Medical, Political and Economic action in the face of the Pandemic

Medical, Political and Economic action in the face of the Pandemic. Group RDM

Medical, Political and Economic action in the face of the Pandemic. Group RDM


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n 19 March, Italy overtook China as the country

with the most coronavirus-related deaths

in the world after reporting 3,405 fatalities from the


As of 12 April, there were 152,271 confirmed cases,

19,468 deaths, and 32,534 recoveries in Italy, with

the majority of those cases occurring in the Lombardy


A report indicated that the combination of Italy's

large elderly population and inability to test all who

have the virus to date may be contributing to the

high fatality rate.

On 19 April it was reported that the country had its

lowest deaths at 433 in seven days, some businesses

after six weeks of lockdown are asking for a

loosening of restrictions.


Los qué Todos Leen

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