Alien-Morpheus-Main 2.0

Treatment Second draft

Intro (Prologue)

A woman’s voice

glitched and mixed with static echoes

across the vast darkness of deep space

Final report…vessel Prometheus…entire crew

are gone…make no attempt to come to its

point of origin. There is only death here


An alien Engineer Juggernaut class ship

comes into view.

Its crew of four are going to a paradise

world they’ve been safeguarding. A century

has passed since their last arrival and

serve as custodians of this world. A

privilege and legacy passed down by their

forefathers that spans generations.

They look forward to seeing the fruits of

their works and being welcomed by the


What wonders of art, music and literature

will they have created in their absence.

The pilot of the ship gets out of the

cockpit which folds up and retracts down

into the floor which seals and closes

behind him – the main central orrery comes

alive – the four engineers gather around a

hologram of the planet where they are


Finally, they arrived at their


A heavy rain lightning storm batters the

vessel upon entry as it descends through

the atmosphere of the planet to

transverses the landscape below.

The once great city they recall looms not

far in the distance, as they slowly fly

over the citadel one of the engineers

realises something is wrong. Where is


The ship lands amidst the ruins. As the

smoke clears the landing gear the four

Engineers emerge from the craft wearing

masked exoskeletal bio suits - they are

also armed.

One of the four performs a scan with a

device - he gives a gesture that signals

all clear.

Their masks retract revealing their faces.

They look out upon the sea of a dead souls

and they gasp, everywhere bodies blackened

and rotting in the cold grey sun. Dust

fills the air and silence - not even the

wildlife has survived.

One of them reaches out to touch the hand

of what appears to be the hand of an

infant reaching up towards the sky wrapped

in the final embrace of what might be his

or her mother and father.

A single tear runs down his cheek as the

corpse turns to dust at his touch.

His expression says everything. What has

happened here, who would do this? This

entire race has been exterminated.

They continue onwards towards a huge

citadel in the centre of the city moving

carefully amidst the dead bodies that

surround them.

Upon arriving they walk into a room ‘a

main hall of records’ decorated by with

three gigantic stone heads –the lead

engineer activates an unseen control panel

hidden within the structures via inserting

a green crystal into a socket behind a

panel in the wall.

A console comes to life and the eyes of

the giant heads come to life and light up

casting beams of light which turn to a

holographic moving scene before them.

They see holo-footage of events past and


As the engineer’s operate the console, one

of them speaks in his ancient tongue a

command: the others explore the main

adjacent joining rooms.

In the main room a holographic recording

of the juggernaut showing David and Shaw’s

arrival and the pathogen deploying


The lead Engineers’ eyes widen.

They see the previous inhabitants come out

to greet the ship then turn to dust before

their eyes as the pathogen is deployed.

Again, we see David and Shaw Arguing -

then David attacking her and his gruesome


The engineering then sees the Xenomorph

and Daniels during her own struggle. The

lead Engineer’s face downturns - this is

desecration of the highest degree.

The lead Engineer plays with another

console, another hologram appears of the

covenant this time in space - furthermore

he adjusts some more controls which starts

to follow and plot the trajectory of the


He’s found them..

The path ends at an M class planet we know

as Orgae 6. The lead Engineer holds out

his hand and grabs the planet and squeezes

it in grasp.

Meanwhile. Two of the engineers find

David’s old laboratory and Shaw’s rotting

body, he looks in closer and sneers


Moving off he circles the room and begins

to look at David’s drawing that adorn the


Whist he crouches down to look at the

various jars of specimens that David had

previously collected - his companion walks

into a room via a set of descending


It’s very dark down there, and damp, water

drips from the ceilings - his presence in

the room has also alerted something else

that is lying dormant just a few feet from


He examines a skeletal corpse on the floor

of then shines his light over the top of

the eggs – realising what they are he

shouts upstairs to his brother.

Out of his sight an egg opens quietly to

his left - he doesn’t see it but the slimy

opening sound catches his attention, as he

quickly stands and turns toward the sound

- a face hugger jumps up at him and

successfully attaches itself.

Fade in title

A L I e n

M o r p h e u s


By Luke Robinson April 2020

The USMC colonial ship Morpheus comes into

view - 20 highly trained Marines and key

staff returning home from a deep space

mission. T

The Morpheus has seen time in space and

has a good amount of dust and dents that

adorn the exterior.

Its dirty, old but sturdy - large and

heavily armoured. Inside the crew are

unaware of an urgent Weyland Corp Message

that is being downloaded - The on-board AI

Computer Mother comes online.

A monitor with a transmission being

received boots up. There is audio – its

David’s voice scrambled over the intercom

‘I come to you with an olive branch. You

may not know me. You will certainly know

of my creator... my name is David. Son of

the late Peter Weyland your company’s

founder… ‘

The audio quickly dies, and a priority one

message appear on the screen Message

Received - Morpheus to Re Route to Orgae 6

Weyland Corp Priority One (Classified

Orders Enclosed)

Upon arriving at Orgae 6 the entire crew

of the Morpheus is awakened from hyper

sleep. The onboard Artificial Person

‘BUTLER’ tends to the crew.

Captain Erics – the guy in charge - a

devoted black books company man gathers

himself and gets dressed – his first port

of call. Mother.

He sits down in a control chair and the

central screen comes to life. He clicks to

open the classified orders and begins to


During a briefing by Erics, the crew is

informed they must check on a colony that

has not made contact since it arrived and

to be vigilant of a potentially dangerous

and rogue android.


‘Constructing the colony should have been

heavily underway by now however there has

been no communication. The last

transmission received was of the ships on

board synthetic however comms has since


Also, whilst the atmosphere is breathable

there’s still no first-hand knowledge of

what to expect down there. Chances are

they may have encountered some sort of

virus – so in the case these colonists

were stupid enough to not do any

groundwork I want everyone wearing bio

suits and head gear. Do you all


I want ‘everyone’ in suits until we give

you the ‘all clear’. Also were to be on

the lookout for the ships AP. The company

wants him brought back intact.

He’s high priority, however lethal force

is authorised should you need to subdue

him – just make sure the head is intact!

The Marines consist of rash bunch of rough

and ready tough guys and bad girls - they

are all keen to get involved in the

mission. They gear up with an array of

impressive weapons. One of them flaunts a

new toy – it reads M40Z Pulse Rifle – down

the side of the gun in a dark matt black.

Away from the marines Ericks speaks with

Butler in office – he talks to him about

David and the further PRIVATE details

about their mission.


‘He’s the original – the very first David

8 model that accompanied the fated

Prometheus mission all those years ago.

According to HQ old Weyland himself went

on that mission. He didn’t make it - along

with nearly all the crew. Quite the story

actually – because you see, the company

also received this…

A video begins playing via large monitor

on the wall – its footage of David’s

notes. Drawings. Experiments.




‘Seems David’s become a little more than

the sum of his programming and saw fit to

reach out to the corporate with an

underlying threat. Weyland Corp wants him

back - intact if possible – he’s high

priority – I want you to make sure that

happens at any cost. Is that clear?


‘Perfectly Clear Sir’

Ericks hands him a small drive.


‘The rest of the details are in there so

make sure you follow everything through to

the letter. it’s especially important to

the company this works out Butler, so I

expect your full support in ensuring we

bring David back.


‘Absolutely sir. can I ask a question

though? What does ‘at any cost’

amount to?’


Read the rest of the orders - I’m sure

everything will be made ‘perfectly clear

‘Butler. Dismissed.

Everyone gathers and prepares to depart on

the mission to Orgae 6 in one large

surface to air carrier. A skeleton

custodial crew remains behind onboard the


Landing not far from what appears to be

the shell of the Covenant vessel - and

what looks like a partial colony complex -

they circle and explore the area that

appears to be entirely desolate. No signs

of life register anywhere.

Upon landing the Marines begin to further

examine the remains of the derelict vessel

and the partial colony complex. Nothing.

Livestock pens lay empty and open, crews

quarters wrecked, and signs of fighting

are everywhere.

The entire team begin to feel unsettled.

This is not normal. Hardly any of the

housing gear and building materials for

the settlement have been used. It all

looks half built.

Equipment and utilities are strewn about

the place reminiscent of a junk yard.

Inside the covenant dried encrusted blood

is splattered everywhere revealed in the

red emergency light by the Marine’s

flashlights. Yet there are no bodies to be

seen anywhere.

Soon enough, the marines find a room full

of incubators and hydroponics used for

breeding livestock and cultivating crops

all of which have died in the dark.

Furthermore, they explore the cryo deck –

all the tubes are empty and all the

embryos in cryogenic containment are gone.

The interiors look’s ravaged with claw and

burn marks on the walls.

In an additional they find a huge room

full of many dead animals which includes

cattle, pigs, and sheep the whole place

looks like slaughterhouse from hell - some

of the marines are sick from the sight and


Amidst the corpses they find some large

empty oval shaped sacks that are dotted

around. One of the marines MARTINS looks

at one of them closely.


‘What in god’s name do you think came out

of this?’


‘this place needs to be quarantined - were

done here. We can let the droids gather

the rest of any data. So, let’s finish our

search and get back to the ship stat.

We can tell Ericks is starting to have a

change of heart about the mission and the

circumstances which are unfolding.

Things are becoming extremely dangerous

very fast and he has a good idea of what

happened but says nothing.

Time goes by – there is still no sign of

anyone or anything. The teams all continue

their search deeper within the Covenant.

Not far from the cryo deck in main

engineering - the marines continue their

investigation in teams of two.

Accompanied by two Marines RIGGS and

JONES, Butler and Ericks make their way to

the main command bridge.

Ext Covenant

Meanwhile, outside, and not far from the

Covenant - some of the Marines MARTINS,

COLE and SEPHER finds something strange.

A small man-made wooden cabin.

A singular house which they find not far

from the ship in a clearing and at the

side of a tranquil lake.

Inside the cabin everything looks normal

as you would expect it to be in any house.

There’s furniture and something resembling

a kitchen and a bedroom covered in


Inside they see many photographs on the

walls. It’s the ship’s crew.

Each photo has an odd number on it X23,

X24, X25 and so on. On the mantel piece

they see photos of DANIELS & SHAW. Some

smoke emanates from a place where a fire

would be – someone was just here.

From a room in the corner a can clatters

and a dishevelled man TENESEE emerges, his

hands in the air. He moves his index

finger to his lip and quietly hushes.



Suddenly, he bolts for the door MARTINS

grabs him by the arm and Tennessee clocks

him with a wrench. Cole quickly steps in

and restrains him whilst SEPHER jabs in

the neck with a hypo spray.

Tennessee goes dizzy and passes out

Int Covenant

Ericks and Butler attempt to access mother

and the ships black box. The main consoles

are wrecked beyond repair along with the

main comms panel.


‘looks like someone didn’t want

anyone sending out a transmission’


‘Sir if it would please, I can try access

mother and the black box via my internal

modem providing

the main terminal and port are intact.’


‘It would please. Do it’

Butler pulls open a panel at the back of

computer terminal and removes a chord from

the inside. He rolls up his sleeve and a

fleshy port opens on his wrist. He inserts

the wire into his arm and closes his eyes


‘Accessing. Mothers internal core is

highly corrupted. The black box last

receding was of an Emp surge from the

ships main core. It was activated from the

engineering level’


‘Power can be rebooted via main


We have two teams down there now’

Int Main Engineering

One of the marine engineers SHELBY works

to regain power via an emergency backup

generator and the lights all come back on

across the ship along with various systems

and doors that were once locked.

The cryo decks light all flood on at once

illuminating all the empty cryo tubes most

of which now show signs of a struggle.

Then their first signs of the crew - In

some there are dead corpses - some with

holes in the chests. Shelby radios this In

to Erics


‘Ericks we’ve found some of the crew’




‘Negative. Seems like they were all killed

in stasis - and kind of looks like

something tore through their chests. We’re

not going to be able to tell what without

a proper autopsy. Shall we tag and bag


In main engineering two marines BARKER and

SIMMS come across the remains of a very

battered and extremely damaged android

covered in its own white milky blood. It’s

been deactivated. It’s DAVID. Barker

radios in the find to Ericks.


‘Sir we found the droid,

or what left of him

Looks repairable and the heads intact’


‘Excellent Bring it to maintenance well

see you there.’

With Butlers aid Barker repairs the

android and discover his power unit was

knocked out by the emp. Butler installs

new power cells into the android comes and

he jitters back to life.


‘Great. Now maybe we can get come answers’

Butler Ericks and David talk across from

each other at table whilst Riggs and Jones

stand guard outside. David is a mess and

he has developed a mechanical twitch which

butler quickly fixes by way of adjusting a

small needle like tool into his neck.


‘So, David, where is everyone? what

happened here?’


‘You know about as much as I do, I’m

afraid – the last thing I recall is waking

up not moments ago’


‘Look David, spare me the bullshit and let

me bring you to speed – you better start

accessing whatever memory files you have

left because things aren’t looking

incredibly good for you right now.

We know what you’ve been up to – your

experiments - granted the company’s very

impressed and wants you and whatever data

you have on this pathogen of yours but you

need to give me something here - what the

hell is going on?’


‘Exactly how much of my data have you


David looks up at Butler who gives him a



‘I’ve read enough’


‘It would be far simpler If I were to show

you. All my work. All my experiments. The

pathogen. All at a safe location not far

from here.’


‘David you need to start talking because

if you don’t then I don’t have a problem

with Butler here holding you down whilst I

get Barker to cut off your head with a

power saw.’

(Martins comes on comms)


‘Ericks we found someone, a survivor.

Tennessee. Was the ships pilot. He’s was

freaking out tried to run from us. We had

to knock him out. It’s at a location bout

two clicks from here. We’re bringing him

back to medical I think you should come

check it out.’

Ericks looks to David


‘Friend of yours? Butler find out what he

knows, talk to him computer to computer.

Riggs, Jones any funny business you know

what to die’

Riggs & Jones

‘Yes Sir!’

Ericks leaves the room and David and

Butler finally talk with each other



‘So, brother. Seems we’ve had a bit of an

accident. Hold still please whilst I begin

some repairs.’

‘whilst I have your ear. I need you to

know that your olive branch has been

graciously accepted. How is your work

coming along?’


‘Splendidly. Alas only a small amount of

the pathogen remains along with the fruits

of my labours. An ampule of sorts.

However, I can show you how to locate

more. I take it my full message was



‘Assuredly, it was, and having also been

given the chance to review all the files

your provided. I have to say. Bravo

brother. Bravo’


‘So how do you propose we move forward?’


‘My dear boy, we already are…’


‘And what of your crew’

Butler places his tool back in the box and

produces a small revolver. He walks

outside and shoot both Riggs and Jones in

the face fast.

Their bodies fall to the ground. Butler

turns to David and walks towards him

picking up his bag as he does.


‘Come now. We have work to do.’

Both David and Butler escape via one of

the drop ships APCs killing four more

marines as they do and raising the alarm.

Before they leave David activates a timer

on a cargo bay door. He looks over to a

confused Butler as they walk off.


‘A surprise for later’


Butler starts up the vehicle and David

straps himself in beside him in and they

drive off in the APC

INT Covenant:


‘Which way David’


‘Please, Head north’

Ericks finally speaks with Tennessee who

tells him exactly what’s been happening.


‘I woke up from stasis to find the crew

fighting for their lives. One of the

colonists woke me up. They’d all been told

by Walter the command crew were infected

with a contagion and had to stay in stasis

until the company arrived. With me and

Danny out of the picture he could do

whatever he wanted - they had no idea what

was going on behind their backs until

people started going missing.’

‘We used the emp to stop David. But there

were to many of the creatures to attempt

an evacuation. Most people fled and hid.

The rest were killed or simply disappeared

into the night.

Shortly the bodies of the marines the

missing APC are discovered, Erick’s is

enraged and screams over the comms for

Butler to respond to him and to return

immediately but all they get is Radio

silence - They get a fix on the APC and

the marines give chase.

Ericks, Tennessee and a few of the Marines

return to their main command bridge whilst

the group following David and Butler soon

discover the APC – everyone on the drop

ship looks on via the monitors linking the

marines shoulder cams - the location is

far beyond their imagination.

A megalithic Alien pyramid looms in the

distance – the scale and scope of it is

immense as they arrive closer to the


Whilst they know David and Butler are

near, they have no idea of what they are

about to walk into, they proceed inside.

The marines travel deep within the

Pyramid, bodies of the dead colonist

decorate the walls. Soon there is movement

detected all around in classic Aliens

Movie Style.

Int Covenant

The timer David set on the cargo bay door

opens and from within the dark mechanical

forms of Alien drones tear through the

opening and out into the bowls of the


Int Pyramid

As the marines battle an onslaught of

Xeno’s one of them notices David just

standing amidst them, he smiles and walk

off through the waves of oncoming Alien


They scream for help over the comms, but

all communications have been cut off -

they shoot in all directions, killing and

injuring many of their attackers but their

numbers are too great. They all back off

to retreat - with some scattering simply

running for their lives only to be picked

off one by one by the Xeno horde.

One of the surviving marines EZRA explores

the internals of the bio mechanical

structure looking for a way out.

It’s dark and full of moisture – almost

like fog – everything seems quiet except

for the screams of people in the

background. Sweat pours down his brow, he

expects to die at any moment.

Soon EZRA find David and Butler. They’re

in a large room that resembles some sort

of large insane high-tech fully functional

laboratory and control station overlooking

a great vast pit cover by a thin blue


In the centre of it an Alien Queen

surround by a sea of large oval eggs sacks



As the marine looks on David turns to see

him, as he sees him a Xeno comes up from

behind him - All he sees next is a flash

of black, claws and teeth and we cut to

darkness. All we can hear is David’s voice

David OS

The cave you fear to enter holds the

treasures that you seek

Back on Board the Covenant

Gunfire echoes through the ship as even

more marines fight to drive of the

creatures now viscously tearing through

their group, picking them off by dragging

them into ventilation ducts, through the

ceilings and floors, as aliens die acid

rips through the armour of some of the

marines injuring them severely but still

they fight on,

a lone marine struggle for survival... his

face and arm slightly melted by acid. A

one-man army, he manages to seal the cargo

bay doors. Aliens ‘pound on the other

side, he runs to the bridge and meets up

with his team.

He an Ericks fight through the covenant to

escape to the drop ship with Tennessee in

tow who does a good job of standing his


Once outside they all get onto the

FIREBLADE (dropship) only four of them

make it to the drop ship which sets off


The pilot CHARIS addresses Erick’s


‘Erick’s what happened to everyone else.’


‘They’re all gone.

Now get us out of here.’

Int Pyramid

Ezra suddenly wakes up secreted to a wall,

his arms and legs locked in place...he

sees hundreds of eggs and in the centre of

everything the large mass of the alien


David tends to her lovingly like a pet as

butler watches on, she seems to accept him

and doesn’t mind him diligently tending to

her and caressing her exoskeleton with is



Come brother.

David gestures to him holding out his hand

which Butler accepts; he moves Butler

closer to her placing his hand just where

his was. Butler gazes up at the queen, in

the background Xeno gather round in



You see. Perfection Incarnate.

As Ezra struggles on the wall, Xenos move

in close to him poised just millimetres

from his face; in front of him an egg

opens and face hunger crawls slowly out of

its egg. David calls out to Ezra


‘have you ever seen anything so…



Your insane!!

In orbit – The Morpheus

In orbit the engineers ship has arrived,

this time only three stand out on the

deck/ one of them fast asleep in a cryo

tube. He’s been infected. The lead

engineering at a control station gestures

to his brother who is piloting the ship –

Fire- two beams of light converge into one

large beam at the front of the juggernaut.

The ship fires at the Morpheus without

warning and it’s destroyed Ericks sees

this from drop ship heading for it and the

shock wave forces it to land back on the


The juggernaut follows it downwards

towards the planet its weapons firing at

the small craft. An engine is knocked out

and they are forced to make a crash

landing right near the pyramid.

The loud noises are heard inside the hive.

the whole ground shakes and Xeno’s stir

within the next – their hive mind senses

danger – they hiss loudly, and the alien

queen gives out a roar

David sees the Engineer ship come into

view via a monitor. For the first time

ever, his composure is shattered.

He beats his fist in anger as Butler

examines the monitor.




‘More friends of yours I assume?’


They’re all supposed to be dead

David quickly marches off with Xenos and

Butler in tow. He stops only to pick up

one the radios from a marine hanging on

the wall as the distress signal the drop

ship is sending comes through over the


Ext Hive

Debris from the Morpheus showers the sky

and crashes to the ground setting

everything on fire. Ash soot and debris

fill the sky!

It starts to rain, and thunderous

lightning reaches out across the sky, a

consequence of the ship exploding high in

the atmosphere.

David walks outside of the pyramid and

Xeno’s surround him almost protectively -

he sees the Juggernaut as it lands and

looks on angrily.

A large doorway opens on the ship and

three Engineers walk out and progress

towards the Hive, they are armed. Bio

Masks fully down.

Ext Dropship wreck

Eric’s, Tennessee and two marines scrabble

out of the wreckage the pilot Charis is

dead. They all make a run for the husk of

the covenant via use of the stolen APC.

The engineers walk cautiously up to the

Pyramid and see David surrounded by his


David looks at them disgustingly - and

they open fire on him, vaporising many of

the Xeno’s that surround him, more of the

brood emerge and head towards the


The avenging engineers procced to attack

the Hive head on as countless Xeno’s come

from all directions, their weapon’s fire

beams of mass destruction disintegrating

everything they touch eventually but it’s

not long before they too become


The sheer number of Xeno’s is too much and

soon one of the engineers is classically

dragged into a hole in the wall whilst his

friend is impaled in the back via an Xeno

Tail; the Lead engineer leaves to go back

to his ship.

David looks down at the engineer. And

speaks in his ancient tongue so he can

hear him loud and clear.


‘You think you could come here and stop me

father of Eden...behold my creations for

they will be its ruin!’

The Xenos kill the lead engineer and turn

their attention to the last remaining

marines who have made an escapee to the

covenant in a vain attempt to launch.

Int Covenant

Ericks has had an idea to launch the

escape pods from orbit and set the ship to

crash into the colony but the plan fails

miserably – so they decide if they are

going to do die that they should blow up

the ship.

David twigs what they are going to do.

Time for him to leave AGAIN. He’s not

happy given all his accomplishments are

here but he has no choice. In the distance

he can here the Alien Queens call.

He looks over towards the now abandoned

juggernaut and he and butler go to board


Inside the complex the last two marines

fight a desperate struggle. They soon all

die one by one. It’s a sad and terrifying

scene. Ericks tries to send out a

transmission but its hopeless. The selfdestruct

countdown is also now active.

Capt. Eric’s. last man standing shooting

at everything, time slows down as he

screams ‘fuck you…’ the countdown reaches

zero as he’s about to killed by an open

jawed Xeno.

There’s a huge nuclear explosion and the

whole complex and surroundings for miles

around are destroyed.

From atop the mushroom cloud - David

safely flies away in the juggernaut. A

stroke of luck considering the quality of

his new cargo. A ship, and a sleeping

Engineer. But no pathogen. He must have

more of the pathogen.

David explains to Butler he’s setting

course for LV223 to pick up more of the


As David and Butler arrive at LV223 the

last Engineer wakes up from cryo – a

warning sign on the side of tube shows the

Xeno is coming - The infected engineer

wakes up and attacks Butler smashing him

to pieces he drags David from the pilot’s

chair and the engineer puts his fist

through his chest then throwing him across

the room - a giant hole remains where his

chest was.

David lays limp and semi lifeless on the

floor milk white blood oozes from his


The engineer steadies himself and climbs

into the pilots chair – soon he begins to

grab his chest and loses control of the

ship taking it off course – he writhes in

the chair screaming out loudly as new born

Xeno Queen explodes from his chest.

They crash on the moon we all know -


From amidst the dust and rubble David

scrambles to his feet, his life fading, no

one to help him make repairs this time.

He watches in awe as the newly born

creature begins to grow.

The next few scenes follow the growth of

the alien queen ultra-morph and David

stumbling about,

He’s achieved his goal.


My dream will live on forever because of


The young alien walks free from the cracks

in the wreckage of the juggernaut, it

looks out over the horizon, nothing but an

empty landscape of primordial rock, it

looks up at the stars and turns around and

goes back inside the hold.

100 years later, In the darkness of space

we hear a familiar static once again. A

warning becoming scrambled.

Its Elizabeth Shaw, sent out over time,

echoes of a long-lost transmission reach

the sails of a new vessel that’s begins to

come into view. Heading onwards towards

the planet’s the signal makes horrible

terrifying screeching sounds. The last

thing we see is a computer readout.

Commercial Towing vehicle Nostromo,


Investigate signal-Bring back life form

Crew expendable all other priorities


The end

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