2020 National Student Advertising Competition

An advertising campaign plan for the Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising.

An advertising campaign plan for the Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising.


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with Adobe Experience

Cloud for Advertising

TEAM 697




















Executive Summary

Challenge & Strategy

Research Methods & SWOT

Research Insights

Audience Breakdown

Creative Strategy

Paid Digital

Paid Events

Owned Media

Earned Media

Ad Testing






It’s time to kick ads.

Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising can handle anything. It busts

through the walled-garden approach. It takes advertising technology

(adtech) to the next level. It enables users to connect, optimize and

empower stakeholders to reach new audiences and new heights.

Adobe is a front-runner in every aspect of how professionals express

creativity, but people aren’t talking about its adtech.

That’s a pain in the ads.


Adobe has empowered people to create meaningful messages through

its software and technology since December 1982. Its powerful suite of

creative software is integral to most of the digital advertisements we

experience on a daily basis. Now, the company seeks to lead the adtech

market with innovative technology, expanding and investing in its

adtech capabilities to offer users the elite advertising solution.

Our research shows advertising professionals want to kick ads, too.

Advertising professionals want to see results. They want to be efficient.

They want the best bang for their buck. Adobe Experience Cloud for

Advertising is the solution— the only solution.

But you can’t use a solution you don’t know about.

Raise unaided awareness of

Adobe’s adtech leadership position

with Adobe Experience Cloud for

Advertising with our target audience

by 2 percentage points.


Be in the top three for share of voice

for earned media.


Drive 50,000 visits to the Advertising

Solution page: Adobe.com/



Increase advertiser persona contact

growth in marketable database for

target accounts. Do this by capturing

10,000 new decision maker and

practitioner contacts from enterprise

accounts with ad spend of over $1

million per year.

kick ads /ˈkikˌads/


extremely good or impressive;

acting with energy and enthusiasm;

outperforming the set standard.

"I’m ready to kick ads today."

pain in the ads /pān/n/the/ads/


an annoying or tedious thing that

makes advertising efforts more


“That’s a real pain in the ads.”




Adobe is revolutionizing the adtech

marketplace with Adobe Experience Cloud

for Advertising’s omnichannel power, artificial

intelligence (Adobe Sensei), transparent data

and ad spend optimization. Unfortunately, not

enough advertising professionals recognize the

power of this platform.

Let’s fix that.

Adobe software is widely perceived as the gold

standard for all forms of creative expression.

It’s time for Adobe Experience Cloud for

Advertising to become the champion of adtech.



Sensei knows everything. Just as he

is capable of guiding users through

any complications with adtech, he will

guide you through this campaign. Look

for this hashtag to catch a glimpse of

Sensei’s wisdom and takeaways.

“Sensei Says...and you should listen!”

Our research shows advertising professionals want everything Adobe

Experience Cloud for Advertising offers; they just don’t know about the

platform. This campaign meets advertising professionals in places they already

seek information. There, we’ll teach them how to kick ads.

If they aren’t finding us, we will find them.

This campaign is a focused, multifaceted effort to meet advertising

professionals where they are and give them the information they need. And no,

we’re not pulling any punches. Conferences and speaking engagements? We’ll

be there. Earned media awareness? We’re using it. Social media? Engaging popup

experiences? Search engine marketing? Done, done and done.

We’re using Adobe’s powerful palette of jewel tones and its clean, captivating

aesthetic. Combined with clear, straightforward messaging, this campaign

demands advertising professionals’ attention and gives them actionable

information they can spread throughout the office.

These advertising professionals don’t want fluff. They want straight, to-thepoint

information about how Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising will

energize their workflow, enhance their efficiency and empower them to create

strong, effective campaigns. They may be good where they’re at, but they can

only be great with Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising – the only adtech

that truly does it all.




That’s not our thing.

Our team conducted 295 hours

of interviews and surveys with

advertising professionals and

456 hours of secondary research.

We like to think of ourselves as

adtech experts now. We are ready

to give Adobe Experience Cloud

for Advertising the powerhouse

reputation it deserves.

Total Research Hours

Primary Research Impressions

Secondary Research Sources

half-ads /haf-ads/


tasks completed with little effort.

“If Jim keeps doing a half-ads job

on his work, we are going to have

to fire him.”



• Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising is the only

omnichannel advertising platform that consolidates

and automates all media, screens and data.

• Adobe has an established and reliable reputation

because of its other products.


• Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising is unheard

of, or still recognized by its acquisitions (TubeMogul

and Efficient Frontier/Media Optimizer).

• People are unable to differentiate Adobe Experience

Cloud for Advertising from Adobe Creative Cloud.

• Many companies are reluctant to change adtech

services because the upfront costs and time to learn

the platform don’t seem worth it.


#SenseiSays strengths lie in

differences, not similarities.

Adobe is different than any

adtech yet.


Campaign Concepts

Eye-Tracking Sessions

• Many of the issues advertising professionals experience

with their current adtech can be addressed with

Adobe’s adtech.

• Professionals already use Adobe products to create

and design their ads.

• Adobe Sensei uniquely enables advertising

professionals to optimize performance in many areas.

Months of Research

Kick Ads Campaign


• Walled gardens are more recognized solutions than

Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising.

• Competitors offer less expensive services.





The audience’s adtech isn’t new, but it isn’t a

long-held tradition either. Our research shows that

50% of respondents have been using their current

technology for 2-5 years, while 25% of respondents

have used their current technology for more than

5 years.

How do you keep up with new

industry developments and trends?


Which social media platforms are you

likely to use to get information on

industry developments and trends?

The audience wants trustworthy data. 36% of

respondents have concerns about the integrity

of their performance data. Our audience uses

multiple platforms to get their jobs done. 83% of

respondents use multiple adtech platforms.


What qualities of an

advertisement would prevent

you from engaging with it?

“Boring, predictable ads or ads without enough

context about what the user is being asked to do or

engage with.”

- Tracy, Advertising Agency Senior Digital Manager

“Run of the mill ads - things that use stock photography,

generic imagery and messaging and that don’t offer

something I care about or am interested in.”

- Mario, Media Agency Director

Professionals don’t engage

with boring, poorly designed

or cluttered ads.

How do you respond

to industry-related

advertisements on your

personal social media feeds?

“If the ad is able to ‘break through’ the feed to catch my

attention visually, then I am most likely to engage.”

- Jennifer, VP Media Agency

“We want to know the facts, the results, the numbers.”

- Matt, CEO Media Agency

Professionals engage

with bold, relevant ads

that tell a story and show

the product’s value.

#SenseiSays transparency is better than sugar-coated data.

Real numbers = real results.





We’re not trying to kick ads for just anyone.

Our goal is to help medium- to large-sized

companies that are already doing well but will

benefit from consolidated data to kick their ads

into gear. These companies spend more than $1

million on digital advertising each year and are

constantly looking for more efficient, connected

and energized ways to achieve their goals.

Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising will

do just that for them. It allows companies in

banking, media and entertainment, retail and

even large advertising agencies to strengthen

their processes to get the results they want.

a. Companies that advertise to large

consumer markets, such as banks and

insurance companies (Citibank, Visa,


b. Media and entertainment brands

(Disney, MLB, Caesar’s)

c. Retailers (The Home Depot, Unilever,

Best Buy)

d. Direct-to-consumer retailers

(Dollar Shave Club, Stitch Fix)

e. Advertising agencies (media

buying) that work with these mid-sized to

enterprise companies to build their media

strategies and manage the execution on

behalf of the company. (WPP, Publicis

Media, Dentsu Aegis Network)


We will capitalize on features Adobe

already offers, such as Adobe Sensei.

Sensei brings the power and energy

of artificial intelligence (AI) and

machine learning to help advertising

professionals create meaningful

experiences, make informed decisions

and efficiently target specific audiences.

Throughout the campaign, Sensei is

always there to help: guiding, motivating

and supporting. Sensei knows best and

advertising professionals should listen

to what #SenseiSays.



Ms. Valerie Lee - Vision Leader

Valerie is an innovative, decisive executive for her

company. She is a driven, busy woman who lives

to achieve her goals in life. In other words, she’s a

total bad-ads.

What motivates Valerie to kick ads?

Valerie strives to lead her company toward

partnerships that constantly look toward a better,

brighter future. To do this, she wants facts and

doesn’t have time to cut through the clutter. Why

does Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising

kick ads? Let’s show her.

Mr. Daniel Moore - Decision Maker

Daniel investigates the innovative ideas Valerie

presents. He’s the smart-ads of business


What motivates Daniel to kick ads?

He wants to know the essential details so he can

make informed decisions for the company. Daniel

understands the ins and outs of marketing, and

he sees how ROI aligns with the marketing buyside

of the company. How can Adobe Experience

Cloud for Advertising optimize his department’s

performance? We will equip him with all of the

necessary details.

Mx. Felix E. Palmer - Features Evaluator/


Felix operates adtech software on a daily basis and

offers important insight into how it adds value to

their daily tasks. Felix is unquestionably working

their ads off.

What motivates Felix to kick ads?

Felix must recognize the advantages and

versatility of Adobe’s adtech. Their to-do list is a

mile long. How can Adobe Experience Cloud for

Advertising help Felix have a kick-ads day? Let’s

demonstrate to them it’s simple, comprehensive

and efficient in handling data and managing all

advertising efforts.

bad-ads /ˈbadˌads/


an impressive, over-achieving person.

“Valerie is such a bad-ads! She is

always on top of things.”

smart-ads /smärt-ads/


an educated, knowledgeable

professional who knows all of the ins

and outs of his area of work.

“Ask Daniel! He is a total smart-ads,

but like, the good kind.”

working their ads off /ˈwərkiNG,THer,ads,ôf,äf/


to be doing a lot or way too much for one to

handle at once.

“I’ve worked my ads off today. I need a nap.”




Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising has more

to offer than professionals know or assume.

Our mission is to help advertising professionals

kick ads with Adobe. We’ll do this by proving that

Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising is efficient,

comprehensive, connected and transparent with

not only their data, but also their advertising

efforts. By implementing the Kick Ads campaign,

we’ll positively shape perceptions of Adobe adtech.

It’s time to get real with our target audience. We

know the industry is intense, so why not lighten

the mood and the workload? We’re tapping into

advertising professionals’ fun, creative sides by

pitching their perfect solution in a confident way.

Let’s kick ads.

Tone: Empowering, Energizing, Confident and Bold


Rich, colorful experiences are central to Adobe’s creative

and visual identity. That’s exactly what we wanted to show

with our kick-ads design.

We chose the blue gradient to emphasize the unity and

dependability of the adtech. This gradient provides a solid

foundation for the visual presentation of the campaign,

much like unity provides a solid foundation for the adtech.

The orange gradient serves as a vibrant contrast to the

blues. This orange energizes our palette – and our campaign.

The half-honeycomb tread in the background gives the

pages depth, while calling back to the technology at the

heart of it all.

Hand lettering in this campaign adds an extra punch to

our ads, emphasizes our direct tone and draws attention to

important copy.




Twitter poses the perfect opportunity for

us to lean into our tone. The character

limit facilitates a straightforward, witty

tone, which is what our campaign is all

about. Aside from the creative benefits,

Twitter enables users to specify how the

desired audiences engage with their ads.

Our Twitter ads will drive website clicks.


We want to deliver tangible facts about

Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising

that advertisers can share with their

coworkers. LinkedIn video ads have the

highest engagement and ROI on the

platform, based on LinkedIn reports.

LinkedIn is also widely reported in our

primary research as the main social

media platform advertising professionals

use to get industry information. It

is imperative that we utilize it by

advertising through both video and

carousel ads.


While researching how to kick ads, we discovered

that trade publications are what our desired

audiences use to learn about groundbreaking

technology and industry updates.

By placing ads in prominent trade publications,

such as AdWeek, AdAge, AdExchanger, The

Drum and Digiday, Adobe will be at the front of

advertising professionals’ minds. We will link a blog

written by Adobe professionals to let everyone

know that Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising

kicks ads and has success stories to back it up.

These success stories highlight features of the

software, showing real-life solutions that help reallife

companies kick ads.




Our campaign will use Google Ads

to direct traffic to the Advertising

Solution page. We’ll purchase key

terms and phrases including “adtech”

and “media buying.” If people have

questions, Adobe Experience Cloud

for Advertising will be among the

top search results with the answer.


Facebook provides a customizable

advertising strategy that allows us to

advertise to our target audience as

directly and efficiently as possible. We

will optimize ad delivery to landing

page views, and we will target people

with advertising management job titles

within the advertising and marketing

industries. Our Facebook ads will drive

clicks to the Advertising Solution page.


Podcasts are a more engaging

medium when compared to

traditional display ads because

listeners appreciate and respect what

the podcaster says. Our research

shows industry-specific podcasts like

“IT Visionaries,” “The Creative

Agency Podcast” or “The Big Web

Show” offer opportunities for Adobe

to engage with its desired audiences

as they listen to a trusted source.



Several kick-advocates have a strong

LinkedIn presence. These kickadvocates

are: Paul Flipps, Allison

Dew, Danny Miles, Alessandro

de Pastel and Gretchen Saegh-

Fleming. Through posts that highlight

kick-advocates’ success with Adobe

Experience Cloud for Advertising,

Adobe gains the trust of potential users.

We know that 84% of consumers trust

peer recommendations over brand

advertising, so our strategy emphasizes

connecting with our audiences through


prominent industry professionals.

kick-advocate /kik/-/ˈadvəkət/


1. who is the most familiar with

adtech and its features? The ones

who use it.

2. kick-advocates are the users

speaking on the power of Adobe

Experience Cloud for Advertising.

“These kick-advocates really love

Adobe adtech!”




Conferences will be the primary advertising

medium for the Kick Ads campaign. Each

conference targets a specific section of our

audience, including the Valeries, Daniels

and Felixes of the industry. We will allocate

$1 million to sponsor 10 conferences. The

format and content of each conference will

vary, so we prepared suggestions for each

possible element of the sponsorships.


Incredible brands with kick-ads stories have maximized

their advertising potential with Adobe Experience Cloud

for Advertising. When possible, kick-advocates will

speak at sponsored keynote sessions. We will allocate

$50,000 per conference to pay for key influencers to

have keynote sessions. The keynote presentations will

be tailored to each respective audience, highlighting the

importance of connected solutions in business.



Breakouts are the perfect place for Adobe to

interact with advertising professionals. We

believe Adobe Advertising Cloud Vice President

Keith Eadie is the ideal speaker because he

knows the product inside and out. After scanning

a QR code and entering their contact information,

viewers can ask questions about the adtech.

Advertising is all about communicating through stories and leaving people with

something more than a bland message. Our kick-ads information about Adobe

adtech can’t be contained in a simple brochure that people will throw away after

each conference. We propose delivering information through an engaging story.

A zine.

“How to Kick Ads with Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising” will leave

readers with a memorable experience and actionable information to share

with coworkers. The back cover will have a QR code that links directly to the

Advertising Solution page.

zine /zi:n/ZEEN/


a small-scale magazine focused on storytelling

through hand-drawn illustrations.

“Did you read Adobe’s new zine? What a kick-ads story!”





We will create interactive experiences at conferences with

pop-up events. These events create memorable associations

between the target audience, Adobe representatives and

Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising. The pop-up events

will have three stations: Explore. Energize. Engage.





This enclosed room will be dimly lit and

have branded yoga materials, diffusers

and water bottles. The point of this room

is simple: advertising professionals should

take time to explore their well-being.

Picture guided meditation led by Adobe

Sensei playing over the speakers, subtly

reminding participants that Adobe has

Sensei to guide them in their careers as well.


This area showcases how the adtech can

energize its users. It emphasizes how

empowering it is to work hard for tangible

results by encouraging visitors to ride Sensei’s

Smoothie Cycles. Each bike is equipped with a

blender, powered by the energy created from

peddling that will blend fresh smoothies on

the spot – giving the user a healthy, energizing

smoothie in a reusable Adobe-branded cup.


This area will engage participants with an

interactive experience customized to boost

their mood, motivation and activity during

the conference. Participants will interact with

a screen that tracks their movement, allowing

them to dance and play games with Adobe

Sensei. The experience will help participants

visualize how Adobe Experience Cloud for

Advertising can empower their careers.




Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising

does not have a clear presence on

Instagram, but several of the primary

research respondents said they use this

platform to gather industry information.

We see @AdobeExpCloudforAdvertising

as the perfect blend of work and fun

with the goal to create content that

users want to share or engage with.

Inspirational quotes, testimonies

from current Adobe adtech

users, informational IGTV videos

and interviews from advertising

professionals will all have a home on

this Instagram page.


Our primary research indicates that

Twitter ties for the second most popular

social media platform advertising

professionals use to gain industry

information. This campaign utilizes

the existing @AdobeExpCloud Twitter

account, leveraging its 158,000 followers.

This account will promote our Kick Ads

campaign, share success stories and

direct more visitors to the Advertising

Solution page.

Hashtags: #KickAdswithAdobe



Advertising professionals don’t have

the time to sit through traditional,

long-form courses to learn.

They want quick and actionable

information that will strengthen their

work experience. This campaign will

establish an Adobe Experience Cloud

for Advertising course on LinkedIn

Learning to empower current users

of the platform and invite new ones

by lowering the barrier to entry.


Our research shows direct email

advertising has the highest ROI of B2B

marketing strategies. Using Adobe

Marketo, we will follow up with contacts

obtained at conferences and continue to

send emails throughout the duration of

the campaign.

This strategy allows us to relay additional

information regarding this product to our

contacts, send them to the Advertising

Solution page and further their journey

to kicking ads.




We will send letters to the editor to

major industry trade publications such

as AdWeek, AdAge, AdExchanger,

The Drum and Digiday. Our research

shows that advertising professionals

look to trade publications for nearly

everything from industry developments

to new advertising trends. These letters

will emphasize our kick-advocates’

success stories about Adobe Experience

Cloud for Advertising.


We want everyone in the advertising

industry to see how Adobe Experience

Cloud for Advertising is kicking ads at

conferences and online. Our campaign

encourages professionals who visit our

booths and/or interact with our social

media to share their excitement and

view others’ experiences. Our group of

hashtags will give a central place online

for all of our earned social media.


We want to make sure everyone knows

about Adobe’s kick-ads conference

experiences. That’s why we’ll send press

releases and targeted pitches to major

news publications, both nationally and

in the cities hosting conferences, to

raise awareness of Adobe’s presence

at these conferences. We anticipate

story placement in the business and

technology sections of publications like

The New York Times, The Wall Street

Journal and The Washington Post.


Adobe Advertising Cloud Vice President Keith Eadie will speak as a guest on the podcasts that are most

popular among Valerie, Daniel and Felix. Additionally, we will sponsor episodes on six other podcasts that

are relevant to our personas’ interests. Each podcast host will receive a script to read. These podcasts include

“IT Visionaries” and “Yeah, That’s Probably an Ad” for Valeries, “Agency Advantage” and “The Creative Agency

Podcast” for Daniels, and “The Big Web Show” and “AdExchanger Talks” for Felixes.




Ads are only effective if they’re well received.

To ensure this, we put our initial ads in front of communications

professionals for their feedback. They felt that our first ads were

unclear and confusing.

“These ads do not communicate what the service is. Your ads

should make the connection, not just attraction."

We kicked our ads into gear, completely reworked every ad with

new visuals and new copy, and received feedback from another

group of communications professionals.


We utilized eye-tracking technology to monitor how relevant

professionals, ages 22 to 62, responded to the visual elements of our

new ads. This technology measured participants’ visual attention and

tracked where their eyes focused, which is visually represented by large

red dots in heavily concentrated areas.

Most of our ads, including the LinkedIn carousel ad, held the audience's

attention right where we wanted it. However, our audience completely

missed an important message on one of the ads, so we reworked it to

better communicate that Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising is an

omnichannel solution.


After the eye-tracking sessions, participants were asked about their

reactions and understanding of the ads. As it turns out, this round

was pretty kick ads.

“The orange and the ‘kick ads’ [stuck out].”

“It seems like you are selling some kind of platform solution that

aggregates data.”

“[The ad] makes complete sense to me. I think someone that has

any kind of inkling as to what Adobe is [would get it].”


#SenseiSays our owned media has the potential to bring in more than 10 million impressions.



Creative Justification: Traditionally, business-to-business promotions use more composed language than the verbiage used throughout the Kick Ads campaign. However, our primary

research indicates that professionals don’t engage with boring ads. Our campaign implements bold, innovative language that stands out. Ultimately, business to business is still people

to people, and our campaign capitalizes on this notion.

Paid media strategies are designed to drive

traffic to the Advertising Solution page and

raise unaided awareness of Adobe Experience

Cloud for Advertising. These diverse channels

ensure we will reach advertisers at multiple

touchpoints along their buyer journey.

• Our research with advertising

professionals indicates trade

publications are the primary method

for our audience to gather industryrelated


• Advertisers are projected to spend

at least $500 million on podcasts ads

in 2020. A wide range of podcasts

covering advertising provide an

opportunity for Adobe to make a kickads

move into this medium.

• More than 50% of companies

attribute search-related advertising to

their highest ROI. Google Ads provide

this opportunity for our campaign.

• LinkedIn’s account targeting feature

allows businesses to engage their

desired audiences from an array of data

points, which means we can maximize

impressions with a narrowly-tailored

audience. 4

• Twitter allows advertisers to create

sponsored ads dedicated to driving

website clicks, directly addressing one

of our campaign objectives. 5

• Facebook has the most users of

any social media platform, offering

a massive amount of potential

advertising touchpoints. 6

Owned media strategies allow Adobe to

create and control content without paying

for it. When owned media performs well, it

creates opportunities for the company’s other

messaging channels, which can be more costeffective

than some paid media.

• Adobe's competitors, Salesforce and

Oracle, have content with anywhere

from 30,000 to over 76,000 viewers on

LinkedIn Learning. 7, 8

• Twitter has over 330 million active users

(with 31 million monetizable users in the

United States) and is used by 87% of B2B

marketers for content marketing. 5

• According to webfx.com, email

marketing is an extremely cost-effective

B2B strategy with an incredibly high ROI. 9

• Digital Marketing Community shows

that email is the highest B2B channel

when it comes to measuring ROI.

• Adobe already has a successful

Instagram following with these pages:

Adobe (1 million), Adobe Creative Cloud

(571,000) and Adobe Students (283,000).

• Zine marketing is not currently an

established industry standard for print

marketing, giving Adobe the opportunity

to be at the forefront of this strategy.

Earned media strategies are the most efficient

way to obtain share of voice in the advertising

industry. They facilitate organic conversations

surrounding Adobe’s adtech solution.

• Press releases and letters to the

editor are industry standards for

increasing awareness and conversation

around Adobe’s adtech.

• Having kick-advocates speak on

industry podcasts gives our audiences a

chance to hear Adobe adtech’s strengths


and technological advancements.

• 94% of B2B influencers use LinkedIn

to communicate industry information.

Our kick-advocates will reach

professionals in upper management

(aka the Valeries of advertising).

Conference Justification: More than one-third

of the professionals we interviewed pointed

to conferences as a main source of industry

information. Live events are the biggest B2B

demand-generation tactic and have the highest ROI


for B2B marketing campaigns. Each conference we

attend meets one of the target segments outlined

in the case study. At industry-specific conferences,

we will interact with professionals who are likely

to adopt our technology. With major sponsorships

at each conference, we will have different levels of

promotional material to raise unaided awareness

for Adobe adtech. Keynote speakers position

Adobe as an adtech leader for every industry. These

conferences and promotional materials drive visits

to the Advertising Solution page and obtain contact

information from Valeries, Daniels and Felixes.



An awareness campaign needs a kick-ads strategy behind it.

We will intensify our social media and digital advertising messaging to maximize impressions. The podcast ads and trade

publication sponsored blogs run pulse messaging to increase impressions during the lull between conferences. Digital

advertisements will run for the duration of the campaign. Continuous digital messaging ensures the target audience is constantly

reminded of Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising.



To ensure this campaign kicks ads, key performance indicators (KPIs) will be tracked against each campaign objective.




Raise unaided awareness of Adobe’s

adtech leadership position with Adobe

Experience Cloud for Advertising with our

target audience by 2%.

At the beginning and the end of this

campaign, focus groups will be conducted

and national surveys will be sent to

industry professionals to measure their

familiarity with Adobe Experience Cloud

for Advertising.

Increase unaided awareness from

5% to 8%.

Be in the top three for share of voice for

earned media.

We will continuously monitor the SOV for

earned media throughout the campaign

using Adobe Campaign Manager.

Be among the top three for SOV for

earned media.

Drive 50,000 visits to the Advertising

Solution page.

Throughout the duration of the campaign,

we will monitor how many users in the

U.S. visit the Advertising Solution page.

Generate more than 64,000 projected

visits to the Advertising Solution page.

Capture 10,000 new decision-maker

and practitioner contacts from

enterprise accounts with ad spend over

$1 million per year.

Decision-maker and practitioner contacts

will be compiled into a database during

the campaign and totaled at the end.

Generate more than 35,000 total new

contacts, with over 13,000 projected

decision maker and practitioner contacts.



Over the last eight months, hundreds of research hours,

dozens of conversations with advertising professionals and

several all-nighters went into this campaign. We might be

biased, but we think it’s pretty kick-ads. All of our hard

work made us strong, efficient and connected as a team,

just like Adobe Experience Cloud for Advertising.

Thank you to Adobe, the American Advertising Federation

and the National Student Advertising Competition for

giving us the memorable experience of working on a B2B

campaign. This experience gave us new insights into the

advertising profession and positioned us to be successful

in the real world. Maybe we’ll even use Adobe adtech in

our future careers.

#SenseiSays that’d be pretty bad-ads.

OK, no more ad puns.

Thanks for everything, truly.

- Team 697


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