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Figure 3: Educational Level89%Note:‣ Primary includes Preschool‣ Tertiary includes Post-SecondaryELIGIBLE CHILDREN BY EDUCATION LEVELTable 3a shows that 3,822 children are eligible to attendschool. Majority of the population are from Vanua Lavawith a total of 1,211 children and least from Ureparaparawith 175.Table 3a: Total population eligible to attend School by Area CouncilArea CouncilTotalPre-school(4-5yrs)Primary(6-13yrs)10%Education LevelJuniorSecondary(14-15yrs)SeniorSecondary(16-19yrs)TORBA 3,822 577 2,168 401 676Vanua Lava 1,211 154 644 170 243Gaua 1,008 151 570 101 186Motalava 580 85 304 66 125Torres 372 81 224 25 42Mota 240 41 158 12 29Merelava 236 38 159 13 26Ureparapara 175 27 109 14 25NOT ATTENDING SCHOOL BY AGE & LEVELOut of the total 3,822 eligible children stated in Table 3aabove, about one quarter of every children (1,068children) are not in school (Table 3b). This is equivalentto one in every four children are at risk of missing out ofschools.There are 378 children from Gaua and 326 children fromVanua Lava that were not in school. Majority of thechildren that were not in school were from the age 16 to19 years old, specifically in the Senior Secondary level.1%PrimarySecondaryTertiaryTable 3b: Not Attending School Age by Area CouncilArea CouncilTotalPre-school(4-5yrs)Education LevelPrimary(6-13yrs)JuniorSecondary(14-15yrs)SeniorSecondary(16-19yrs)TORBA 1,068 218 251 124 475Gaua 378 71 103 48 156Vanua Lava 326 74 70 39 143Motalava 129 27 24 15 63Torres 93 21 29 7 36Mota 62 13 10 10 29Merelava 46 9 11 2 24Ureparapara 34 3 4 3 24Figure 4 shows that 38% of the age group of 4 to 5 yearsthat should have attended Preschool level are not inschool. The number decreased to 11% of age 6 to 13years that should have been in Primary but were not inschool.Then the percentage increased to 28% of the age groupthat should have been in Junior Secondary and furtherincreased to 61% of children that should have been inSenior Secondary (Class 11 to 14) but were not in school.Figure 4: Not Attending School Age62%38%Preschool (4-5yrs)Out of SchoolKEY FACTS88%12%Primary (6-13yrs)Currently Attending School69%31%Junior Secondary(14-15 yrs)30%70%Senior Secondary(16-19 yrs)‣ Most of the eligible students attendingschool are in the primary educational level.‣ Sex ratio of males attending school ishigher than females.‣ About 1 in every 4 children are not inschools. There are more children notattending school in Gaua and Vanua LavaArea Council.2016 Population and Housing Mini CensusFacts & FiguresTORBA PROVINCE

Labour Force'Labour force' are the working-age population who duringthe survey reference week are classified as 'employed'and 'unemployed'. Figure 1 shows that 4 percent of theLabor force is in Torba.Figure 1: Labour force distribution by province4%12%Table 1 shows the population by main economic activity inthe last seven days of the census period.Table 1: Population by economic activityEconomic activityVanuatu % Torba %Total 146,283 5,359Producing goods 51,413 35.1 2,527 47.2Unpaid family worker 43,828 30.0 1,369 25.512%37%ShefaSanmaMalampaEmployed 43,571 29.8 1,198 22.4Economically inactive 5,003 3.4 154 2.9Volunteer work 2,468 1.7 111 2.115%TafeaPenamaTorbaFigure 2 shows that producing goods was the highestactivity recorded with over 45% in Torba followed byunpaid family work with 26%.20%Figure 2: Main activity (%)MAIN ACTIVITY IN THE LAST 7 DAYSThe Mini Census asked about the main activity during thelast seven days. Main activity was asked to populationaged 15 years and over under the following;Producing goodsUnpaid family worker2647Employed221. Employed ; Employer, Self employed, employeepublic/private sector.Economically inactive32. Producing goods ; included producing goods forown consumption and sale.Volunteer work23. Unpaid family Work ; includes family business andhousehold duties.4. Volunteer work ; includes community and churchservices.5. Economically inactive ; are the population notinvolved in any work during the survey period butare in the working age group. This does notinclude Retired, Disabled and full time studentsTable 2 shows main activity by area council. Employed ishigh in Vanua Lava with 733 households followed by Gauawith 176. Producing goods is high in Gaua (751) followedby Vanua Lava (467). Unpaid family worker is high inMotalava and Gaua.Table 2: Main activity by Area councilArea CouncilTotalProducing Unpaidgoods family worker EmployedEconomicallyinactiveVolunteerworkTORBA 5,359 2,527 1,369 1,198 154 111Vanua Lava 1,642 467 384 733 37 21Gaua 1,383 751 417 176 26 13Motalava 882 283 425 93 36 45Torres 499 288 62 134 11 4Mota 377 278 37 20 31 11Merelava 320 278 9 10 8 15Ureparapara 256 182 35 32 5 22016 Population and Housing Mini CensusFacts & FiguresTORBA PROVINCE

Labour Force

'Labour force' are the working-age population who during

the survey reference week are classified as 'employed'

and 'unemployed'. Figure 1 shows that 4 percent of the

Labor force is in Torba.

Figure 1: Labour force distribution by province



Table 1 shows the population by main economic activity in

the last seven days of the census period.

Table 1: Population by economic activity

Economic activity

Vanuatu % Torba %

Total 146,283 5,359

Producing goods 51,413 35.1 2,527 47.2

Unpaid family worker 43,828 30.0 1,369 25.5






Employed 43,571 29.8 1,198 22.4

Economically inactive 5,003 3.4 154 2.9

Volunteer work 2,468 1.7 111 2.1





Figure 2 shows that producing goods was the highest

activity recorded with over 45% in Torba followed by

unpaid family work with 26%.


Figure 2: Main activity (%)


The Mini Census asked about the main activity during the

last seven days. Main activity was asked to population

aged 15 years and over under the following;

Producing goods

Unpaid family worker





1. Employed ; Employer, Self employed, employee

public/private sector.

Economically inactive


2. Producing goods ; included producing goods for

own consumption and sale.

Volunteer work


3. Unpaid family Work ; includes family business and

household duties.

4. Volunteer work ; includes community and church


5. Economically inactive ; are the population not

involved in any work during the survey period but

are in the working age group. This does not

include Retired, Disabled and full time students

Table 2 shows main activity by area council. Employed is

high in Vanua Lava with 733 households followed by Gaua

with 176. Producing goods is high in Gaua (751) followed

by Vanua Lava (467). Unpaid family worker is high in

Motalava and Gaua.

Table 2: Main activity by Area council

Area Council


Producing Unpaid

goods family worker Employed





TORBA 5,359 2,527 1,369 1,198 154 111

Vanua Lava 1,642 467 384 733 37 21

Gaua 1,383 751 417 176 26 13

Motalava 882 283 425 93 36 45

Torres 499 288 62 134 11 4

Mota 377 278 37 20 31 11

Merelava 320 278 9 10 8 15

Ureparapara 256 182 35 32 5 2

2016 Population and Housing Mini Census

Facts & Figures


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