GPS May 2020

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President’s Message

Rudi Anders

Annual Meeting ZOOM

Captain Kirk ordered the Enterprise slowed from warp speed as the

ship entered the orbit of the third planet from its distant sun. The giant

screen in front of him flickered and revealed the face of a weary-looking

commander quarantined at the Federation’s only remaining outpost

on the planet’s surface. Ever optimistic, Kirk responded with a greeting:

“Thanks for zooming in.”

200 years earlier - At the time of writing this message, Jerry Jensen,

past President of the GPS, and I are planning to use Zoom* to hold the

2020 GPS Annual Board meeting. We hope that the meeting will take

place by mid-May. Why are we doing this? In the very unlikely event

that Covid-19 will have disappeared later this year, there is no guarantee

that we can hold a ‘regular’ meeting this year. But even if that were

the case, a meeting in May is needed in order to inform the Board of our

finances, present a budget, and plan for next year’s GPS elections. Some

of this could be done by email, but Zoom allows us to discuss issues

and forge a consensus for future action in a meeting-like environment.

Beyond that, we need to be prepared to hold other Zoom meetings –

perhaps quarterly – to more effectively communicate.

Does the GPS face an immediate crisis? NO. But we must look

beyond the next few months and be nimble enough to respond quickly

if issues arise. Let’s focus on two issues: Membership and financial



I just looked at the April mailing list and find we’re mailing ‘paper’

Specialists to 686 person/entities. Add in the digital Specialists we’re

over 700 members. (We have 19 complimentary memberships – nine

of these are to the German Federation leadership per agreement reach

in 2019). Before getting too deeply into the weeds, what matters: how

many paying members? Answer: 643 regular and 33 life members. (This

includes 39 foreign members – some are life members). Assuming we

remain at same levels we would expect to receive dues of ca. $28,000.

May 2020 149

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