with a

purpose so you do not lose the the purpose of this hand book.

1 “Superfoods: Health Benefits, Uses, and Risks.” Medical News Today, MediLexicon International,

www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/303079#common_superfoods. 30






Exercise is another aspect that is crucial to nourishing our

skin. Working out gets your heart rate up which pumps more

blood throughout your body. Specifically, When you work out,

your blood is pumping more, which improves the circulation

of oxygen and nutrients throughout your body, including your

skin and ultimately leads to that post-workout glow. 1

Exercise is sometimes not the easiest thing to add into your

routine. But we can add simple movements slowly and to be

consistent. One simple way is to just begin your morning by

movements in the shoulder, head circles, torso circles, and

stretching. With that, you are starting off your day with a

simple exercise. A simple exercise is still exercise!

Exercise also helps to deliver nutrients to the skin, increasing

the growth of collagen production and new skin cells. Collagen

is a protein in the body that provides structure and builds

your bone, skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Specifically

collagen helps to strengthen your skin so it is less dry and

more elastic. Collagen can also be found in foods that contain

gelatin like chicken skin, pork skin, beef, and fish.

Keep in mind that some exercise routines don’t work on

everybody so its important that you choose what is right for

you. Don’t go on a diet to look like everybody else.

1 Tschinkel, Arielle. “10 Ways Working out Can Help - and Hurt - Your Skin.” Insider,

18 June 2019, www.insider.com/how-does-working-out-impact-your-skin-good-badways-2019-6.


we need



Sleep is something we have to do everyday for us to survive.

But, the matter of if we are getting enough is important.

Sometimes, there are nights when we just can’t fall asleep or

when we are up late doing work. However, there is a huge

connection between sleep and our health.

If we are not getting enough sleep, our body becomes more

stressed out, releasing more cortisol. Again, cortisol increases

inflammation and negatively impacts our skin health. If our

quality of sleep is poor, the stress hormones continue to build

up, causing more acne and worsening existing skin conditions.

As more inflammation develops, the body can increase its

breakdown of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Collagen is

redeveloping new skin cells and gives skin its natural glow

and bouncy texture.


Last, but definitely not least, the skin is not able to recover

its hydration and growth hormones. Hydration is important

for creating a better quality of skin and helping to improve

the puffy bags and dark circles. Growth hormones helps

slow down aging by fixing the dead skin cells that have

accumulated. Sleep has a high correlation to the quality of

our skin. With that, it is important to make sure that we start

everyday with a good night sleep to rejuvenate our body.

Some tips from Dr.Krant on having a good night sleep is not to

eat a big meal or drinking water too late at night. This makes

us too full and our digestive and excretory systems working

too hard, making it hard to fall asleep. Keep electronics out

of the bed. Your phone is probably the biggest thing that

is keeping you up at night. 1 Try to stay mindful of what is

keeping you awake and night and try to take that aspect out.

Try and work out what sleep schedule works right for you.

Some ways to fall asleep better is to sleep on your right side

to open up the heart. Then, breath deeply and inhale for 2-5

seconds and then exhale after for the same amount of time.

Try and go to sleep before 10:30 and get atleast 9 hours of

sleep to maintain your natural circadian rhythm. Circadian

rhythm is the natural process that regulates your sleep-wake

cycle that continues every 24 hours. 2 Finally, continue to relax

and don’t overthink too much.

1 Appold, Karen, and Pamela Kaufman. “6 Amazing Reasons to Sleep for Skin Health - Skin

and Beauty Center - Everyday Health.” EverydayHealth.com, www.everydayhealth.com/skinand-beauty/amazing-reasons-to-sleep-for-skin-health.aspx.

2 Berg, Eric. “How to Fall Asleep And Stay Asleep [INFOGRAPHIC].” Dr. Berg Blog, 5 May

2020, www.drberg.com/blog/how-to-get-to-sleep. 34



Holistic Skincare thrives around making sure that we are

trying to gravitate towards a natural healing method. It is more

than just striving for perfection, but wanting to progress and

grow. This handbook is not focused on achieving nor will it

guarantee perfect skin because let’s be realistic here, we only

see that on social media. Everyone has their ups and downs

with their skin. A holistic mentality is trying to nourish our

skin from the inside out. By keeping our routines simple, but

consistent will enhance our overall skin and simultaneously

make us feel beautiful.

“Dont rush, it takes time to

grow into who you are”

-Lalah Delia



When striving to see your skin slowly progress you can

actively look and try to add these ingredients within your skin

care regiment can have a natural way of rejuvenating the skin.

Some of the seven best natural ingredients for your skin

according to Liesa Goins is coconut oil, centella asiatica, green

tea, oatmeal, shea butter, soy, and tea tree oil. 1

Coconut oil is extremely beneficial in hydration and has

anti-inflammatory effects. Research stated that coconut oil is

able to prevent the body’s natural inflammatory agents from

arising. For people with itchy or dry skin, coconut oil helps to

moisturize as well.

Centella Asiatica is an extremely well known ingredient

in Asian skincare. It is a combination of amino acids, beta

carotene, fatty acids, and photochemicals that is able to

treat wounds and injuries. With that, a lot of products meant

to decrease redness and acne spots include this ingredient

because of its “wound healing benefits” says Michelle Wong,

PhD. These chemicals in the plant specifically increase blood

supply to injury sites and are able to strengthen the skin.

Green tea provides antioxidants that soothes your skin from

the sun damage. The sun as it releases harmful UV rays can

cause your skin to age faster. When applying skincare with

green tea it could also prevent aging.

1 Goins, Liesa. “7 Best Natural Ingredients for Your Skin.” WebMD, WebMD, 6 Mar. 2019,


Oatmeal contains anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant

chemicals called avenathramides. Oatmeal is great alternative

for extremely sensitive and eczema prone skin. For people

with eczema they shouldn’t use too many products because it

can cause more irritation or allergies.

Shea butter is an ingredient found in a lot of moisturizers

because it hydrates the skin through its abundant amount

of fatty acids. It is extremely helpful in treating and soothing

eczema as well. Shea butter is also a good ingredient to look

for if your skin is more sensitive and dry.

Soy or soybeans has antioxidants and fatty acids that come

naturally from the plant. Soy is a protectant from UV rays

because it can reduce pigmentation aka redness or darkness.

Soy also helps your body to increase collagen synthesis.

Last, but not least, tea tree oil is an ingredient that also

provides beneficial plant chemicals. The leaves have antiinflammatory

effects which prevents your body from being

irritated from germs, fungus, and bacteria that may grow on

your skin. By applying tea tree oil it could decrease the amount

of redness or other pigmentation on our skin.

One disclaimer is that the way every body reacts to specific

ingredients is different. So just stay attentive to what you are

applying onto your skin and listen to the signs of your body.



you glow !

You made it to the end !

Has your mindset changed ?

Let’s strive to keep your inner glow reflecting on the outside.

My advice is to keep things simple and achieve things slowly.

This book isn’t trying to get you to a certain destination or

point. We are striving to make holistic skin care a continuous

process of improvement that becomes a part of your life.

Your body is the most precious ecosystem that works

simultaneously as a whole. With that, it is important to take

care of not only your skin, but your entire body.

Again, YES you are adding a holistic regiment to achieve

overall improvement in your skin conditions. However, a

holistic life style has to be done from the inside out ! Create a

holistic routine to take care of every aspect of yourself!




1. Breazeale, Ron. “Thoughts, Neurotransmitters, Body-Mind

Connection.” Psychology Today, 2012, www.psychologytoday.com/us/


2. Aiken, Kristen. “A Holistic Beauty Guru Explains When Natural Skin

Care Ingredients Aren’t Enough.” HuffPost, HuffPost, 21 June 2019,



3. Tschinkel, Arielle. “10 Ways Working out Can Help - and Hurt - Your

Skin.” Insider, 18 June 2019, www.insider.com/how-does-workingout-impact-your-skin-good-bad-ways-2019-6.

4. Alidina, Shamash, et al. “Nine Ways Mindfulness Reduces Stress.”

Mindful, 17 July 2019, www.mindful.org/9-ways-mindfulnessreduces-stress/.

5. Wu, Sarah. “Eating For Beauty: The Best Diet For Healthy, Clea

Skin.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 18 Sept. 2014, www.forbes.com/sites/


6. Goins, Liesa. “7 Best Natural Ingredients for Your Skin.” WebMD,

WebMD, 6 Mar. 2019, www.webmd.com/beauty/features/bestnatural-ingredients-for-skin#2

7. Network, Women’s Health. “Holistic Skin Care - Healthy

Skin from the inside Out.” Women’s Health Network, www.


8. “Superfoods: Health Benefits, Uses, and Risks.” Medical News

Today, MediLexicon International, www.medicalnewstoday.com/


9. Berg, Eric. “How to Fall Asleep And Stay Asleep [INFOGRAPHIC].”

Dr. Berg Blog, 5 May 2020, www.drberg.com/blog/how-to-get-tosleep.

10. Appold, Karen, and Pamela Kaufman. “6 Amazing Reasons to

Sleep for Skin Health - Skin and Beauty Center - Everyday Health.”

EverydayHealth.com, www.everydayhealth.com/skin-and-beauty/


skin vitality handbook

written & illustrated by Ellie Chung

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