GPS May 2020

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Financial solvency:

The assessment of Marcus Meyerotto, Sec. /Treasurer is that GPS

will break even this year. That assessment is based on the past nine

months. But with dues income of ca. $28K and expected expenses of

about 48K – we must make up the difference with ca. $5K in advertising

and the rest from donations (direct money & auctions). As a non-profit

we’re not expected to generate a profit, but we do need to look ahead. I

will not recommend a dues increase, but will recommend that the Board

helps to generate added income and/or offers suggestions for cuts. My

preference is for generating more income. Thus I’m recommending a

budget which assumes we can generate more income. Yes, that’s realistic!

We’ve been very successful doing just that for the past 9 months

– roughly $20K. Admittedly, given the impact of the current pandemic,

raising money will be more difficult. But the Board can help brainstorm

how we can accomplish that mission.

Mr. Sulu - Let’s put this ship into warp speed.

*Zoom is per Wikipedia an “American cloud-based videotelephony,

online chat, and business telephone system service”.

With so many GPSers homebound and

bored because of COVID-19, now is a good

time to investigate the dealer and auction

websites, to merge new stamp purchases

with the old in your albums, to write up

descriptions of recently purchased covers

(e.g., why did I buy this?), or to verify your

old identification of problematic, pesky



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