Kidney Matters - Issue 9 Summer 2020

Kidney Matters is our free quarterly magazine for everyone affected by kidney disease. This issue includes some advice on keeping busy during lockdown, tips on managing your diet and weight, insight into the life of a carer, and an interview with the fabulous 'Marilyn' (front cover). As well as this the we have some delicious kidney-friendly cherry filo pastry tarts in the Kidney Kitchen and our Kidney Clinic discusses the advantages and disadvantages of prednisolone. Kidney Matters is our free quarterly magazine for everyone affected by kidney disease.

This issue includes some advice on keeping busy during lockdown, tips on managing your diet and weight, insight into the life of a carer, and an interview with the fabulous 'Marilyn' (front cover). As well as this the we have some delicious kidney-friendly cherry filo pastry tarts in the Kidney Kitchen and our Kidney Clinic discusses the advantages and disadvantages of prednisolone.


10C O N T I N U E DDiary of a KidneyWarrior: do or dieMy renal consultant told me I was six months awayfrom dialysis. My immediate response to this was, “Ohno, I’m not.” I was defiant and I wasn’t going acceptthis as my fate. He then told me that my BMI was toohigh for me to be placed on the transplant list and I satthere and thought, “God forbid I ever do need one; I’mtoo overweight to even be given the chance.”I left my appointment and experienced all sorts ofemotions: anger, fear, dread and then despair. I wentto see my health coach and she said something thattransformed my thinking, “You have to choose to live.”I sat there and repeated the words, “I choose to live,”over and over again until my spirit was recharged andthe defiance came back. I was determined that theweight that stood in the way of my options had to go, andI would fight to get myself as healthy as I could be. Thereality for me was that I couldn’t afford to do nothing. Ihad to do everything in my power to combat dialysis andfight for my own life. It was literally ‘do or die’.I started slowly by exercising once a week and startedsharing my weight loss journey online and encouragingothers to train too. I started to eat healthier foods andbegan to think that everything I ate could either takeme towards, or away from my goals. It was worth all ofthe sacrifice. I slowly built up to training four times aweek and over the Christmas period I completed myfirst 10-day challenge, where I exercised 10 times in 10days. I have lost nearly 13kg (2st) so far... and I’m not ondialysis!Why not join me on my journey?Read my Blog at: follow me at:Instagram: @diaryofakidneywarriorFacebook: @diaryofakidneyw“I was determined that theweight that stood in the wayof my options had to go, andI would fight to get myself ashealthy as I could be“Article by Dee

LEARN MORE11Survivors: Life Unfiltered - ChronicKidney Disease exhibitionSurvivors: Life Unfiltered is a creative project betweenRichard Booth, award-winning photographer andCreative Director, and Maddy Warren aka ‘Queen ofDialysis’, long-term dialysis patient and advocate.They both share a passion to raise awareness of howlearning to live with chronic kidney disease (CKD) andexperiencing life-saving dialysis or a transplant, canchange a person’s world forever. The stories of survivalare powerful, devastating and life affirming; yet theyremain relatively hidden from the public eye whereawareness and understanding are still low.Fez AwanTara BashfordOver 35 individual people and families, aged fromtwo to 78, have been filmed, photographed andinterviewed for the exhibition. Images and filmsgraphically illustrate the diversity of those affectedby kidney disease, and shines a light on many of thechallenges we all encounter, by contrasting the face,the ‘us’ we portray to the outside, with some of therealities of this often invisible condition. The exhibitionhopes to travel around the UK in the future and willbe showcasing at a venue near you. Take a look at thewebsite for details of dates and venues.“The stories of survival arepowerful, devastating and lifeaffirming; yet they remainrelatively hidden from the publiceye where awareness and understandingare still low“For further information on thisexhibition, go to:The Andrews FamilyRichard and Maddy are grateful to their sponsors: QuantaDialysis Technologies, Kidney Research UK and Kidney Care UK.All images and text copyright © Richard Booth @survivorslifeunfilteredFacebook page:Survivors Life Unfiltered - kidneydisease exhibitionIssue 9 | Summer 2020



Survivors: Life Unfiltered - Chronic

Kidney Disease exhibition

Survivors: Life Unfiltered is a creative project between

Richard Booth, award-winning photographer and

Creative Director, and Maddy Warren aka ‘Queen of

Dialysis’, long-term dialysis patient and advocate.

They both share a passion to raise awareness of how

learning to live with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and

experiencing life-saving dialysis or a transplant, can

change a person’s world forever. The stories of survival

are powerful, devastating and life affirming; yet they

remain relatively hidden from the public eye where

awareness and understanding are still low.

Fez Awan

Tara Bashford

Over 35 individual people and families, aged from

two to 78, have been filmed, photographed and

interviewed for the exhibition. Images and films

graphically illustrate the diversity of those affected

by kidney disease, and shines a light on many of the

challenges we all encounter, by contrasting the face,

the ‘us’ we portray to the outside, with some of the

realities of this often invisible condition. The exhibition

hopes to travel around the UK in the future and will

be showcasing at a venue near you. Take a look at the

website for details of dates and venues.

“The stories of survival are

powerful, devastating and life

affirming; yet they remain

relatively hidden from the public

eye where awareness and understanding

are still low“

For further information on this

exhibition, go to:

The Andrews Family

Richard and Maddy are grateful to their sponsors: Quanta

Dialysis Technologies, Kidney Research UK and Kidney Care UK.

All images and text copyright © Richard Booth 2020

Instagram: @survivorslifeunfiltered

Facebook page:

Survivors Life Unfiltered - kidney

disease exhibition

Issue 9 | Summer 2020

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